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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. I'm enjoying this. It's got the right amount of weight and drive. Love the drop-out part around 2:30, makes for a nice change it what otherwise gets a little repetitive in tone and soundscape. After that, it keeps changing from one thing to another, keeping it from getting boring. the firsttwo and a half minutes took their good time to get through, but the other half of the track went by all too soon. Awesome stuff.
  2. Looking over the mp3's and wavs we've got, it's got me a little worried. It'd be nice if you remixers on the project whom I haven't heard from this year could drop me a line, show you're on the project. In other news, we're planning a promo reel and need more music for that. We'll use wip stuff, sure, but we want fresh wips. Maybe the Tales release has got some of you inspired to work on this (again)? I hope so.
  3. Congrats on getting a track on the Tales project. Cool source track. Can recognize some of it in your wip, but you might want to put more source in the foreground. Someone more familiar with the source can probably provide better feedback on how you've used the source and if it's sufficient. Anyway, production sounds pretty good to me. Not a big fan of the hats, or the occasional bleeps. This isn't my area of expertise, so I'd suggest putting this next to a couple of similar, professional-made tracks and comparing frequency balance and other production stuff.
  4. Not much to comment on. (and you spelled despising wrong, u nuub!!) At this stage, I suggest you just practice remixing. Start with easy tracks to work with, Zelda, Sonic, Super Metroid stuff to name some. Make something out of those, and put it in a playlist with something that sounds like how you want it to sound. Compare. Figure out what makes those tracks sound the way they do, then apply that to yours. Remixing is two things: writing your own version, and mixing it to sound good. You sound like you're just starting out. Practice with something easy, then pick more and more advanced songs to work with. It's just like learning to play an instrument - you don't start with the hard stuff. I wish you luck.
  5. The J's might have an issue with the minimalism in this. A lot of the time, it's lead melody, background melody, and some soft legato strings somewhere in the background, and of course the percussion. They might have a problem with this sounding a bit empty. Then again, there's a lot of interpretation here, it's sounding nice and loud, production sounds good to me. It does follow the source's progression blindly, and while the melodies are deviated from, that might not be enough. This would be a nice addition to the F-Zero page, this version of a revised one. My guess: NO, RESUB for it sounding a little too empty and the progression being the same as source.
  6. I have minimal formal music theory knowledge, and I seem to be doing fine (shut up, Gario ). It's not about that, it's about making stuff that sound good. Using a real short, minimalist source isn't a good idea if you're still learning to both arrange and mix. Why don't you pick an easier source to play with, like Red Brinstar from Super Metroid? Grab a midi file and just mix it, focus on the sound. Play it along other music, from ocr or wherever, compare, try to figure out what makes their works sound good. Hints: subtle reverb, mix with volume and EQ, compress stuff, don't try something too advanced too soon, use pads in the bg. There's some interesting ideas in this, tho. It's not impossible to remix this well, and once you get how to mix stuff, how to make stuff sound, you could focus on structuring the ideas in this into a cohesive progression. You're not wasting our time. Or your own. You're learning, having fun, and we get to help you out.
  7. While you're busy not voting, here's a question: Are you guys still alive?
  8. You're insulting your own intelligence, not ours Basically, anything you do to it to create a new sample of it counts as "tweaking". In other words, you can: - apply some distortion, or normalize, or do something else in audacity - blend it with another sample by playing two samples simultaneously (at either's root note) in modplug, and export - use a vst on top of a sample (root note) in modplug and export - and probably a lot more using the tools you have at your disposal... and you can always find more. NOTE THAT anything you do to a sample actually reduces the amount of original information in it, meaning the quality will go down. Take a backup of the sound before tweaking anything. Or use a vst on top of a track instead of worrying about the samples. If you're as beginner as you sound, that might be what you mean with "modify them slightly to get a little bit of a harsher sound". According to google, modplug has vst support, so get yourself a couple of nice distortion vsts (look up kvraudio, search for free stuff), or look up our very own effects thread, zircon's "multiple budgets" thread, or grab something from the good guitar tone for free thread. There's good stuff for free out there.
  9. Interested. Currently got a few too many things to do, but might have the time to work on something for this project later this month.
  10. This is awesome, man. I love it. Gonna sub it? There's some noises here and there. They add to the ambience, sure, just wondering. And... should the music of the sequel inspire you, let me know.
  11. Just got it yesterday. Awesome stuff. It's just got a bit of competition with the Tales release. Oh well, more music can't be bad.
  12. Argh, at work, can't listen. ....So now it's out. We've had VotL, RotC, SSFIITHDROST, BotA, DQD and more... Do we call this SoS:AAoMfToPaToS or...?
  13. This is sweet. Haven't got Hybridism, so getting these via ocremix is great. The messy little intro really screws up this listener's expectations before the track goes into what I by now associate with and assume permeates Hybridism, if not RO. Love the scratches and and stuff, especially those around 2:02.
