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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. The piano sounds a bit weak and really dry, also a bit mechanical - needs more velocity work, more reverb, a bit of low frequency boosting maybe. Not sure the piano writing is all that jazzy, seems just to be serving as filler. Imagine having/knowing/being a jazz pianist, what'd they do in a track like this? The toms sound panned like a recorded and mixed track, but the snare seems too weak for that to work and the hats aren't panned enough. Make up your mind about how you want them panned and processed. Stronger snare and more hihat panning, or less tom panning. I really like the tom panning in the end fills tho, so I suggest you pan and fix the rest to fit that. The count-in and sticks didn't sound good, consider starting the track with the drum intro. Bass seems a bit dull, could sue some EQ work or a different sample to I can actually hear the bassline melody, not just the rhythm. That's what I've got. From what I remember, it's improved a lot. Nice work, but it's not out of the woods yet imo.
  2. Look around. Get a synth, like synth1, and start toying with it until you get something you like.
  3. I'm gonna focus on finding the sound first. PMd you a link to the tracks with more or less the right sound, maybe you can pick some melodies from there. Details in the pm.
  4. Songbird looks good. Now I have a reason to get it. PM me with an url to the tracks, if you got any. I'll put 'em in a central location and pm you with the url there so you can see what you're all doing and keep the same sound, maybe use some of the same melodies or ideas.
  5. For this to work, I gotta hear your stuff. I've heard some, but it'd probably be best if you'd all send me your tracks (preferably mp3 if they're wips). I'll check which ones work together. Also, everyone with an area track, are you up for making a boss music version of it? -- some info/impressions: Skryp and Gario have more or less OK tracks for this. Willrock and I both have tracks don't don't mesh well with Skryp's and Gario's. I'll have to figure out how to fix that. DJ Mokram's track... idunno, need a music player that can handle both ogg and mp3 to compare his to the others more easily. or rather... Mokram, gimme an mp3 of it. Those are the ones I've heard. Monobrow, Vagrance, Zephyr, Prophet, and Abadoss... show me what you've got so far. Should something open up, Hemo, Darke, Tauce, Red9, and Cerrax are next in line for tracks. Not sure in what order.
  6. All right... Update, March 30th. Skryp, Mokram and Gario have more or less OK tracks for this. They've got the right sound at least. Willrock, Vagrance and I have tracks don't don't mesh well with Skryp's and Gario's. I'll have to figure out how to fix that. Zephyr's and Monobrow's I haven't heard yet. Abadoss is waiting for me to figure out the sound we're going for. Forgot someone? -- Technical details: - Track must loop from start due to slow update polling on slower machines. *IMPORTANT* - Tracks may be split into separate ambience and music tracks. *LATER CONCERN* - Tracks should contain two melodies, melodic ideas... we want them to have remix potential. *YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT* -- Also, please include your name/stage and date/version in the filename, and other relevant info (like if it's with/without ambience, boss/stage). It'll make my job easier. Those are the ones I've heard. Monobrow, Vagrance, Zephyr, Prophet, and Abadoss... show me what you've got so far. if and when you got something. Should something open up, Hemo, Darke, Tauce, Red9, and Cerrax are next in line for tracks. Not sure in what order. -- This is the order of my priorities for the project: - Cohesive sound - Area tracks - Themes (including any main theme material) - Boss and other non-area tracks - Ambience/Secondary tracks for areas -- Recap:
  7. News, finally. Might I suggest myself? meaning: "Pick me pick me!"
  8. Aww, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now. Actually, I could probably have a look at the tracklist some time, listen through, let you guys know what I think. Need to get some other stuff done first, tho.
  9. I get a distinct zircon-vibe from the beat. This is a really cool track, and the source ost is definitely something I should look into more. Can't say where it is on a scale between conservative and liberal, verbatim and interpreted, without being more familiar with the source. Consider this a bump and thumbs up.
  10. Dunno how much of an interpretation or arrangement this is, but I like how it starts. The panning tricks get annoying fast, and then we got a couple of exposed synth and a noisy snare fill leading into a much less interesting beat. A cool bassline could save that part. gets interesting again when the arpeggios come in, but the mixing keeps bothering me. Everything just sounds too exposed. And then it shifts to something else. Sounds like okay-mixed dance (sounds ok on common speakers, anyway), but it's not very interesting. It keeps bouncing between styles, and not all the transitions work well. Ending is timed right. I got bored with this just before it ended, so you didn't drag on for too long. That's good. There's my thoughts about it. Hope this is useful. This also serves as a bump to get your wip some more attention. (ppl come have a look at stuff that isn't square or nintendo!)
  11. Despite hewo's useful source link, I'm just gonna comment on the music, not the interpretation and arrangement. The best repetition isn't straight repetition, it's when something repeats and something else changes. The entire track could be just one long build-up, kind'a like what this remix seems like. Yeah, you do some cool stuff at the end where you just keep the snare rhythm and pads, and add some melodies. This gets boring long before then, you need something that can hold the listeners' attention, or a good groove to keep them listening. Needs to change more, and needs to be mixed more interestingly. Everything's kind'a open and exposed, and you haven't separated the sounds much, it seems. Most of the time you don't seem to have enough sounds to separate anyway, but they could still need their own frequency area. Interesting, dunno how much is source evrbatim, but this sounds like it's got potential. Groove potential for sure.
