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Everything posted by ambinate

  1. This stuff has all been super helpful, thanks a lot. I haven't totally nailed it yet, but trying all of this out has already gotten me noticeable results. Thanks!
  2. I appreciate the help a lot. I'm still having some trouble - I actually cut a really narrow band for one sound in particular and still thought I heard some harsh stuff going on, but I'm pretty new to this so maybe I missed something important in the process. I'm gonna post a sample of the song in case anyone might be able to give it a quick listen and let me know what they're hearing and what to address: http://tindeck.com/listen/ddeb The main sound that's giving me issues is the piano that enters early on and then comes back near the end. I did a big low cut up to 150 or so and then another from like 17k all the way down to 2k or so, but it still sounds funky. Although now I'm thinking the issue might also be with the white noise that's mixed into that intro pad. Again, any thoughts are really appreciated. Thanks a lot!
  3. I'm working on a track that's using some bitcrushing and some other types of distortion on some of the tracks, but I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to get them to be less grating. I like the tone I'm getting from the distortion, but it seems like the harmonics that are ringing out are getting distorted in a subtle but still harsh (the bad kind) way. I think there are ways to calm that stuff down - I'm thinking of dubstep and drum n bass stuff that use pretty harsh elements without actually being damaging to your ears. I just don't have any idea how to approach doing that. Any help would be super appreciated, thanks!
  4. super excited about this. it was awesome to be able to contribute, and i can't wait to hear what everyone else came up with. all for an amazing cause! very very cool.
  5. dubstep is really big at my college and my area in general, i think. a lot of the parties i go to have dj's who play it pretty much exclusively. i was way against it when i first heard it a few years ago, but it's grown on me a lot. it's a pretty diverse genre (at least in comparison to the stereotypical sound most people associate it with). most of the stuff that gets played around here is a little different from the links in the first post. it's more along these lines: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Io4wWwsmXg big, "dirty" drops, more dancefloor style stuff. i've been really into burial lately, though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlEkvbRmfrA i think dubstep gets a pretty shitty rep from a lot of people, which i can sympathize with, but there's some really good stuff out there. i'd love to see a good remix done in the style.
  6. I've never used a sound like this in a song before so I'm a little unsure of what to do. Obviously it's going to be a pretty dominating force in the mix no matter what, but right now it's got a little too much mud and it's a little too "boomy," and I'd like to cut down on that a bit and add some clarity. Is this possible through eq'ing or something else? I made a pretty big cut around 100 Hz and below that made a lot of difference, but if I start cutting too much above that it starts losing its presence in the mix. Any help would be super appreciated, thanks!
  7. man this company is fucking out of touch also ffxiii isn't the best selling ff (so far it has sold the least of the major numbered ff games of the playstation era (which is still like 4 and a half million copies worldwide))
  8. whoops! you must be getting your final fantasies all mixed up
  9. i am amazed that, ten years later, people still enjoy ff8
  10. this game flayed me alive by the time i got to world 8, it was like some sort of fucking ritual sacrifice. i ran to kirby's epic yarn for relief. but it was awesome. they both are. what am i talking about again
  11. guthrie govan is so fucking good! i wish he'd work on a new album. he's one of my favorite guitarists.
  12. man i fucking loved this show
  13. if this were facebook i would "like" this comment but it's not so i will use this statement as a way of showing that i agree instead
  14. oh fuck this is really good. nice work, dude edit: this is so good
  15. this is pretty interesting and, as he repeats a thousand times in the video, sony definitely benefitted a lot from being in the right place at the right time. but i think he overstates a few things (and overlooks some other stuff, which is natural, i guess). he (along with many other journalists, to be fair) almost acts as if the ps3 is in a far distant third compared to the 360's second place, but in reality, their worldwide sales are only about 2 or 3 million units apart, which isn't too terrible when they've each sold around 40 million units. he's also in the same sort of denial that a lot of gaming fans are in right now when he talks about the psp vs. iphone thing - assuming that the iphone is not a legitimate competitor in the handheld market is sort of naive but i guess it isn't too relevant to his argument (although it is still very silly). also i think making an analogy between beliefs on bloodletting and beliefs on the playstation brand is a very stupid way to start an argument. so there.
  16. haha, i actually tried some of those tutorials out before i made the post - they didn't quite get me the sound i was looking for but they were good anyway. thanks, though, i appreciate it. i ended up finding a sound that's sorta close to the one i wanted by setting up a reese bass-ish sound with the es2 and then modulating the cutoff, but i'm having a weird issue with it. i can't tell if it's at regular intervals or not, but the sound occasionally has these loud spikes in the lower frequencies that really push the volume of the track up. i'm not really sure what's causing it (the sound is pretty much just 3 detuned saw waves), but if anyone has any advice, that'd be awesome. thanks!
  17. that sounded really rad. i heard about this program (on these forums, i think) like a year ago but never tried it out, but now i'm on a mac and i don't think it's compatible, which is a shame.
  18. i'm super excited about this. i fucking loved the r&c future games and this looks like a lot of fun already, even though it's still over a year away from being released. this is one of my favorite series from the ps2/ps3 era.
  19. ambinate


  20. i'm not too familiar with the source, but i thought this was a really cool, unique arrangement done in a style that i don't hear too much around here. the piano work is really nice, especially. my biggest issue with it on my first listen was that the overall production is a little flat sounding - some of the samples used are just shy of sounding a lot more believable than they do right now. maybe if you tried adding a little reverb to each track (unless you already have), you could get things sounding a little more natural and a little more live. also, for my personal tastes i think the kick drum is a little weak - you might want to change that a bit, but it's up to you. it sounds like it could be as simple as increasing the velocity of each hit, but you could also probably add some compression to add some more punch. nice job so far, though, especially for your first WIP.
  21. i think there's some really cool ideas in here, but structurally i can't really follow it too well. it feels like the beat never really drops as hard as it should - i felt like i was always waiting for the big release with the sidechained kick, the splashy white noise and the full synth arrangement coming in, but it didn't really happen. i guess that's a personal choice, but to me it sounds like it wanders a little too much. there's a lot of different ideas in here for a house song that's only 4 minutes long. i think if you focused on just a couple of them and really got the build/release thing going this could be really cool. some of the synths you've got going sound great, and i'd really like to hear them in a fuller arrangement. but maybe i'm missing the point and you weren't going for a traditional progressive house thing.
  22. this is really chill, i dig this a lot. the soundscape is really well done and i really like the whole concept you went with, it's a lot of fun. i don't know how the judges feel about ambient stuff, but i hope this passes because it sounds great. i actually remember hearing this when you posted it as a wip but i forgot to reply back then (sorry for being so lazy). nice work, dude!
  23. as everyone else has said, this is a pretty slick remix and it's a lot of fun. the sound choices are mostly great, but i actually think the guitar solo sounds a little out of place (i know i'm alone on this one but i figured i might as well mention it). no disrespect intended at all, but the playing during the shredding is just a little sloppy and i think the tone could use a little more balls - it sounds like it's got a lot of treble and distortion but not much else to balance it (although it is a little quiet in the mix, so i could be off). a lot of that is personal preference, though, so it's up to you. either way, it's a great remix. edit: admittedly, i'm a big metalhead and a guitar nerd so my perception of playing that is "a little sloppy" is probably very different from most people's (aka no one will give a shit).
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