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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. "Enough Time to Dance" finally passed the panel, congrats! :)

  2. Just letting the project directors know I have a nearly-finished WiP waiting for feedback or approvation @ KNGI.
  3. First round begins on the first week of my exams. Any chance I can get moved to the second bracet/round/week, please?
  4. XD So, we're next, uh? EDIT: 50,000 seems too much high IMO. x)
  5. VikingGuitar is currently doing a speedrun match TO THE DEATH with Eric Dude as a fundraiser for his VGU! They're playing MMX, SCV4 and a thrid secret game! Check it out! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/vikingguitar
  6. Woooaw, your samples sound very good! And the composition is very interesting, I'm loving it!
  7. Even if our team was absent and not very organized, I'm happy we are not the last ones. Congrats everyone!
  8. Ah... I did not play TWETY, so I'm absolutely not familiar to its music. I'm not fan of these samples, but the others, the more "traditional KH" ones, are very nice.
  9. Samples are kinda nice. The songs are... uh, strange however.
  10. As soon as I'm done with other projects, I'll throw a WiP for one of the remaining tracks.
  11. I'm excited to know how the story will continue. I can't wait!
  12. Thanks a lot for the offer, man, but I already have a singer, and someone expressed interest to write the lyrics.
  13. AngelCityOutlaw, Tuberz, I like how your guitars sound. If you're okay with this, we could use double rhythm guitars (I mean, like in real bands) and see how it goes with solos. I'll PM you with more information as soon as I can. Thanks!
  14. Hi everyone! I currently have several mixes (mostly rock and metal) on my plate that need some live electric guitars. I'm looking for someone who would be able to do rhythm and lead recordings. Some of them may have some speedy riffs, so I'm looking for people with a bit of experience. If you are interested in giving me some help, reply here or send me a PM with some examples of your work. Thanks! (I'm also looking for a lyricist, if anyone's interested. Just in case.)
  15. OCR helped me a lot and I can't thank the website and community enough for that.
  16. As long as I can make remixes, I'll do some for BadAss volumes. I already have some ideas for a new one. But be sure I'm also working on the one I'm doing for Vol. 2!
  17. Nice one, dude! Thanks for the kind comments.
  18. Thanks, I'll let you know as soon as I'll have them!
  19. Mmh, I hope my exams won't be at the same time. It'd be a shame not to participate to this!
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