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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Tuberz needs to re-re-re-re-re-record his geetarz.
  2. I liked the movie. A bit disappointed on some things, but in overall it was great. Also, Hans Zimmer rocks.
  3. Ah crap, I thought it was. My bad xD Great to hear, I'm looking forward what you'll do (and I can help too!)
  4. Hurray, it's in the Projects section! When do you record our song, Brandon?
  5. Congrats to Amphibious and to everyone else, especially SupX, it was super cool!
  6. That's my guess too, but I'd have liked to hear news from Jason or Bev.
  7. I may have not the time to concentrate on a full mix at the moment (be sure I'd love to tackle one theme!), but I offer my services (orchestra and drum programming) to artists that need help.
  8. Now that I'm almost done, I offer drum (and orchestra) programming to other artists if they need help. /Good guy Alex
  9. All my money went into my projects. I'll do a Kickstarter to get money to pledge this Kickstrater. KICKCEPTION!
  10. Very nice mix, I like it. I love the different "parts". The samples are nice, the execution nicely done. The drums are maybe a little bit repetitive, but that's okay, thanks to the several parts in the song. Nice work!
  11. Man, you're my hero, I love your videos. I love the Elfman vibe you got here. The Beetlejuice cameo at the end was perfect. I love this track. However, it may be too much of a cover for OCR, IMO. Maybe adding other new parts would help. Nice job and keep making awesome orchestra stuff!!
  12. Everyone who wants to help on the Sturm track should go here: http://www.kngi.org/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1168
  13. Just letting you know my track may be finished in two weeks or so. I'll keep you informed.

  14. Source: ReMix [V2]: Tindeck My track from zircon's FFVI contest, re-worked a bit and with new samples. Enjoy!
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