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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Actually, it's WIPs & Releases, but you're gonna get a critique pretty much regardless.
  2. I've found that crappy drums can sound half-decent if they're EQ'd and otherwise processed right. There are a lot of crappy drums available for free on the net. There are also some decent ones. Find them. That actually goes for every sound, there _is_ stuff out there. I feel a bit responsible for the drama this wip thread has led to, tho I must say your attitude hasn't been the most constructive either. Dunno how much you listen to ocr music, but do it. The creative and production standards means only the best stuff gets posted nowadays, so if you listen to stuff from the past few years, you should only be hearing stuff that's creatively arranged and well produced. Take the time to study it, learn form it. Personally, learning to listen has been the single most useful music skill I've ever learned. If you learn to listen, you can dig up music form anywhere, eg synth rock from the 80's and early 90's, and learn from it. And the whole nitpicky focus on what's wrong is because one thing done right rarely makes up for one thing that's wrong. When nothing is done wrong, the music sounds... well, better.
  3. Haha, maybe you should sub it. Yeah, I'll give it more of a dynamic buildup in the second section, that should do it. Update, see first post. Got some great feedback from Willrock and Tensei-San. A bit of levels fixing, EQ, stuff like that. Anyway, I'm not far from calling it finished. Just needs a bit more dynamics and a few remaining problems fixed... found and fixed, and then I'll sub it.
  4. Abadoss was probably mentioned because we've talked about his track in the thread. Big surprise that the guy whose track we've talked about is in the project. Maybe you should do more tracks for the project, dude. Weird how I wasn't mentioned. Maybe they're hoping there won't be an eggshaker on the album. That might actually spur me to get mah remixes done. Anyway, summer's coming, fast. That means everybody's gonna be busy, and then everybody's gonna be lazy. I'm gonna write a list of the tracks we need to have on this project, then check their progress and plan to release the project after they're done. That means, sadly, that there may be tracks that won't be finished in time, and we're not gonna use unfinished tracks on an official ocr project. Then again, it might mean people (myself included) will actually pick up the pace and GET TEH REMIXES DONE!!
  5. It's not that. Youtube compresses the file size, so the really high frequencies are lost when the sample resolution is lower. It means the track loses a bit of definition and clarity. It doesn't mean volume change, EQ, reverb, stuff like that. Well mixed stuff still sound well mixed in lower quality. Nice try, tho.
  6. The arrangement sounds pretty good. The production sounds pretty ... midi-esque. The quick fix would be to apply some subtle reverb on everything, then EQ stuff... but that wouldn't solve problems like ugly brass sustain sound, mechanical guitars... it could bring out the drums, easily. I can definitely hear the source here, and it sounds like the interpretation and arrangement stuff is in the green. Production... not really. Fix this up, this arrangement deserves to sound better.
  7. The sound is terrible, but the arrangement is kind'a interesting. The change in note placement definitely sets it apart from other Terra remixes. Can't promise this will be worth submitting at some point, but it's definitely worth developing. it's also a great track to hone your skills on, as there are a lot of remixes of it that you can compare it with, hear what other people did with their ideas for it and get inspired to realize your ideas for it. If not a ReMix candidate, it's at least a good training track. You've already shown you don't just take a midi and change instruments and add drums. Now, learn production skills, like volume mixing and EQ. I wish you luck.
  8. It's basically the same chord throughout, you can get a lot of variation from changing the chord. You don't even have to do it often, I would be fine with the same chord until the last section (so far). So... 1) Yes 2) Remix it. Writing a chord progression based on a few notes in the melody can work, or adapting the melody to a nice chord progression you can come up with can work just as well. If the melody doesn't fit the chord, change the melody, or the chord. it's a remix, not a note-by-note exact remake. Some technical complaints would be that the piano could use a subtle reverb... actually that applies to all the non-percussion instruments in this. Some volume mixing would be nice too, and with that I also mean EQ, not just volume level, panning and compression. Something else you should do is to play with the drums. You've got a nice 80's-like snare here, I have no problem imagining how this would work in something of an 80's style. Or, you could figure out a different sound you want for it, try to make your drums sound like that. Not just the sounds themselves, but the drum writing too. This could be good, and even if it ends up a failed remix, you can learn so much from it that it's definitely worth doing. Good luck.
