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Everything posted by ambinate

  1. This would be really cool. Also, though, if you had some time to go over reverb a little, that would be great - like how much and what kind gets used on which tracks in a song or even just the basics of how the different parameters (the typical ones, as I know there are a lot of different plugins) work and how they should be used. Either way, I really appreciate you making the video. I'm sure it'll be really helpful no matter what you end up putting in. Thanks!
  2. I'm looking for a little help in making some dubsteppy bass sounds, but they're a little different than the sounds I typically hear in that they're not quite as harsh and they're a little smoother (but they still have some edge). Something like this: (drops at :50)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRy0HKExcgk (:56) I'm using Logic's ES2 so I doubt I'll be able to replicate it exactly, but something pretty close maybe? I've followed some tutorials but the sounds I'm getting are a little too harsh and a little broader/wider than I'd like ('cause I'm not really trying to write dubstep). To my ear it seems like this is sorta similar to a Reese bass but I could be wrong, and I also don't really know how to get a Reese bass going anyway... Any advice would be great. Thanks!
  3. do you know vaguely how much you want to spend? you could spend anywhere from $60 to over $200 on pickups, so you might be able to narrow your search a bit if you really cap how much you're willing to pay. i realize this post is absolutely unhelpful and i apologize.
  4. ffxii is a better game than ffx. but 13 sorta sucks.
  5. This is awesome. The production is super slick and really fitting for the tone of the mix itself and the source material. I've never seen the Book of Eli, but I really liked Fallout 3 - it had a pretty incredible atmosphere, and this mix captures it really well. Not necessarily what I expected when I saw Mazedude's name on the front page, but I'm really impressed with the final product.
  6. fuck braid's ending, it was super pretentious and didn't adequately explain anything. i don't need stuff spelled out for me, but almost everything about the ending has to be implied or assumed for it to make any sense. lame.
  7. You guys are awesome, thanks a ton for the help. I didn't even think of any of this stuff when I was making the track, so I've already learned a lot. I spent some time with the song, mostly trying to cut some of the lows out and add some highs. I'm sort of shying away from reverb right now (although I definitely appreciate the advice, Rozovian) simply because I don't know shit about reverb and it overwhelms me, haha. If anyone wants to check out the results, I uploaded a new version here: The thing is, because I'm new to this and I'm not totally sure what I'm doing, I can't quite tell if the song a) sounds better!, got neutered, or c) sounds pretty much exactly the same. I think it sounds a little better and slightly less muddy, but I can't tell if that's what it really sounds like or if my headphones are playing tricks on me (I don't have real monitors and my speakers have a lot of bass response so I usually don't mix on them). Any comments (on either mix) would be super appreciated. Thanks again!
  8. i've never played this game so maybe it's just the fact that i have no context for it but this was hilarious, thank you
  9. Thanks a lot for checking it out, I really appreciate the feedback. I was wondering what was contributing to that "heavy" quality, so this is great advice. Lower mids are around 200 to 400 Hz sorta? Or am I way off? And when you mention boosting the highs a bit, how high are we talking? I always get my high frequencies confused...
  10. mass effect 2 the big human-reaper final boss was pretty stupid, and the last few hours of the game essentially made it seem like the entire collector thing was a distraction, but don't worry, you'll learn more about the reapers next time. dumb. also the last 2 or 3 hours of uncharted were lame. those zombies came out of nowhere. no, thank you.
