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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. can you buy PSP games on the PSN and play them on a vita? if so I may start being interested in this system
  2. the melee characters that were good like fox/falco/captain falcon etc. feel exactly the same as in melee now. i confirmed this when i switched to the melee falco skin and every thing felt and looked literally exactly the same. a ton of people have alternate costumes now. the new challengers are a lot of fun too. i'm really having fun learning how to keep track of pikmin with olimar.
  3. well it's been out since 9 so balls in your face
  4. This is coming out at some point today and literally no one on this entire website is excited disappointing
  5. yeah well good thing you don't need sleep attacks at all they weren't even in the japanese version if you want to ruin your experience by rolling through the game with free super attacks that you can get by being in sleep anyways (which you already should be, because you need to streetpass with people to get a lot of upgrades) then be my guest otherwise there's nothing to see here
  6. 157 lbs of your 187 llb body are muscle? wut
  7. hey guys i thought i'd start an informal poll. what's the game that you've seen that's best in 3d? inversely, what's the game that looks the worst in 3d? For me, Bravely Default has by far had the best 3d presentation thus far. It looks amazing with the slider all the way up, and has a soft storybook presentation. And like everyone else most likely, Pokemon is the worst. 3d slows down in almost every scenario.
  8. that's been pretty much all of them, though. people are just wisening up to it now. the only good part of this entire series has been when she supplied what was a very legitimate storyboard idea. i'd play that game. the rest has been 'pernicous' and 'male power fantasies' all the way
  9. frankly i'm glad this didn't get a lot of discussion this time around. now that we're over her trying to be abrasive everyone's starting to realize she's not bringing much of anything to the table that isn't either questionable or fairly common knowledge. not trying to troll it, but it seems like people get she's really not doing much with this now.
  10. the only game i've played with framerate issues in 3d is pokemon and like two times total in fire emblem
  11. "I have the best pokemon of all time" "....okay cool dude"
  12. Being a tanky support is fun again. You can be stubborn as taric and make a difference instead of being a stunbot. Also, speaking of Yasuo/Janna bot... WHY DOES NOBODY TAKE FIORA BOT? like seriously. It works. So well. I did it when she first came out and fiora/karma was the most devastating lane. Plus it's the only lane where you can use riposte effectively.
  13. most all of the costumes are in the which will be an actual mode in the game.
  14. by that logic, the 'other' is none of our concern so i guess i should just label women as the other. so it's arguably none of my concern. that doesn't work
  15. translates to "LOL U MAD"
  16. if people here play it would be fun to be part of a team i would much rather play with people who want to have fun and work together and everyone here is pretty reasonable
  17. My local best buy is already selling PS4 accessories I thought that was kind of strange
  18. Honestly, just jump right into it. The only reason I would not recommend those things to start is because it's way too easy to give yourself outs. Push ups too hard? Do them from your knees! Sit ups require proper technique to do anything for you, and almost nobody who is just starting out has it. Pull ups, same deal; if you do pull ups but only kind of do them, you're not going to get anything out of it and may end up giving up when you don't see results. I would find a friend who works out, go to the gym with them, and do what they do. You really have to push yourself to get results, and that means lifting things that are heavy to you. Not too heavy, mind you, but heavy enough that it isn't comfortable and you feel a bit sore the next day. I'm also going to say that weight training needs to be done at a high pace to achieve weight loss. If you're doing weights and at the end you're not sweating or aerobically tired, you're giving yourself too much recovery time. Maybe you've heard of crossfit? While I don't agree with how it works, the idea of doing lots of lifting in a short period of time *does* work in that you lose weight and get stronger. Too slow and you're shooting yourself in the foot. The entire point of exercise (and weight loss) is to use enough energy that your body needs to either A) tap into its reserves (read: fat and unnecessary flesh) or build more muscle cells to give you the strength to do what you're doing. If you can be incredibly disciplined, do good and technically proper push ups/pull ups/sit ups in good numbers, then go for it. But in my experience most people who are starting out can't do that, and need someone else to work with. I've been in athletics since I was 8 and I still prefer to work out with other people because it gives you a reason to push yourself. I know this is a lot but it's what I would recommend to anyone trying to start out! Weight training will get you a lot further than running two miles a couple of times a week, and it will do it a lot faster too.
  19. This is a common misconception. Building strength is the most efficient way to lose weight. Doing "weight loss" things and "strength building" things as if they are separate is not going to help you make progress. Build muscle. In the process of doing that, your body will require the energy stored in your pouch, and it will go away.
  20. if people haven't bought it how can they review it i feel like most anyone here who's bought it would go back and do so
  21. Hey so when I said that it's really easy to get through the game while switching people out? It's true until Victory Road. Then people one shot you for fun and you're all like 'not cool dude' Also the GTS is the dumbest. Every pokemon you search for everyone wants an articuno or one of the new legendaries. Then you wonder trade a couple of times and get like an eevee or a froakie for a pokemon you didn't want in the first place.
  22. it seems clear to me the game was designed, unlike past pokemon games, to let you easily swap out your party pokemon for new ones by changing the way you get experience (instead of splitting it between active pokemon, it gives everyone the full amount, and exp share applies to everyone, plus the active pokemon STILL gets the full amount while party pokemon get a split anyways). so if you keep the same six nearly all game, you're going to be able to beat pretty much anyone. if you want to fix this, keep rotating in new pokemon. which is honestly more fun anyways. if you want your party, then you're going to be crushing people in levels pretty hard.
  23. enchanted crystal arrow to the face called
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