  9. Source has been removed from the link you provided, btw. The transition from guitar to piano could be made more interesting, but I don't have as much of a problem with it as Princess Tensei seems to. I can hear some idea of direction in this, it doesn't feel as arbitrary as a lot of your other works. Gotta agree about the disparity in reverb levels. I can sort'a sense an idea behind that, but it's not clear enough for those uninitiated to HoboKa music. There's a lot of production stuff you could do to improve this, starting with EQ, and including reverb/delay levels balancing, bass sample fix, subtle panning, other samples for a few parts... EQ is the most important issue here imo. Fix it.
  10. Tindeck's being troublesome and cutting the file off from downloads. Oh well... My review of the first half of the wip: Yeah, the piano doesn't sound good. Sounds like a bit plucked rather than hammered (yep, piano is a hammered string instrument). The velocities seem pretty stiff. You'd want to work on those to give it more of a performance feel, you're not getting on ocr with just notes, no matter how well written they are - yep, this sounds well written, just not performed at all. Performance and piano sound, you sound like you've got the music know-how, just gotta get the production skill up.
  11. This has more drive and flow than your previous works that I've come across. My advice to you at this point is to learn to EQ stuff and mix with volume, that'll get you far in no-time. I hear clipping, the piano is way too loud, the snare too soft... that's why learning the sound mix part of remixing would be so important for you - it'd get rid of all three of these problems. Doing better, keep at it.
  12. Interesting. Not gonna look up the source, too lazy to do that, but i can point out some technical production problems here. First of all, this sounds really dry and exposed. A bit of reverb would be great to give the piano a bit of space. The biggest problem with this is that there's not much performance in it, everything is pretty mechanical. If you could make this sound like a performance, it could be great (if it's interpreted enough). That means first and foremost velocities, then subtle timing things and a dynamic tempo. I think the arrangement has potential. It's pretty expressive on its own, dunno how much of that is thanks to you and how much is in the source, but it's got potential. Just make it more emotive, expressive, performed... human. (and add some reverb)
  13. "King of the WIP board" lol +1 year point to you. Give the Js a birthday remix!
  14. 13 ocr projects... which actually isn't true. There's also chipamp and the mascot bio project, and others. Stuff do get finished around here. Sometimes less, sometimes more than planned.
  15. If you're just gonna use it for scoring and reference, not actually recording/mixing/all that jazz, Finale notepad is a cheap download and should do what you need it to. Dunno about free alternatives that have notation, but there could be something out there for free. For a DAW, there's Reaper, which is kind'a cheap and works just fine in its unlimited, unrestricted demo state too. A quick look didn't reveal any classical notation, but check the site and try it out in case writing with a piano roll works for you. If you're on mac, you could probably get by just fine with GarageBand's notation tools.
  16. Hah, Airborne is great. It sounds like those classics that have become piano training songs that everyone that has had the necessary years of piano lessons should have learned. You're welcome to do stuff like that for the sd3 project, Dhsu, if you're interested. /shameless invite
  17. "before I completely give up on creating music, forever." What, are you out of your mind? This is gold, just like the classics - catchy, epic, yet simple... and low sound quality.
