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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Rozzzzzovian is _so_ gonna figure this track out one day, if it gets past the judges. Keep pushing the limits, Uub-dude.
  2. Nice. Lofi stuff, sweet arrangement (and source), nice groove, sweet sounds... nice something... sweet something... Around 1:00-1:10, that bass synth with the opening filter seems a little overpowering and abrasive, and the sound stops a little too abruptly. Longer release might solve that, just make sure the filter doesn't just reset to closed on key release or next note.
  3. Yeah, ppl get tired of the same song, especially when the changes aren't big from one revision to another. Also, ppl see there's lots of comments already and think it's gotten all the feedback it needs. Also, we're not here to write and mix it for you, and having a thousand revisions kind'a makes it seem that way. But in any case, you improved a lot during your work on your Bridge Zone remix, and that's always good. btw correction: I said "they seem a little too much like an intro song to a kids' cartoon", didn't say they were stupid. Please don't put words in my mouth... in my posts... in my text... something.
  4. Source is there, but this kind'a sounds like source playing over some added tracks, not much interpretation of source itself. Not sure the lofi/chipsynth sound is gonna work either, at least not for the entirety of the track. There's this weird imbalance between the types of sounds. If I were you I'd lose the chippy lead at :48 when the track changes tone anyway. Intro is pretty, after that it gets potentially badass, but you gotta mix it right and have the right lead and the write rewrite of the melody. Bringing back the chipsynth at the ending would work, it sounds great as the badass stuff fades. However, in between intro and ending, I would use a more rude lead, possibly up the speed/intensity of the main drum pattern (the industrial/perucssion atmosphere you've got in there is great). Hm, Gario ninja'd a post while i was talking sd3 elsewhere. Oh well. This ain't bad, but it needs more beef in the middle. More love for Cave Story is always great.
  5. Yeah, first post in the thread. Wouldn't hurt to look at the most obvious place for a tracklist, would it? Hm?
  6. I have no idea. Have barely seen him around. Perhaps not too surprising, he was pretty busy with rl stuff during spring, he's probably on vacation... or still busy.
  7. Update: Nutri got me an update, DJ Crono is interested in another track... Did I mention today is a great week? I know there are more of you out there. Where are you, and more importantly, your remixes?
  8. .wma? So that's why it's taking so long to buffer, and why it doesn't work for me. (means: use mp3!!)
  9. Compression/volume issues - still true. Instrument coming in around 1:00 seems to be clashing, another clash around 1:15... Alarm rhythm still bothers me. Bass clashes at 1:38. 1:42-2:00 is ok, tho around 2:00 there was something clashing or otherwise weird. That section does give me a pretty weird stressed-out vibe in that you've got something fast and fairly foreground-y in a breakdown. It's pretty messy overall, no wonder it wasn't working for me with a headache. Nice ending, tho I'd fix that sustain. Intro is cool to, albeit kind'a mechanical piano. Production is pretty messy. I'm guessing you have been spending your time writing it rather than mixing it much. You'll want the snare and bass drum to stand out more than the high-range percussion. btw, you could learn a thing or two about synth sounds by listening to Willrock's stuff. He's only got one thing psoted atm iirc, but it's pretty good and uses a lot of blatant and exposed synths, much like you do here. He's got other tracks here on the wip board, a quick search should get you a few. Cool source, cool remix. I think it works, keep at it.
  10. All right, let's see how right Will is about the production. Too lazy to check source, and I've probably commented on that before. The percussion stands out a little too much, I wouldn't hardpan the utensils (left) or the cool drums (right). The more glitchy sweepy percussion things would probably work better closer to the center too. As would the military drums. Watch it around there, btw, 1:34 and 1:39 are both places where it sounds like the highs are being shoved away. Dunno why, but I'm guessing it's something that seemed like a good idea at a time, sounds intentional (partially or completely). And sounds bad. Leads around 2:00 are pretty soft compared to the backing. Then it went from trailer music to cowboy music. Okay, works for me. Again, percussion panning. I'd also see what could be done to humanize the guitar. the distorted drums don't really work with the rest of the instrumentation there imo. Arrangement seems to work, I'd be fine with it. Will is right in that there are some production things you need to work on, but it's not as bad as I thought I thought it was. These samples should work, just gotta be treated right. Oh and bonus points for the reverse(-like?) outro.
