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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. another big thing is it's more built around pvp style play, so instead of having a billion skills you have a set of 8 (i think 10 in gw2) skills, so when you're setting yourself up for a mission you have to think about your kit and its strengths/weaknesses. in the original the level cap is 20 and you get there about 1/3 or 1/2 of the way through the game so it's not so much about grinding as it is effective application of skills
  2. that was my hope too, my guild wars main character was a curses necromancer/illusion magic mesmer, i.e. hexes all over the place. while i'll likely make more than one character, i'd like to be able to do something similar again within the gw2 framework.
  3. honestly through the entire time i played halo reach online (which was awhile) i can only remember three or four times there were screaming kids, and usually they got cut down by older people who put them in their place. not the most elegant solution but it usually works little kids aren't that clever
  4. i think this is an important distinction to make, in a group of some sort like a guild or a specific server that you play on with your friends (OCR TF2 etc.) it completely changes the game. because people are no longer anonymous. they are brought back to way things work in the real world: if you are intolerable, people do not tolerate you. you are kicked out and everyone else has fun without you. this is one of the hidden downsides of matchmaking: it requires that everyone be anonymous to each other. which means people can be huge jerks and get away with it. side-note: i actually went back and played guild wars today for nostalgia and it's still a lot of fun.
  5. i'm also pretty happy that there's no subscription fees that's a big plus
  6. Hokay. SO. The Overclocked Remix guild has officially come into being. Members are as follows (and by that I mean anyone who has posted their ID in the thread plus everyone in the actual guild) KING SHIT: Syllix Officers: The Derrit DusK Unstable Hamster Binjovi Kengoku Peons (for now): Amphibious Dj Dark Zev This game is tons of fun. Coming from someone like me who is generally a skeptic and originally thought I would be disappointed after the betas, this game came through in a big way and if you like anything to do with adventuring, online gaming or cooperative gaming you should really get this game and start playing it immediately. Any important announcements will be posted here when they are neccessary.
  7. not really. other communities like the moba community and sometimes shooter communities are bad because when people play them they are jerks and terrible people, and people troll and grief and do things to actively take enjoyment away from other people. in the fighting community people are jerks because... they like good games and play those ones over bad games. that's about all i've got.
  8. look i'll even give you that. all i'm saying is that this 'passive-agressive' attitude you speak of comes up when people try and play at their lower level and then act as if everyone else should as well. SSBB is a perfect example of this. when the game was still in its early years, there was a huge group of people who came in who hadn't played either of the earlier two smash brothers games, and tried to make it so all official tournaments would have items in them. everyone who had been playing the games before knew that was a bad idea, and said so. most were even cordial enough to say 'do tournaments your own way and we'll keep doing what we know works.' despite this, both online and in person people would come to tournaments and complain about the lack of items and smash balls, and everyone else was like WTF. i mean, wouldn't you get mad if a bunch of people showed up at a basketball court and was like 'NO WE WANT TO PLAY BASKETBALL WHERE U DON'T HAVE TO DRIBBLE TO MOVE' and acted as if they were in the right? i would. I don't think that anyone in the fighting game community goes out of their way to slam on DBZ games or naruto fighting games or anything like that. they just hate it when dumb people come to tournaments and act like they should be good, and then whine and cry when they get stomped.
  9. not that much, like when you go on a tf2 public server usually people don't care if you're bad the only time i've ever seen someone get really dressed down is when they a) call someone a hacker or start complaining about something being cheap general note here: anytime you call something cheap as if the person who did it is at fault while playing a multiplayer video game regularly, you have lost all credibility regardless of whether or not it's true. this means you are bad at scenario recognition.
  10. this is the dumbest thing anyone has said in this thread mainly because this only happens when people try to go to a tournament and then be like 'wut i dun get it why no smash bawlz in brawl??' and get mad they can't go to a tournament and play by their own rules. the fighting community is one of the most personable out of all of them. moba communities are the worst though mostly because the games are free i think
  11. i had a pretty good idea watching your posts that night haha

  12. of course not its not like they did it or anything edit: just won a dominion game by 322 points
  13. tensei doesn't even play lol he just shows up to tell us what the bad parts of it are from time to time
  14. not really so much anymore i've seen enough 350 point stompings to disagree with that statement
  15. haha they were fed though their akali was fed like obese people and so was their xin. their galio also died only twice
  16. i played a game tonight with twitch where 3 of the 5 people playing were trolling hard, like being bad on purpose trolling. somehow or another this didn't upset me at all, and i kinda just played along with it; i was twitch after all. i could not have been more surprised when we won the game, 15 kills down. 2/9 sivir 3/7 singed and something else really terrible next to me at like 9/7 and swain at something really good. i still don't get how we won
  17. omg yes OMF loved this game. and this song is so catchy. i need to start paying attention to the music here again
  18. i was watching some of the character profiles on youtube today and this looks better than i originally remember seeing, maybe just seeing it broken down made it make more sense. stuns and other debuffs are more accepted which is kinda cool so instead of one being gamebreaking, most people have CC that's kind of refreshing
  19. so now that i've been placed at a low ELO from finishing my 10 games i've actually found the players are better. how does that work edit: and when i say better i mean not rageface 4 seconds into game
  20. does anyone have any of the new sniper rifles i could use some
  21. the more likely situation is that they've been told that those champions are OP and are like 'sweet im gonna pwnZoRsZ.' i don't think you realize how much credit you're giving to people on the internet. i saw this happen yesterday with singed the player had no idea what he was doing, he was autoattacking minions and not using his poison at all and when i asked him why he wasn't using his poison he was like 'stfu i'm singed i wont die anyways' you see this with jax all the time i haven't played with a jax that didn't think he could burst a champion at level four in a 2v2 lane in weeks. jax should be a good character but the people who play him expect 'oh my char does the most damage, thus why should i not attack all the time' and as such are terrible
  22. think about the amount of unintelligent people you see and hear about every day. now imagine them all playing computer games people are stupid
  23. that is rofl. also somehow or another i have yet to lose as sivir since i played with proph and zirc the other day. and i've played a good amount of games with her
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