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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. HBD man! I hope you'll get this bada$$ Pokémanz mix done soon.
  2. For those who are surprised I'm already done, it's because I still have exams this week, and I think I won't have any more time to work on it before the deadline.
  3. Mine's next month. BTW, I'm done with my track.
  4. Brandon will be the father of a new genre called Penis Metal.
  5. I have a cool metal song in the works too, not power metal, but close to. Also, Cyril and Brandon Snell's "Crushing Gravity" has power metal vocals on some parts. My fav track from MMX:MR.
  6. Yeah. Though he's very good, I'd be sad to have to advance without a good remix battle.
  7. So far, I like my track, especially the Mystic Cave part. I hope it can make it.
  8. Go download goat's Unchosen Paths album NOW then.
  9. Yeah! I'll be hopefully working this summer, so a 3DS may be something I could buy with that money.
  10. Ah, Rhapsody. I love their music, but I'm really not a fan of all the fantasy lyrics (One or two songs would be okay, but the whole discography, c'mon). Anyway, I did a collab with NintenJoe 64 on the BadAss album that is symphonic power metal (but the quality is not that great). Also, almost eveything from The Dual Dragons is close to this. Some work from Brandon Strader (especially his Skyrim remix), BONKERS or goat (his CV remixes are old now, but still great) too. Check Dwelling of Duels too, they have great symphonic metal sometimes (virt and SnappleMan did a great Zelda arrangement a few months ago in that precise genre). I hope it helps.
  11. Amazing orchestral arrangement. I'm impressed by the quality of the samples and by the arrangement. Great job.
  12. Plus zircon said every track would be considered to be included in the album. that's an unique chance to join a wonderful project (if the track is good enough for it, of course!)
  13. I really need to buy a 3DS, this game looks soooooo good.
  14. hbd chtchthconicht... ben briggs.
  15. If it is like the MM compos, you need to vote for your battle too. But SuperiorX's the boss here
  16. That's why I sent my FF6 track before today, haha. (But also because I have more exams to come next week...)
  17. Ah, I need to make an audition for something here before every track get claimed. But 10 days of finals are ahead of me, sigh... [Terminator] I will be back! [/Terminator]
  18. I clicked. And then I turned the sound on. And then I cried.
  19. Just a quick message to remind Joker/pu that the new version/mastering of my track is waiting for feedback at KNGI.
  20. I saw it in 3D and not 3D, and it was a blast. I'd totally go see it a 3rd time! xD
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