  18. The beauty of her character lies in the mystery. The more that is stated as definite fact, the more they're gonna mess her up. I really liked Super Metroid. I disliked Fusion and ZM. Fusion gave us Adam, Fusion gave us too much details on Samus' stay with the Chozo. Samus' backstory, her motives, all that, should only be hinted at in a movie... or in the games, for that matter. A movie would probably have to delve into her backstory, tho, and I doubt Hollywood's big studios are gonna make a solitary Wall-e version of Metroid - which btw would be awesome, and I loved Wall-e's solitary exploration and non-verbal expressions. I instantly thoughgt of how that would work for Metroid. But in Hollywood? Almost the entire movie? Without a comic sidekick? Or Ridley quoting Shakespeare and twirling his moustache while he explains how he's gonna kill Samus and what Mother Brain's great plan is and how Samus, if alive, could stop it...? No. Movie, no thank you... unless I get to write and direct it. Most of us seem to agree about the need for solitude and mystery, and that Metroid, if done right, would be pwnsome. Too bad that's not gonna happen.
  19. More of a cover than a remix. The drums could use some work. Kick and snare are barely heard, and the crashes are terrible. Even tho it's punk, it could be mixed more clearly. If you want to get it on ocr, you'll have to work on the arrangement more. That's all the crits I have. You should take it to the guitar remixers on #ocrwip, they know guitars better than I do. Sounds like you could get something ocr-worthy (with a bit of feedback), I'm just not sure this is the track that's gonna get you there... at least not without some heavy rewrites. Good luck.
  20. Starts off pretty good, tho you might want to reduce the really high highs a little, those get a bit shrill. Use the AUGraphicEQ if you want more control than the Visual EQ can get you. The progression is pretty much the same as the source, you could get more creative with it. The circus rhythm is pretty easy to shape to all kinds of moods. There are also places in this where pauses and breaks could really spice it up, like at 1:28. There's lots of stuff you can do with this source, taking it to ballroom waltz, mallet show-off, rock-ish ballad... or keeping it in circus mood. The instrumentation sounds pretty good, just needs some more processing to get rid of little flaws (like those shrill highs I mentioned before). Everything sounds pretty exposed, a bit more reverb could give it a more natural sound. Some humanization on the organ would be nice - changes in volume or overall sound would give it some more variation, and there's lots you can do with the writing too. It's got potential, at least concerning the sound. The arrangement would need some work before having a shot at getting on ocr, tho. Keep working on it, it could be great.
  21. Not all missions are all that active, hence the name. This was just the source I wanted to use. I do know the feel you're describing, albeit on a lower volume. Shields and engines up, tempest on dual fire, a Shivan in the crosshairs. I'll see what I can do about evolving the track more, but I kind'a like the arrangement I've got. perhaps layering stuff more would be the best of both worlds, then. Already dealt with hewo's crits and suggestions, gonna take on Will's crits next, and then update. edit: updated, see first post. Minor update, but an update anyway. Should be a recent version in case someone walks in on this and would otherwise point out a lot of things already fixed. Also found those frequencies you're talking about Will, they're some kind of dissonance. The moving pitch must be because the harmonics seems to change in intensity over time, so with a few different notes, those frequencies just stick out wherever they feel like it. I'm not really looking forward to either solution I have for this: one is to replace the sampler with a synth and tweak it to sound pretty much the same... which I already tried, will perhaps try more tomorrow; the other is to separate each note to its own track and cut down the specific shrill frequencies for each note. Not fun, but it should work.
  22. Pretty cool, guest song releases is a great idea. I might have some stuff for you, just too busy atm to take on another music project. Haven't finished any originals in a while anyway. Maybe summer.
  23. Game, composer(s), remix, remixer(s), and posted are all links. Click them to get it sorted. More intuitive than having a list or something. Clicking one of them again reverses the sorting (a-z to z-a). It's there. You're blind.
  24. Everything here is synthesized, including the "hi hat type sounds", the drop bass... everything. I'll only add snares and cymbals and stuff if I can synthesize those as well - that's part of the challenge I've given myself with this track. Thanks so far for the feedback, everything with numbers (no pun intended) has been especially useful (if not else then at least to boost my ego). Not dissing the rest of the feedback either, thanks everybody. Except Gario. Updated, see first post.
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