  14. Quoting it here from the review thread of the remix in question.
  15. Minimalism can work, but it then needs to make up in performance and sound design what it lacks in instrumentation. If you put enough performance into what you've got and process the tracks right, it can work. With performance, I mean those little human things, velocity first and foremost but also note length and timing. Some tracks work fine without percussion, others don't. In your case, I suggest you don't use it 'til you've tried making this thing shine without it. You don't need actual "multiple notes struck simultaneously" chords, you can use the backings rhythm and just use that with different chords. Dunno what key this is in, but it's easy to play in G major on guitar. There, it goes GDGGCF (and sometimes GA#DGCF). Change that into something else, and you've basically got another chord. just make sure the melody goes well with the new chords. Actually, you should probably design the chords around the melody. So don't give up on minimalism, but know what you need to make it work. And don't be afraid to add stuff if you eventually have to.
  16. Up until around 2:00 it's a decent 3/4 track. The offbeat-ness probably comes from not establishing the rhythm clear enough. If you'd have a bass emphasizing when a bar starts. That and some suitable percussion would make the 3/4 parts better. If you're gonna stick to the minimalist approach, you need to change the velocities to emphasize the rhythm better. There are a few places where it felt like it dragged on for too long (0:45-0:50, and other iterations with that). Those could be tightened and gotten rid of, or you could use that room to place another melody melodies. The 6-note rhythm you use as your backing needs more variation. If you'd use it for different chords, you can get a whole new range of emotion from the track. Emotion is important. The Wingless' has made a few 3/4 tracks, "One Girl in All the World", and the Reserve Tank VARIAtions "Edenal". Have a listen to those. Also check out the Kraid tune from the original Metroid (or one of many of remixes of it). Listen to the feeling that the different parts in those give you, and learn from it. Your remix needs emotion, rhythm, and improved production. Good luck with it.
  17. OCR is a bit elitist. That's fine. Trying to meet high standards is a way of improving. Even if your remix is rejected, you learn so much more from it than by getting accepted on... uh, youtube. I'd recommend talking to zircon, Palpable, or AnSo, they're electronica-oriented, friendly, and somewhat accessible. Palp is often on AIM, zircon on irc. AnSo... probably on both when he's online. PMs work too. Liontamer, Darke, and Fishy are also quite accessible and friendly, and certainly able to give you a their judge-perspective on your track. Haven't really dealt with the other Js so I can't say about them.
  18. I'm fine with the lead. Snare feels a little too rock-ish for an electronic mix like this. Might want to find another sample for it. By now, you should show this to a judge. PM one, go on #ocrwip, add a few to AIM or MSN, see if any of them respond. I've heard it so many times I'm having a hard time being objective. Don't have any big hopes, tho. You've learned a lot doing this, but that doesn't mean the track is suited for ocr. If it's not, there's R:TS.
  19. Yep, the brass sounds pretty good, tho I think there's a bit too much reverb on it. The bass could probably be fixed by putting a bass amp sim on it, perhaps it's enough to boost some specific low frequencies. The bass sample probably needs replacing, but the writing sounds pretty good. Drums are a bit too exposed. If you can give them the right spatial tratment and EQ, they might work. You might also want to keep them softer, get that smooth jazz feel. Listen to some Neskvartetten stuff, since that's all real stuff. Figure out what makes it sound real. As for interpretation, it's pretty cool. I think it's ok. Source is undoubtedly there. Nice work, keep at it.
  20. Argh, the hihats are annoying. That stereo effect should probably be more subtle. I'm also getting a nice 80's vibe from this, great job on that. The lead seems a little too quiet, tho, doesn't hold attention like it should. Choir-like synth just doesn't sound good, imo. Everything pretty crisp and exposed, slightly more reverb and stuff would probably fix that. Well, I like it. Too lazy to dl the source, so can't say anything about interpretation. Stylistically, this is the kind of stuff I'd enjoy listening to, so keep at it.
  21. I think this read will be useful to you. As for production, you should first just play with different effects, most importantly reverb, delay, compressor, EQ, distortion, and overdrive, see what they do. Play with them. Eventually, you will know them well enough to use them to improve the sound of your tracks. So what do I think about it? It sounds like something a beginner did. Have fun remixing.
  22. Dude, put this in a playlist with a couple of ocremixes, see how it stacks up. You'll find that the drums here are terrible by comparison. Try to figure out what other remixers are doing about their drums. have a look at some drum presets, figure out why they sound the way they do. I can list a few things you should use: other samples, compression, EQ, volume envelope. That should get you started. Oh and one more thing: volume. The bass drum far too quiet. The chords you're using seem to be in a different key sometimes. Learn chord structures and what notes you can and can't use together. Also, you have volume controls for a reason. You leads are ridiculously loud and run over pretty much everything else. The track you think are important, bring their volume down to nothing, then bring 'em up until you can hear them clearly. That volume is usually a lot lower than it was before. I hope this will help. Since you admit you're beginner, you should have no problem taking our feedback and learning from it. Good luck.
  23. It's muddy. You need to separate them better. When the synthy sound comes in 1:09 it's completely drowned in the rhythm track. Needs to be cleaner so you can hear what's going on.
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