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Everything posted by ambinate

  1. haha, nah i figured, i've been distracted with some other work, too, no worries. what kind of eq are are you using on your chippy stuff, by the way? i've been messing around a lot with magical8bit and it's really fun, but it seems like there are some harsh frequencies mixed in there that i'm not sure how to eq out...
  2. fuck yeah on this. i really dig the main groove and the chiptune ornaments over top fit really nicely. super slick work. i'm way into it.
  3. thanks so much, i really appreciate it! i actually hadn't heard of thomas leeb before but i checked him out based on your mention of him here and i'm REALLY liking his playing and his music. he seems like an incredible player. gonna pick up some of his stuff soon. haha, i never knew what to name these songs, unfortunately...thanks again for your comments, though!
  4. i didn't see this when you first posted it but i'm a huge opeth fan! haha. listening to it with the original in one ear and the cover in the other was a little weird for me, so i went for the video with only your version in it. this honestly sounds very good. opeth is a tough band to cover properly but you did a really nice job here. the guitar playing and mixing is really solid, and the vocals are done well, too. nice job, dude!
  5. this is what i was going to say
  6. devin townsend project - ghost THE WHOLE ALBUM it's amazing
  7. http://ambinate.bandcamp.com/album/acoustic-demos-ep just a collection of some recordings i made a couple years ago of me playing a few songs i wrote on my acoustic. they're a little rough - not mastered at all and my playing sorta sucks. but i'd like to share them anyway. i don't really know what genre this stuff falls under, but i was definitely in a john butler + candyrat records mood when i was writing these, if that makes any sense. hope you enjoy. thanks for listening!
  8. thanks a ton, dude! i appreciate it. i'm working on a couple things now, so hopefully i'll have some stuff to post this summer.
  9. this is a great source to choose to remix - it's one of my favorites from this soundtrack. this is a pretty interesting remix in that i can definitely hear the use of source material, but it's got a different feel than the original (not in a bad way!). it sounds very good, though, and i think the kind of sad/spooky vibe of the original makes for a unique sounding song in the genre you've picked. the sound choices are coming together nicely, it's a well-balanced mix and it's got a really polished sound. nothing really stuck out to me as particularly problematic. i'd just keep writing and see what happens!
  10. thanks for the info! i'll try messing around with that and see what i can come up with. looking forward to hearing the finished version of this, too!
  11. thanks for all the information, dude! i'm actually on a mac running logic so i can only use magical8bit of the ones you listed, but even that is really fun to use so far and i'm sure i can find some mac plugins to complement it. i spent some time messing around with it and, using the guidelines you posted, was able to make a few basic chiptunes to get the feel of it. still super simple stuff but it's a lot of fun and i'm looking forward to spending some more time with it. ah shit, man, thanks a lot! i really appreciate that. i remember a while ago you posted about looking to collab with people, so if you ever want to try and write something, just let me know. cross-platform stuff might be kind of a pain in the ass but it might work maybe sorta
  12. ahh right on, i don't use flstudio so i dunno what that translates to in other synths, haha, but thanks anyway! i was wondering about which waveforms were being used and all that kinda stuff, but it's all good. this is coming along really well. i love the atmosphere and the subtle changes and glitchy things going on. the drums are sounding way solid. really looking forward to hearing where this goes.
  13. how'd you make this without a tracker? i don't know a damn thing about chiptunes, to be honest. i've always been curious about how to make them... but anyway, this sounds great, dude! for a first attempt this feels really natural and well-developed, what with all the flourishes and stuff. you've got a good grasp on the style and a good focus on memorable melodies and harmony. i really dig it.
  14. i really dig this, dude! you should keep working on it for sure. the vibe is great and the sound choices are all coming together really nicely. i hope you don't mind me asking, but how do you make that pad sound that enters at around 10 seconds in? i've never been able to make decent pads and i'd like to start working on it soon...
  15. well fuck me! that opening line sounds just like carmen. way cool either way.
  16. i picked this up late last night and i've been chilling to it all day. really digging this. it's got a really well-developed style and the mixing is great. a carmen sample in a song called "horny" is just pure class.
  17. honestly reading this page of the thread about sailing just makes me want to play wind waker even more badly than i do every day of my life that i'm not playing it
  18. this is a whole lot of fun. i also noticed some clipping in the intro and am not sure if the snare should be panned left, but other than that this is a great sounding mix. you've adapted the source really well into this style and your sound design choices are working really well together. i think you could keep going with this for a little bit longer - it feels like it's building toward something at the end and doesn't quite make it there. really nice work so far, though.
  19. it's all about what you're comfortable with. i know people who can sight read super complex stuff in standard notation with almost 100% accuracy but wouldn't know what the hell to do with a piano roll and a few hours. obviously, it's something you have to learn how to use if you're making music on a computer, but if the best way for you to get ideas down is by writing it out in a score, then that's the best way to go. i use the piano roll all the time, but i'll sometimes write out sketches of chord progressions or basic melodies in logic's score editor just because i've gotten used to thinking that way. it's not the fastest way of working, but it can be helpful for me.
  20. to be honest, if you're used to writing things out in standard notation, i think it's probably worth it to do what you already had planned to - write it out in Finale or something and then import it into your DAW. it won't sound good coming straight off the import, as you'll have to spend time in the piano roll getting the performances humanized with velocity edits and all that, but i think it makes more sense to do that than to try and write the score afterward. i don't know cubase at all - does it have a score editor? i know some DAWs do, so if that's the case, you might be able to do everything in one program. while everyone saying that the piano roll offers more flexibility for performance and all that are definitely telling the truth, if you're already comfortable thinking and writing in standard notation - and it's easier for you to get your ideas down that way (which is the most important thing) - i think your original plan makes the most sense as long as you're ready for a big time investment. as far as EZ drummer goes - you're right! drumkit from hell was used for all the drum parts on meshuggah's catch 33. however, getting it to sound great right out of the box isn't easy, which is probably what rozovian was referring to (i think?). it takes a lot of work to get sampled acoustic drums like that to sound natural and not stiff. as long as you're ready for some growing pains with it, i think it should work out.
  21. these sound great, dude. i dig the ambience and noises used in "red desert," they give it a lot of personality. i don't know what type of gear you're using, but the performances sound really natural, as well. i haven't seen the game, but "beyond the stars" seems like it's really fitting for what you described. really cool stuff!
  22. this is sounding nice, dude! the mix is well balanced and the instruments are way solid. real good playing, too. i don't know the original so i can't compare it there. your guitar tone sounds good (definitely not "apocalyptically awful," haha) - i usually prefer a more modern tone (aka wall of sound guitar style) but that's more of a style preference than anything. my only suggestion would be to maybe try adding some more reverb to the drums - they sound a bit dry at the moment, but i'm no expert on this stuff so who knows. enjoyable listen!
  23. i don't have a whole hell of a lot to say about this, but i just wanted to join in saying that this is sounding great so far. i really dig the mood and direction you're taking it, and a lot of the detail work is really nice. i'm looking forward to hearing where this goes.
  24. the mix is sounding great - really clean and it seems to be balanced well throughout, for the most part. i can definitely see the bass sample as being a stylistic choice after reading your post so i'm not as bothered by it now. i'm not sure how the judges here feel about that sort of stuff, but maybe someone else with more experience with the panel can help out on that. it's a really good arrangement and the production is way solid. i'm still not totally sold on that piano in the beginning, but i tend to prefer piano parts with a much lighter touch, so that could just be a bias on my part. but yeah, overall, this is definitely going really well, man. nice job!
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