  12. I'm not gonna check source - lazy. Would help if you'd put a source link there, tho. The drum writing is pretty cool, but the drum sounds aren't quite. Some reverb might help, but better samples would be better. Synth melody is also cool, but the synth is a little stale, it could be a little more changing. Even some changes to the note velocities would help make it a little more alive. LHH's suggestion isn't bad, you should try it. Stuff like that make a track more dynamic. More little breaks, fills, stuff like that. Not knowing how much is source verbatim I can't comment on the progression of the remix, but it sounds good, and you've got some ocremix potential.
  13. Spakku's suggestion of cutting out the repeated notes is a pretty good one, just don't do it for the entire track. The heartbeat-like bass drum is a cool idea. Transition from one source to the other... not that good. You should blend the two together more, perhaps by using the melody or rhythm from one to use on top of the other. It's also not as much a ReMix (arrangement) as it's a remix (different sound, same basic arrangement). Two sources stacked in succession, there could be more arrangement in this, and it will hardly get on ocr nowadays without more arrangement in it. I don't need the melodies to punch in, the nightmare organ you used for the alttp tune sounds pretty creepy, it doesn't have to be totally in-your-face. It'd be good for the labyrinth to be more foreground, more driving, more aggresive, more in-your-face. Aside from being kind'a unrefined, I like the soundscape here, you have a good sound concept, with noise, organ, creepy bubbling sounds, all that. Processing, mixing, it all needs work, but the idea you've got is good. I suggest you listen to all kinds of creepy stuff you can find. The Doom albums, Children of the Monkey Machine, some of the Relics of the Chozo tracks would work to start with. See what you can find and learn from. When it comes to arrangement ideas, you should compare remix to source. Biggest concern I have is the arrangement one. Mixing is easy to change, but the arrangement isn't. Put more work into the writing, stuff like where which part comes, what parts you can combine, and how you want it to progress.
  14. Same would go for most trackers... ...and GarageBand... ...and Audacity... I'm in favor of adding Reaper, Tracker and GarageBand to the "DAW" list. See also this thread.
  15. DarkeSword explained the apparent inconsistancy. I also like the playlist idea, especially if it was easy to download the playlist data and use it in iTunes or your music player of choice. Dunno how compatible playlist formats are, tho. Of course, someone would have to code the playlist into the database, someone would have to verify that the playlists contain what they're supposed to, someone would ahve to update the playlist database, etc... The idea is great. I would gladly share some playlists once I get the fixed files from the new torrent. Wonder how hard it'd be to get this integrated into the site... and if it should be. edit: btw, isn't this a site issues & feedback -type thread?
  16. In zircon's free music post on his blog, Darke suggested this, specifically for mp3, non-destructive editing.
  17. Okay, we've got another WAV in. Preliminary evaluation from a judge suggests this might be posted on ocr... probably a few years from now, tho. I know there are a couple of tracks that are inches from ready. You all everybody get your wips/wavs in! edit: we got a few tracks, but I get greedy. MOAR PLZ!
  18. Anyone read the vid description?
  19. The Bound Together album has a lot of ocr artists. Hope someone's still seeding it.
  20. e for download, a and c for actually listening.
  21. Not a fan of the breath sounds, and it takes a while for me to get into this track. It starts off with something of a strangely newby vibe that's made me skip past this track quite a few times since I got VARIAtions, but it's just as great to discover this so much later. Still not a match for my tastes until it gets to the 1:42 mark. I do love how the Prime track is fitted into this, and once the track finally picks up, it's all great. Can't decide which ear to listen to at 4:20, there's great stuff all over. For something this long, it's amazingly varied and for most part really interesting to listen to. Also, the tape stop is, as Harmony already said, perfectly placed.
  22. Yeah, the first 20 seconds or so could use some tweaking, that synth is really basic and annoying. This is loud, after 1:00 there are compression issues from the guitar, and the synth could have its highs boosted slightly. Doubling the rhythm guitar and hardpanning them opposite each other will give your track more stereo width. Listen to some guitar tracks here on ocr, especially Sixto's recent stuff for a feel of what that can sound like. The kick seems to lack highs, not quite giving it the impact it could have (especially when trying to punch through the guitars). I'm mostly only hearing the crashes panned. Hihats after 3:30 sound terrible, replace those with better samples. Other than that, this is impressive stuff. I'd say it's a NO(resub) in its current state, but it's not far from YES. Great stuff.
  23. Give your story a goal, an ending, and make your characters, the events go towards it. How they get there _is_ the story.
  24. First of all, don't tag it OC ReMix. Let Liontamer or djp to that... if and when it gets accepted. As for the remix, it's pretty cool sounding. Sadly, it's also annoyingly repetitive. You can get away with repetition if you have some subtle changes, like a slowly opening cutoff filter on a pad or something so it's building up to something. Spuzz is right about the drum sequencing as well. It's by no means bad, but it's the same stuff throughout. There it's not a problem with the repetitive writing, it's a problem with the repetitive sound. The bass rhythm suffers from the same problem, it's the same thing throughout. And yes, the orchestra hit does not sound good. It does sound promising.
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