  11. Not familiar with source, and I don't like the voice clip in the intro. Now that that's done with... This sounds pretty good. Not finished, not awesome, but pretty promising. Pleasant vibe, nice sound. You could drop the resonance on the bass a bit, perhaps EQ it a little more into the background. It gets in the way of the leads. A little too much panning on the harpsichord, imo. See if you can balance it with the later lead that it then supports without panning it that much. There's a bunch of other little fixes like that that you could do, but I'm not gonna name them all. Can't say much about the arrangement without knowing the source, but sound-wise this is pretty good for a first wip. Nice work. ps. don't do the lyrics. they seem a little too much like an intro song to a kids' cartoon.
  12. Everything sounds very upfront. You could push some of the tracks into the background more. it also sounds distorted in a bad way. Ouch, the tambourine! Highs are pretty heavy, sounds over-EQd. Tempo change was a little too noticeable to work in the middle of it like that imo. Once you get into the dance part the mixing sounds better. Still clipping a little here and there. Mostly production crits, as those are what bother me the most here. Promising stuff. btw, not have this sucked up by a project? You know, there _is: a DW project in the works...
  13. Transition at 0:23 was too abrupt. Lead melody seems forced into a new rhythm. Its sound is also really raw sounding, you should take a backup and then play with EQ and volume to bring out the important frequencies of tracks and separate foreground tracks from background tracks. I'm pretty convinced you're not gonna turn this around into something OCR-worthy any time soon, but this sounds like a good practice track to get into remixing. You already sound like you've got the basics down. Learn more and apply it to the remix. Good luck.
  14. 0:25 too abrupt change. Overall, feels a little lacking in the source department until the lyrics come in. Cheesy _and_ vocoded lyrics... Is that double cheesy or do they cancel each other out? This is a pretty cool idea, nice sound. Not a lot of complaints from me, other than that I'm worried you'll run into some problems fitting lyrics to the melody and making it make sense. Emphasis on the wrong syllable can easily screw up a whole song, as can awkward wording, forced melody, and a number of other things. Don't be afraid to deviate from source. We're not doing remakes on ocr. That also applies to your chord concerns. Just make sure you have enough source in there, somewhere.
  15. You know what'd help this project move forward? I mean really. feedback. on my remix. this year.
  16. I'm excited that you're excited... anyone excited that I'm excited? Today is a good week indeed.
  17. I'm in if I get a ride. Anyone wanna swing by my house and pick me up? On a related note, 9 pm EST is kind'a late in my time zone. Or early.
  18. The SPC-format soundtrack is here. Get chipamp or (if you're on mac) Audio Overload to listen. These tracks are, if my notes are correct, free: 116 Oh I'm a Flamelet 301 Can You Fly Sister? 307 Black Soup 314 The Sacrifice pt II 319 Return to Forever These are covered in multitrack remixes, old remixes, or they're tracks we're not sure the remixer is still working on. Also free to take: 113 Damn Damn Drum 205 Female Turbulence 219 Obsession 305 Weird Counterpoint 311 Religion Thunder 317 Farewell Song You're impurfekt from the seikens board, right? Did I invite you to the project? I know I was gonna. If not I must have forgotten. Yeah, you're welcome to join. (updated tracklist is on the first post, not gonna update the one in this post) -- Today was a good week... I mean, I got a bunch of wips in, some of which are really close to finished. And here we have another contributor. And for some reason I keep saying the project is moving along _slowly_.
  19. Dude... You're 13. I barely even liked music when I was 13. I certainly didn't make any. In no way could I mix it. if it's any help, imagine how you'll sound in a few years. And remember that a lot of ppl older than you come here and show that they don't have the thick skin they should have. You're doing fine, kid. Especially considering you're still a kid.
