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Everything posted by Arrow

  1. Having never played a C&C game before (and having only that ridiculous C&C Music Factory joke in the writeup to go on), I was very pleasantly surprised by what I heard. Great soundscape, hard-hitting beats, it's got it all! Chanting was an A+ addition.
  2. That's pretty spot on; it's the same here in DC. "Terminated without cause" basically just means Bungie laid Marty off for one of any number of possible reasons except employee misconduct. I.E., Marty likely didn't do anything (overt) to get himself fired.
  3. http://ocremix.org/info/ReMix_Changelog - mix 131 in this list looks like what you're talking about, I think? It got removed because it wasn't a remix of actual music from the game.
  4. Someone tweeted that and I died. In laughter and in depressed tears. Simultaneously.
  5. Probably not. Most of the usuals will be at PAX East or otherwise out of town.
  6. Man, you didn't know about Hard Times? Let me tell you bout Hard Times.
  7. Happy birthday... TO THE GROUND!!!!
  8. Dude, just remix your own track. Bring it full circle. XD
  9. I'm so happy I got to take part in this, and while I'm super pleased with all of them, I'm really proud of the Streets of Rage track. We nailed it!
  10. Kris linked me to this on her Soundcloud a month or two back and I was immediately bopping my head. I'm still bopping. It's so good that I can't stop. Somebody please help me.
  11. Fantastic track all around. The music video made me tear up. ;_;
  12. I don't know what you're talking about.
  13. Not necessarily; I'm still in the process of fixing the marks that got moved before I locked it (which was only 24 hours ago roughly). Everyone who notices they're in the wrong spot should just tell me where they're supposed to be and I'll move it back. If you notice your marker has moved again AFTER I fix it, then yeah, it's probably a bug with this new Google Maps beta API, and there's not much I can do.
  14. Done (didn't merge, just moved your pins right next to each other), done, and done!
  15. Everyone who's posted up to this point has been added (including Mae, thanks for the clarification in your PM)
  16. Alright, I've unfortunately had to lock the map down, because folks adding themselves are accidentally moving others in the process. Google Maps Beta works just like Google Drive, so there's no option to make it so people can only put a marker once and then can't edit the map again. If you want to be added to the map, you can still get onboard... but you'll need to post in this thread (or PM one of the map editors, who are listed in the OP post) with the general location you want the marker at and what name(s) you want listed.
  17. 18" wide by 28" long, assuming the shirt sizing chart I found for our distributor isn't horribly out of date. I can verify that with a ruler when I get home. Shirts and hoodies only come in the current colors we offer; white/black and dark blue respectively. Sorry folks.
  18. That would be one loooooooong ass roadtrip. As best I can tell, this isn't possible. Google Maps doesn't allow the ability to lock down layers. You can lock folders that layers are stored in, but then that means no-one can edit any of the markers in that layer after that point, even if it's one they originally placed.
  19. So two weeks ago after OCR Talkback 21 ended, we were discussing random things, and one thing that popped up was coming up with ways to make local OCR meetups more convenient as far as contacting people, and the obvious answer to that was "make one giant map where everyone can list the general area they live in", so people can see who lives nearby to contact. On a whim, I decided to just go ahead and throw this together today: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zxEqFkZHC3Ss.krqtZIAB68NU It's a Google Map open to edit by anyone who's got the link. Feel free to throw your ReMixer name/online alias, and your real name if you like, on a pin in the general area of your hometown. If you don't feel comfortable listing your exact location, that's totally cool; it's not like I put my pin down on my exact address in Maryland! You can just throw it in the center of your city, or a nearby large city, or whatever. EDIT: Alright, I've unfortunately had to lock the map down, because folks adding themselves are accidentally moving others in the process. Google Maps Beta works just like Google Drive, so there's no option to make it so people can only put a marker once and then can't edit the map again. If you want to be added to the map, you can still get onboard... but you'll need to post in this thread (or PM one of the map editors, listed below) with the general location you want the marker at and what name(s) you want listed. People who can edit the map: Arrow, Bahamut, Flexstyle, Liontamer
  20. Finally started back up last night with a freshly rolled Monk (now at level 19 after playing a few hours), and I'm having a hell of a fun time. All the little changes they've made since release have added up to a much better end product. Also, it helps that I find the monk just as fun as the demon hunter, and much faster at killing stuff. XD I'm currently rolling through way down on Hard difficulty though. On suggestions from others, I bumped up to Master in an attempt to level faster, and that helped a good bit, until a unique Grotesque at the 3 hour mark in Act 1 (who showed up before I'd even gotten to level 10) murdered me 8 times in a row. I'm still leveling at a nice clip though, thanks to the EXP boost till RoS drops.
  21. Hit us up; we're live! http://youtu.be/ck7HXZzPVGU (@ Eino: Star Control 2 is DA BEST)
  22. Necrobump: not only is it actually happening, there's an IndieGogo campaign for it. They want $450K. Shaq is personally involved, doing voiceovers and mocap work at the least.
  23. I was running on the assumption that people who had bought their handhelds long before now would've already registered them, but that's a good point.
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