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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. This is sounding pretty good imo. There's some places that need work, e.g. 0:26 (low strings), 0:40+ (too sharp difference between notes on one brass sample to those of another), 1:18 (same as previous), 1:30 (dynamically stuck on the same energy level, moar life!). I'm not noticing the mechanicalness of the percussion, but it could probably be humanized and given some life too. I'm not familiar with the source, but it sounds conservative. Not ocr stuff, then, but pretty promising stuff. As for converting to mp3, iTunes can do it, so can Audacity. You could have asked google.
  2. Nice work, man. Sudden Illusions and Synthopia are my favorites from the track. Nice work on the Terminator theme also. Dark Dreams is also cool... Might as well say the whole album is great. Oh and for anybody interested, my contribution to Synphetic Aspirations is the melody at 0:17-0:41, which Will heard while we were working on the music for FireSlash's game project. He apparently liked enough to incorporate into the track.
  3. Sounds YESable to me. Nothing stands out as needing much work. there's some minor tweaks that I could ask you to do, but those would then just be my preference, nothing I think the Judges would feel would be necessary. perhaps the one thing you should do is drop the hihat's high EQ by a dB, it's a little shrill in the breakdown. Oh and I'm hearing distortion on the bass drum, dunno if that's intentional. overall, this seems just a little too loud. Make sure nothing's clipping by pushing the master volume down half a dB or something. Did you always have that breakdown at 3 minutes in? Cuz it's great. Great use of marimba or whatever it is in an electronic track. I think it's about ready now, but I've said that before and been wrong. You could ask a judge, show it to one of them before actually subbing if you're still not sure it's ready.
  4. The backing was pretty interesting, nice work on that. Some cool effects in there, and I really like that far left-panned thing in the backing. Dunno if you made it yourself or used some preset or loop, but it fits well. You're getting ears for sound design. The progression, however, is the same as the song's many source iterations throughout the games, and with the melody so conservative (and not much you can do about that without making it feel forced) you really need to write your own progression. With progression, I mean how the songs moves from one part to another, the order of parts, what part is tied to what part of the source, jne... This is an improvement over previous wips posted here. Learn to write your own progressions and you'll be making some great remixes soon.
  5. Nice performance, good arrangement, but those clashing notes really bother me.
  6. You might want to use another host, I'm only seeing a Halo wip on that link. Could just be some browser/server problem, but I'm not gonna change browser just to hear someone's wip.
  7. Mixing is messy, I'm mostly hearing cymbals and lead brass. Backing brass doesn't sound good, foreground brass is passable imo. I see no reason this wouldn't work on ocr, tho I don't remember the progression and arrangement of the source. Gario could be right about this following the source's progression too closely, you might want to ask a judge what they think. Why not use the Never Gonna Give You Up intro drums (or the marching band equivalents on the same fill) before 2:42? Concerning marching snares... aren't there a lot of those in marching bands? The resulting sound is, no matter how coordinated they are, that some of those snares would be heard before others, giving it more of the drum kit snare sound we all know. Why not use both, layered together where appropriate?
  8. I first thought you forgot to add the link since there were no replies and I didn't see one. Only when I was gonna point it out to you did I notice the picture missing icon under the message field. I'm not familiar with source and not really gonna look it up. To many wips I want to comment on. It's nice, starts of like something of an old fairy tale. It's kind'a messy dunno how much of it makes sense to someone used to classical music, but I'm having trouble just listening without focusing on following the melodies. Dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Without that focus, it just sounds messy. That being said, the sound is great.
  9. Haha, aside from signing your post, you sound like a wip board veteran, geven. Okay, NH's track... The flute like synth has way too long attack and often clashes with the other melodies. I do like how the melody is barely recognizeable a lot of the time. The bass is kind'a weird. Sometimes it's way too high, sometimes it's low and distorted. A lot of the other sounds suffer from similar problems. This stuff sounds pretty experimental, but I don't think that's gonna prevent it from getting on ocr. What will be a problem if you're aiming for getting it posted on ocr is the mixing and sound design. I can't tell what's foreground and what's background, the mix is that messy. The many lofi synths don't really make it sound very good. It can be done well, but it needs to be mixed right for that to work, and I think this track would benefit more from more advanced synths. It's also kind'a flat in terms of dynamics. Once it gets started, it just drones on. It just settling at an energy level and doesn't move anywhere for almost 2 minutes, from 3:00. While the arrangement is interesting, you could cut that section down to half it's length and it'd still feel repetitive. More changes in intensity. Soften it, make it rise, whatever, just do something. Creative and certainly a fun interpretation, but the production aspect needs work. Your arrangement deserves to sound better that this.
  10. I know this source, was considering to remix it myself a while back. The style you're going for isn't gonna work with the current arrangement. Starting from the B bit is fine, I'm talking about the other stuff. Rhythmically it's too similar to the source to work on ocr, and aside from moving the parts around, it sounds like a midi rip, ie. not very creative. hewo's right, you need to work on the progression. Actually, if you get a good progression for it, the current writing and arrangement might work. The mixing is also kind'a exposed and wide, some EQ separation to clean it up is necessary, but it's a later concern. edit: Oh and hey, there is an edit button. Use it. Don't make new threads for new links.
