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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. yeah it does and i saw that. so im confused as to where the idea combofiend did well with oni comes from
  2. i was just part of my first sweep; i was sivir, with sona bot kass mid and irelia top, lee sin jungling. we won 13/0, no deaths whatsoever, and it wasn't even because they were retarded or getting steamrolled running through dumb places, we just crushed. it was awesome
  3. i'm pretty sure combofiend could play bread pudding as a character and do very well just about wherever he goes
  4. i've just never seen a sivir past summoner lv like 10. trying to play her she has no survivability or mana until she's built either so its definitely tricky i'll say that much
  5. gouken and oni are both pretty bad
  6. so is there any real use for sivir she dies so easily and doesn't have much outside of her bouncy things
  7. i have never seen anything more absolutely ridiculous in ever. why does this choreography guy not have a job in hollywood
  8. can we play an ocr ranked game sometime soon i know we've got 5 lvl 30s
  9. my credit card number got stolen while buying this worth it
  10. i got another team to record our game because i was so awesome. gg me also this is pretty funny
  11. haven't gone negative yet with xerath including in a pretty terrible loss. i think i like
  12. well here's the thing you can get in stance, blast and then immediately get back out of stance, so it you want to harass with stun combo plus ult you can pretty safely. and then if they chase disengage and run with your speed boost you get. its absolutely necessary to build lots of ap though without it he does minimal damage. he makes 'tower diving' free though, if someone on your team has CV you can pretty much just cv someone low under a tower from the trees and gg. unless something that just pwns him comes up i could see myself taking him pretty seriously he's a great damager (not as much killer) that chips from outside teamfights to give a comparative advantage/long range stun initiate
  13. i'll agree with that but i mean lets be real here if we all know that its overblown then take it with a grain of salt. it still shows how the skills work even if it is him being like 'i'm uber-leet' kind of ridiculously
  14. mostly because a) xerath plays nothing like kog'maw and that's pretty obvious just given the spotlight which you then go on to pan the company about, spotlights are meant to be like that and i think we're all aware thats not what bothers people c) your air of superiority. thats the big one. talking down at the thread like 'oh yeah this worthless game you play is super dumb and riot keeps fucking it up' while we all play and enjoy it pretty consistently is obnoxious. fix C and pretty much no one has a problem with you, but why show up just to rub it around that you think the game is (aside from KDR anonymity) trash? i'll admit i did it with the megaman is canceled OMGWTFBBQ thread but thats because those people were legit crying like pussies over something completely out of their control, or the control of its developers
  15. so when is this patch coming i thought they always patched on tuesdays
  16. any retro game: gollaghghghg gets an achievement and his head explodes from rage when it comes up on screen
  17. if you keep playing ai games you're going to get even more fed up with humans when you do so don't keep doing that, you'll miss everything you're supposed to be picking up on. in ai games you can just do pretty much whatever but in a pvp setting there are certain tropes that people will expect you to know and if you jump into pvp at say, level 12, people will rage if you don't understand why you don't go mid as taric or something like that edit: i've made up my mind to save up for xerath im not that far away from getting the ip. can't wait to autolock battle with other people
  18. level 30 i don't get it people don't get any smarter at the top level they just know how to build better bleh
  19. well seeing as its a time based game if one team gets ahead in kills and caps and just sits on the point thats pretty much gg so having equal spawn times would make for one big stakeout past the first 100 ticks and completely defeat the purpose of it being a mobile, less farmy game. get 3 points, sit on them with 2 2 and 1 with a level advantage and win and the 125 is for both teams so how is that an advantage to anyone all that means is that endgame they're stressing i dunno actually capping points instead of just making capture points worthless and turning the game into a big deathmatch the only viable complaint i see here is the quests which i guess is true but im pretty sure the quests are always the same, cap the windmill and defend something you already have sooooooo yeah
  20. so maokai is a CHAMP when it comes to defending in dominion i held top for my team for the better part of half a game with saplings and ult/fortify edit: also, special champion sneakpeek wuuut
  21. some of the story behind this is actually put together really well if you took the halo visuals out of it and replaced it with something else it would just be a good scifi series
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