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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. Hey, I've been going through the mascots for WAAAAYYY too long. good job! One concern, Captain falcon has also been in f-zero x for 64, fzero gx and ax for gamecube and arcade, and the rest of the smash bros. games. just so that list is complete; right now it only has the original f-zero and smash bros for 64.
  2. paging you to the photography thread in offtop NAO

  3. the piano could use a buuuunch more humanization. each note has the same accentuation, which makes it sound strange, and also the drums are the same way, they need a little more punctuation to get across what they're actually trying to do.
  4. I agree with that, a samuraijackish style would be very cool and fit the series well. ALSO. your sig is completely devoid of sidecat. wtf.
  5. that's an awesome place to get your name from, my respect for you is through the roof right now. <3 calvin and hobbes
  6. Over the course of this year, I've lost a couple pounds. This is ok though, cause I was 6'4" 190 to begin with. I'm the leanest I've ever been thanks to my rowing coach which is great, but I could use some extra muscle mass, which I plan on gaining over this summer.
  7. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1909388 the same thing, but its martin luther king.
  8. This reminds me of one of many of the indie games that garners some really good success on Steam. It might be something to look into?
  9. wtf is that little blue haired thing

    it makes me scared

  10. Why would you not assume this to be true? Seeing as NO ONE has played the game before VERY RECENTLY it wouldn't even make sense for him to be any good at it, and if its early in the game, which 99% of demos are, of COURSE the fighting is going to be slow, part of the idea of RPGs is, you know, having your stats go up as time goes on? Like speed? I mean name me a JRPG that starts out with blazing fast battles. Also, who cares if you zone? It's EXACTLY the SAME. The only difference is you don't have to worry about dumb A.I. getting caught on walls, or aggroing someone you don't want to fight against. I see no downside in having the player zone into battles; it lets you know you're in a fight, when its over, and keeps the rest of your party from fucking around when you're not fighting. I swear when did it become cool to hate on Square, I guess they got too cool recently.
  11. and the second song takes a huge page from the book of AWESOME. it reminded me i want to buy this game.
  12. you're about to go from Bahamut to Hah Mutt.
  13. the sound is really reminiscent of 10 imo. The battle looks good and the animation is (of course) excellent. I'm actually very interested in getting this when it comes out.
  14. What is this? I have no idea what everyone's talking about on this one/BEWBS. What game is this from?
  15. yeah most likely. its too bad really
  16. There are so many old faces that I never knew about before all returning, and everyone is so much happier nowadays. Surely this is the second coming...???? (or naht but still lets appreciate seniority here)
  17. If you've played over 4 years of videogames, that's gross.
  18. I've had this song stuck in my head ever since I finished Glitzville on my second playthrough. I was thinking about it and messing w/ the tempo and stuff, and then it turned into a speed ballad in my head. I'm thinking a singing lead electric guitar with a quick bassline, maybe 160 BPM. Some power guitar with this would sound soo good. yeah that's really specific and all that but SOMEONE DO SOMETHING PLEASE. THIS SONG NEEDS IT.
  19. i got to stop by the other night quickly and it was lots of fun. i'm going to make sure to do it more often! /tonight
  20. a hardcore gamer is someone who knows games very well and has been playing them a long time. the person knows his games (so he's not buying barbie's adventures) and knows the industry as well. the hardcore gamers that companies talk about are these people. inb4moved
  21. forgive me for jumping in on a conversation not my own, but what's the package? i'm curious.
  22. happy birthday! enjoy getting older
  23. so after an almost full year of hiatus i hope to rejoin the server tonight for some TFTwawesome. If people are on.
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