  11. ("glossy sheen" could also mean "hey, this doesn't sound like shit!") I just finished writing my first real song in Logic. It's a pretty simple ambient tune that I used to get my bearings with audio editing and synthesis and stuff, but now that the writing is done I'm trying to get it to sound more presentable and I'm having some difficulty. It just sounds tiny and quiet in comparison to most of the stuff I listen to on the site and the boards. One of the big issues I'm having is with volume. I tried adding a little limiting and compression to the master track, but I don't really know much about compression other than the basics so I'm not really sure of some good settings to use as a starting point. According to Logic, the track is hovering between -2 and -1 db and occasionally peaking close to -.2 (which is where the limiter's set), but it still sounds really quiet. What can I do to give it a boost in terms of compressor settings and all that without clipping? Also, I haven't added reverb to anything, which I'm assuming isn't helping in terms of the track sounding small. Where's a good place to start for learning about this? Or is adding a bunch of reverb to the tracks not going to solve the problem? I also haven't EQ'd much other than cutting out some of the really low stuff from the main instruments, and I'm still having trouble getting the kick and bass to have more presence without muddying up or overpowering the rest of the song. I don't plan on getting this song to sound professional when I'm done, but I'd like to use it as a way to start learning about mixing and production, I guess. Any advice or help would be really appreciated. Thanks!
  12. I'm not usually a big fan of vocal remixes (which is a stupid bias, I know), but I really dig this one. I've got a lot of BGC's mixes in my library already, but this one still surprised me as it wasn't necessarily what I expected when I thought of him doing a vocal mix. The production is great and the vocals really impressed me - definitely an emotional performance without being over-the-top. Much respect for being a part of Songs for the Cure, as well. Awesome job.
  13. i got 37 i think. somehow i got gta3 but missed san andreas and vice city? that's fairly stupid. i also had no idea "wii fit plus" was a game. whoops.
  14. god i hate videos where the text scrolls so fucking slowly i hate it i HATE ITTTTTTTTcool find tho
  15. holy shit, that intellivision guy is from good will hunting
  16. spoilers? i completely agree with this. i thought the dreamworlds were too tame, even considering the fact that they were trying to ground them in reality or whatever. they rarely felt like actual dreams, and the city-bending stuff that happened early on never really came full circle despite the fact that it had huge potential, which was a bit disappointing. i also felt like the plot was not quite as "complex" or "mindbending" or whatever as the pre-release hype and trailers had made me believe, but i guess that's not really the film's fault. it felt like it touched on a few really fascinating issues but never fully delved into them. i also think the pacing was sort of shitty. big chunks of it (like 30 minute chunks) felt like montages, and there wasn't much breathing room, which is sort of rough in a movie that's 2 and a half hours long. i felt like the characters weren't really developed as a result - we were just kind of dragged along from event to event without much regard to who these people are or any of that. but i actually really enjoyed it despite all that. i dunno if i'd call the action sequences "groundbreaking," but they were incredibly well done, and it was a really exciting movie overall. some very cool concepts and ideas were brought to the table, which was nice. so it was really cool. but i thought it was shallower than i wanted it to be, which was a shame. it had a lot of potential to address some pretty crazy shit, but i think it came up a bit short. it succeeded way more as an action movie than anything else, i think.
  17. this game rules, let's talk about it or something. i just got past alltrades abbey and i'm trying to decide if i should switch vocations at this stage in the game. my main dude is a level 20 minstrel but i kinda want him to be a warrior, but restarting at level 1 might be a pain in the ass. but i wanna be a tough guy
  18. did i skip something? i'm done with the stornway stuff and i still only have one person in my party. wtf edit: nvm i just figured it out i am an idiot
  19. i'm 4 or 5 hours in and i'm really enjoying it so far. i've never played a dragon quest game before but i was in the mood for a more traditional JRPG this summer and it looked like a good option. it's a lot of fun and it isn't too complicated, and it's a beautiful game. i really like the equipment/doll dress up thing but my guy looks stupid because his pants and armor don't match and he's wearing a bandana.
  20. holy shit that was uncomfortable
  21. I've really enjoyed reading this so far, very informative stuff. Thanks for posting! On an unrelated note - are you doing the indie music cancer drive again this year?
  22. ambinate


  23. i only listen to death magnetic
  24. if we had been playing this since the dawn of our species we would be so fucking good at it right now
  25. god this movie blew
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