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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. And here's the birthday boy...who was entirely sober when this was taken. Sorry, I just had the overwhelming need to post this picture.
  2. He's an old fart now. 22. Happy Birthday!
  3. So I go to Duquesne University, where Joe Negri (Handyman Negri) teaches guitar. It's awesome. Yay, sweater day!
  4. I'm looking to buy a USB mic since I'm on a pretty low budget and I can't afford one of those audio interface boxes...I'm thinking somewhere between 50 to 100 bucks at the most. If you have any suggestions as far as what to get, I would be happy to hear it. If you've had any experience using one of these USB mics, please let me know! Thanks
  5. As a music ed major/guitar hero addict, I have been coming up with ways to justify bringing guitar hero into the classroom when I actually have a job. Basically I've come up with two things. 1. Rhythmic Accuracy 2. Dexterity in left hand (more so on hard and expert) These are both good things, but I could only see this being used as an activity on like the day after a concert or something like that, and not something to do all the time. The left hand dexterity thing is only really good for string players too- which is what I want to do. And from personal experience, it actually has helped me personally with the my pinky. I know it sounds dumb, but the pinky is really weak, and playing a lot of guitar hero actually helped with the strength in my pinky. Rock Band however...damn, that game is soooo good for percussionists. I want all of them to go home and have that game on hard or expert.
  6. Ahhh Maco, you beat me to it. Nice job. This is awesome...
  7. I read on lost-media.com that they're planning on doing five more episodes, and extending season 5 by three episodes. I'm really glad that we're getting that at least.
  8. It looks like it might be over soon! http://www.cnbc.com/id/23057002
  9. So does anyone know if it's worth buying both of the ones that are up on iTunes? There's the regular one, and then there's one that's called the Piris Reis remixes.
  10. Ohhh yay!!! Thanks for the heads up!
  11. That's friggin insane. It also pissed me off when he got past one part near the end in about two seconds and it took me like 15 minutes.
  12. cerrax wrote a 16 bar viola solo...which i wasn't exactly a fan of, so I came up with what is in the recording.
  13. Attack of The Clones came out, Yoda kicked ass, and I was looking for a replacement screen name for...shudder...hypergal876. a friend of mine suggested yodaisbetterthanyou, which was too long, so it just became yodaisbetter and it stuck. I'm not even that huge of a yoda fan either. I think OCR is probably the last site I used yodaisbetter on though...I've been using a newer screen name on everything else now, nonsensicalexis.
  14. I never saw the stage play either, and before I saw it, all I knew about it was that it was a musical. I had no idea it was rated R or anything like that, so I was a little surprised with all the blood, but nonetheless it was a great movie-musical thing. Already have the soundtrack...it was kind of weird at first though, hearing Alan Rickman and Johnny Depp's voices on there, but I got used to it. I love Johnny's voice in my friends...I had no idea he could sing like that.
  15. i've missed lost...i can't wait!
  16. apparently all i got was gift cards this year.... 2 starbucks giftcards, $50 total 2 Barnes and noble giftcards, $50 total $25 for itunes $25 for any carmike cinema movie theater. I'm excited about the giftcards. My mom also ignored my request for rock band, and I got socks instead. I was very sad about this. Eh. I guess I'll have to wait until I have enough money and buy it myself like everyone else. I hate being a grownup and crap.
  17. Pittsburgh,PA
  18. Wow, thanks...I'm pretty much obsessed with apocalyptica, so to have someone say that it sounded like that is awesome...especially since I don't really think of myself as being anywhere near their ability level. I'm up for recording more stuff like this...
  19. Heheheh. I like you swordbreaker...first off you got the right instrument (it's not a violin), and there is always room for more viola. Although if you listen closely I do play more than just the one theme, it's just in the background
  20. Nah, she looks way too nice to be a bridezilla. Of course, I've never met her...
  21. Wow...that's awesome. I better get a ring like that when I get engaged. Also the pictures are ADORABLE. I awwww'ed a great deal. Congrats!
  22. Not really a threat...just sayin. Wait and see if I actually enter first...
  23. yes...new contender. who also just happens to be a music major.
  24. Oooh, yay, I actually have time to write a song this time...I've really wanted to enter the past few competitions, but being in college tends to leave me with no free time... This should be fun.
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