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Everything posted by q-pa

  1. I don't see myself in the 1st post as attending. I told y'all I'd be there (and DJing) awhile ago, right? And cerrax: you have room in your room still? I got a sleeping bag. Edit: Not sure if I'm coming from Pittsburgh or New York yet; depends on how I spend my last week of December.
  2. Hammer: It's looking decreasingly likely that I'll be in Pittsburgh the last weekend of December, so it's best that you find different transportation down there if you haven't already. I will, however, be coming home on Sunday the 3rd, so you're more than welcome to come back with me then. Yes plz.
  3. Turns out I'll have a lot of vacation days left over this year and might be able to make the NYC Meetup & LAN party. Who can give me more details on those? Would it be 2 days in the city doing cool things or what? I'll need to know so I can tell Hammerman if I can give him a ride from Pittsburgh or not.
  4. Awesome. I'm here to kick ass and go to MAGFest too. Also: THE ONEUPS!! BTW Cerrax & nonsensicalexis: Would it be possible to carpool with you 2 (or vice-versa) from Pittsburgh? I'll be going down the 31st and come back Sunday the 3rd.
  5. I'm down for New Year's too. End of the decade, baby! (Holy shit, has it been that long...?)
  6. Hey all. I already posted in the other thread, but I'm pre-regged & driving down from Pittsburgh, PA! Don't know when I'll be leaving yet, but I hope to be there for New Year's Eve and come back on Sunday the 3rd. (There is a New Year's Eve mini-concert-block again, right? Although, after last time... ) Edit: Cerrax & nonsensicalexis: What're your plans? Could we carpool?
  7. Dammit, once AGAIN my other plans get in the way! I wish you well nonetheless and promise one of these days i will tune in again!
  8. Sorry, I'm not reading that. Anyway... Battletoads: A Haiku Play: diverse & fun Graphics: best on NES Difficulty: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! The Legend of Zelda: in 3 sentences Those creatures of Ganon are pretty bad! Octorocks, Tektikes and Leevers too! But with your help, our hero pulls through. Sorry, somebody had to do it
  9. I'm so there. --But you knew that already.
  10. Both of you guys really inspire me.
  11. Well the fact remains that it is new... I don't understand why the did it (esp. when the GameCube had a digital out...) --But anyway, I already updated you on my current goods for sale.
  12. Kinslayer: People are looking to sell quite a large number of the items you requested in the first post: Now then... I have a shop near me that's selling X2 and X3 for $50 each. I could buy either of them for you and mail them for an extra, say, $5 if you want. I'm looking to sell my GC system (with controller too). It's black, not silver, but I'll throw in a GBA player (with disc) and my S-Video cable. I could only get prob $20 max if I sold it locally, so any offer above that would be accepted. Regarding Prime, if you don't take of Majin's offer, your GameStops and other outlets should have Prime 1 for $8-10 and Prime 2 for about $15, I think. Awhile back I saw the Zelda Collectors Edition in that same (chain of) stores for maybe $40-50? If it's still there... BTW, Prophet, in addition to the GameCube, I have something new to sell: ::computer/music electronic stuff:: Xitel Hi-Fi Link AN1 External USB soundcard See http://www.xitel.com/usa/prod_hflpc.htm No manual or box. Also, could you please take my used DS off the list? I've received no replies and I've somehow lost it No it doesn't; it uses a new AV port (the first time it's been changed since the SNES).
  13. Yes, I'll be there tonight. In my OCR shirt.
  14. Okay, finally got my ticket. EE-108 (damn, those things are expensive!) Where will the rest of you be and will we even get to, y'know, meet? Cerrax? Alexis? Anyone...?
  15. Hey has anyone bought their tickets yet? I'll probably be buying mine late Thursday or Friday if I don't hear anything back... Also, when and where will we be meeting?
  16. They did it?FUCK! But . If I find out they did the FF6 finale too, though, I'm going to cry. You're coming to Pittsburgh, Dom?? We're planning our own mini-meetup for VGL on July 11th. See this thread. SInce I couldn't make this concert and I can't make Otakon, it would be really awesome to see you and the rest of the MAGFest crew there!
  17. Sorry to hear that, guys, but I'm still going.
  18. Bump again. Yes, it would be nice if you could gather tickets--at least for me 'cause I'll want to sit with all the cool people!
  19. I'm tentative. I have a late event Friday night, but I should be able to get my ass down there from Pittsburgh if I have the funds... It'll be nice to see the MAGFest people (we're having an OCR meetup in Pittsburgh next month with VGL) since I can't do Otakon this year
  20. Thought it was implied, but let me make it explicit: I'm there. And I'd be for doing the group tickets if that'll let all of us sit in a group.
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Happy I stumbled upon this thread, after the old one died (I think). Yeah, the interplay between Hurley and Miles (and now Dr. Candle) has been pretty funny this season (though it could get old reeeeal fast). I've always found Miles' flashbacks boring, but this episode wasn't a total waste IMO. [spoilers]It was nice to get an extended look at Dr. Candle and all his, ahem, doucery. And Faraday came back (where exactly did he go again...?)![/spoilers] Also, I probably mentioned this to some of you already, but check out Ack-Attack's blog. She hosts group live-blogging and discussion about each episode. And her recaps are hilarious. My favorite quote of hers: saying she "would bang Desmond like a screen door in a hurricane!" Edit: It's just the nature of the show, every time it answers questions, to raise even more ones. I don't think they'll ever be done--not even after the final episode. I actually got into the show after my old roommate rented Season 1 on DVD. This was while they were airing Season 3. I eventually caught up with Season 2 that summer, but to this day I'm missing big patches of Season 3. At this point, I've just admitted that I can't know everything and if I'm not understanding something, there are plenty of places online where they can explain it for you.
  23. I'm going to take a break from posting what The Coop always posts in birthday threads and instead post what I always post in birthday threads! But seriously, you rock, man.
  24. I wasn't comparing his level of greatness to Michael Jackson, just the craziness that goes along with the music. That being said, I missed tonight's episode... Any good?
  25. I started Chibi Robo: Park Patrol awhile back, but I got like 2 of the other characters before losing interest. I never played the GameCube one so I can't compare it to that. With all the talk of the DSi, I'm still waiting for the chance to try it hands-on before I even think about upgrading my Lite (a red-lidded one that kind of has a matte body to it anyway). I've give up waiting for GameStop to upgrade their kiosks...
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