  20. Around 1:00 I noticed it not as tight as it could be. Dunno if it's just my headache or if the thing is a little too compressed. That alarm-like sound is way too loud and annoying. Oh screw this. Wip run + headache isn't a good combination. I'll give you better feedback later if I remember and nobody else picks up where I left.
  21. I'm no fan of voice clips in music, so you get no points from me for the intro. It does sneak up on you, the music, so i guess it's a successful intro. Not sure how liked it'll be. Same with the later voice clips. Yeah, you could give the drums a little more punch. Those pretty clear tom-like drums feel a bit weak. Might also be too panned. I'm wondering if this is too liberal. It certainly sounds like Halo all the time, but most of the time I can't recognize any source. I'm wondering what this is made of, what's in it, since I can mostly just hear guitar+drums. Feels pretty empty like that. I don't find it dynamically interesting either, the changes are pretty slow and the drums make it all just sounds like variations on the same dynamic level. More variation in the drums should solve that. Fading out makes the whole thing sound incomplete. Not really because of it being faded out, but rather because there was no clear high point to fade from. It steps down one step from the bulk of the track, stays on that level, and then fades. Feels like it doesn't have an interesting enough dynamic structure. For that high point, you might need more than just some variations on the drum patterns. Nicely put together, it's long and ambitious, tho perhaps a little too much so. It also suffers a bit from repetition, perhaps you could cut some length to make it more compact. In any case, good luck with it.
  22. Piano could be more centered, or more spread between the channels (just don't do some silly autopan thing). Bass is way too loud, and could use some more mids and high, actually (or less low boosting). Cymbals could use some centering/spreading too. I'd recommend giving them the panning using more phase shift than volume panning, that should sound more realistic. Hard to say what you'd need to change to make this an ocr-type remix without knowing the source. The sound is pretty good imo, but can't say if it's different enough from source. Adding a solo to a very conservative arrangement isn't OCR-style and probably wouldn't get past the panel. Can't say if this is conservative without comparing to source, but as you say it's more a remake than an arrangement it's probably too close. Nice jazz sound, tho.
  23. I like it... except the voice clip. The first one wasn't a problem for me, but the other ones started getting on my nerves. Well, they don't disturb the music much so it's only against my personal preference, not my sense of what works. Nice production, nice progression, source is there... but I wanna hear a really rude lead come in somewhere. This has the potential to be awesome, I'm already feeling it. Make it awesome.
  24. If someone can hear that something doesn't have a snowballs chance in somewhere hot to get accepted, they should say it. Otherwise they can say whether they _think_ it'll get accepted or get to the panel or not... which is what ProtoDome did. As for me, I think it would get on the panel, just not get YESed. Yet. The progressions sounds ok to me, there's definitely source enough in there, but it sounds bare. Drums need some work, the tambourine isn't really working for me. Not as the main high-range rhythm instrument, at least. Perhaps a shaker rhythm would work, in addition to the tambourine. Having the tambourine louder than snare and bass drum is not a good idea, btw. You'll also have to work on your transitions, like the one at 2:12 which goes from a chorus part to a breakdown with no warning and very little transitions. The two rhythms are different, so you'll have to take that into account when transitioning too. A pretty harsh transition is probably the way to go, but it still needs to flow right. Atm, it doesn't. Other transitions needing work are 1:11 (needs more punctuation, but the pause works well), and 2:30 (rhythm just disappears, a final kick and a crash might be enough). There's something strangely caribbean about the ending, must be the marimba- and bottle-like backing stuff. Nothing wrong with that. Drums and transitions are the main weak parts here, tho other areas could use some work too. Some of the instruments (like the piano) doesn't really mesh with the soundscape, it stands out a little too much for my liking. Could be an EQ thing, a sample/sound thing, or just needing a little more reverb and a little less dry signal. Some parts could use some more interesting writing, rhythmically or melodically, but these are mainly just personal preference things. Drums and transitions are the big problems. Nice work, btw, it's come along nicely.
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