  11. It's one thing to have a differing opinion, another to request ppl respect yours, and yet another to discredit and ridicule ppl's opinion and belief. Let me try that last one, tho. Certain ppl must be really insecure about their beliefs if they post here only to shit on the ones that post here to show that they take offense at the title - especially when said ppl say nothing about the remix itself. I like this remix. I heard it way back on the wip board, and liked it then. It's nice and refreshing to have rhythm without any melody, maybe it'll spawn a whole lot of new and creative remixes doing things different. Beer bottles, anyone? Yeah, I said refreshing to have rhythm without melody. That brings us to some of the issues brought up in the Evolution of OCR thread. There's an abundance of kind'a thick songs that in the long run make it difficult to enjoy ocr music. This breaks free from all that, and I'm grateful for it. Not only is this enjoyable, but it also spices up the other remixes on my playlists. I re-read the wip thread and found Joren's echo of zircon's concerns for this approach, something I didn't understand myself. Why wouldn't a distinct rhythm be eligible material to interpret? You're the right guy to do this, and you did it well. Excellent remix, my only criticism is the title.
  12. QFT The Monkey Island games have been among the best written games I've ever played, and among the funniest. I bet the Loom pin pirate is gonna be a little outdated if that stays exactly the way it was in the good old days.
  13. If it's the staff roll tune, it's on the SM64 project... when that one's done.
  14. Hm... a Pokémon boss track, and a Pokémon project, and a boss themes project...
  15. Hah, I downloaded this with a batch of others, wasn't looking at the playlist, and when it came on I recognized something about the sound (and maybe the chords) from one of the Mass Media Constant tracks. Which I also like. I knew it was zircon almost right away. Great to hear Groove Bias in action too, and a great track to use it on.
  16. The gameplay looked amazing. The rest looked like final fantasy... and not in a good way. I hope they'll be subtle about the story and not spoodfeed ppl with cutscenes and long speeches and stuff. You know, not like the real Metroid games.
  17. Last I heard, ocr has no problem with remixes of remixes. I think there's one on the site, tho I don't remember for sure or have any idea which. Ask a judge. It would have to fit the standards for vgm source content, which I couldn't recognize in your wip. Dirty Sam is one of my old favorites, so I'm kind'a biased. You're gonna have to spice up the sound design or something to keep it interesting like Marc did with the groove. Right now, it's more of a messy sliced up version with the main groove cut out. Then again, it's a (very) rough sketch, and could be awesome. Good luck with it.
  18. Welcome to ocr, newbie. He linked to ocrwip.fireslash.net, that's what the image is. Listening on laptop speakers, so can't hear much bass. Weird note sounding off at 1:41 and later repetitions. Overall, it sounds a bit empty. Adding pads or something else, some chords under thing for at least part of it should help with that. Drum fills and other changes to the drums give it more life (ppl complained about that in the review of my posted remix, ppl are gonna notice it here too). The drums could be processed more, they sound pretty exposed to me (could just be the speakers tho). Actually, everything could be more processed, leads for example often nefeit from some soft delay, and everything sounds better with the right EQ. Cool source, not hard to hear the similarity. It's pretty repetitive, you might want to mix it up a bit more. Nice work tho.
  19. I'm with sephfire on this. The wii was supposed to be the ultimate motion sensing tech... but it runs on batteries, and it's only useful for wii sports, and then came the new and improved wiimote that does all the things the original promised. The most important thing I've learned from the wii is that while waving your arms around is fun, a solid controller feels so much better for all the other games. linkspast is right. There's only so much space in front of the TV. Watched the demo with my brother, laughed at it. It's a toy, a tech demo, packaged in a few tons of hype.
  20. Knew about it since the Escapist's article about it. Tried it a few days ago. Loved it. Stupid demo, makes me like the game enough to plan to buy it. The music I remember seems to draw a bit on haunted house-type music. I'm already expecting remixes of it, perhaps gonna make one myself.
  21. This was one of my favorites from the album (and one I've confused with Just Go on more than one occasion). I find myself trying to play it on guitar sometimes... and fail. This is the kind of rock I enjoy. Great energy, great guitar, great source, great synth work, great... pwnsome stuff.
  22. Long debate on the dissonance, and what bothers me in the remix is something completely different. Simple synth sounds and lack of processing and volume mixing is my biggest issue with this. From what I remember of the old version, this is much closer to an ocr-type remix, but the sound still needs work. If the sound would get better, perhaps the dissonance won't be a problem. When used right, dissonance can be awesome, and it's _not_ terrible here. 1:42-1:50 was pretty cool. If you'd do more stuff like that and fit some source melodies into it you'd have a great remix. 2:18 was another nice piano section, but once again not having much to do with source. Some people remix by throwing original sections into the source, which although cool doesn't get them on ocr. Willrock's had this problem with some of his works. Oh and don't link to a list of files unless it's clear which one we should listen to. I saw four mario theme remixes in the list, not sure I listened to the right one. Link to the right one's download page instead.
  23. We got two more complete tracks. We're moving forward ppl. I'm looking forward to hearing tracks from the rest of you. I'm just saying it like that to be nice. What I mean is GET UR TRAX IN ASAP!
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