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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Can't right-click and select download target as?
  2. This one's been sitting in my remix folder for long enough. Just picked it up and started working on it again. Any thoughts? Remix
  3. Aside from the drums - which are too weak even for a sweet melody-driven track like this - it's sounding pretty good. Mixing might need some work tho, some eq separation wouldn't hurt, and you might want to think of another ending, this just re-uses what you had earlier in the track, there used as a transition. Actually, the transitions are kind'a hard sometimes, you might want to soften those, make them blend together better. That's what I think.
  4. Thanks for the pm, always a nice ego boost when ppl actually ask for _my_ feedback. Okay, this is sounding pretty cool. I once made the mistake of changing the lead melody rather than making a decent arrangement. You can make a great remix by just arranging stuff, not changing the theme melody at all, so that shouldn't be a problem. I'm a bit concerned you haven't used enough source tho, see if you can use more of the backing from source and do something of that. I can be source-deaf at times, tho, so if you have used it (if there's source in over 50% of the track Larry's gonna be ok with it) you should be fine concerning source usage. ^blah blah The sound is pretty good, but like it's been said, it's a little heavy on mids, especially in the intro. Or perhaps the mids are fine, you just need more weight and more clarity. Try dropping a wide band of mids just a dB or so, subtle should do it. Dropping tends to create less eq artifacts than raising, esepecially with cheap EQs. The 1:04 part feels a little mechanical, see if you can give the brass more life there, make it more human. In the louder parts, the brass lead you have has a bit too slow attack to be heard well enough. The percussion is dry and pretty cool, but there's something of a disparity between them and some of the other instruments that sound more distant... kind'a like this was recorded next to the percussion on stage. The lead should be more clear, that should be enough to break the disparity. Then there's the staccato brass which sounds weak. Something about it just ain't right. It could be that it has too much highs and becomes too much of a foreground thing. Also, there's a bit of a swing on the strings in the intro, dunno if that's intentional, but it doesn't sound like it is. Gah, I'm having some trouble focusing, but I suppose this'll get you a bit further with the track. Watch out of repetition, this sounds more like half a remix than a complete one, adding a minute (of something that's not repetition of what you've already got) should easly solve that.
  5. I'm slow. Took me a while to host and add the brand-new supporter sig banner. First post, and here. <-this one you can hotlink. Also, seikens.com likes us.
  6. Production sounds good to me. The source clip usage is a bit too much for ocr, tho. Source clip->big metal->source clip->big metal... This isn't an interesting, interpretive, or creative enough progression if you're trying to get on ocr. You need to work more on the progression, the arrangement. Write your own based on the important parts of the source. Good luck.
  7. Not gonna repeat anything that's already been said, just curious of how you're gonna use feedback specific to this mix if you've already made the final version. I've got loads of songs I like, old songs, with terrible samples, terrible processing, mixing... I like them, but if I had been interested in learning to improve the way I am today, I wouldn't have called them final versions. Come to think of it, I don't think I declared any of them "final version". That's your mistake. Then again, I don't think I showed ppl them much, which slowed down my learning and music-making progress. That was my mistake. If you're here to learn, get constructive criticism and all that jazz, don't dismiss the criticism. Ask if you have questions, but don't dismiss criticism as a mere matter of taste. That'll only make you popular with the trolls, not the rest of us. As for lack of samples and other resources, you've already been pointed to some free resources. Use them.
  8. There needs to be something more recognizable earlier in the remix, I was looking for part of the source in the first half and couldn't find anything. That needs to change if you're trying to get this on ocr., or trying to learn how to get something ocr-level. There's some nice additions to the source, I don't see why this couldn't work, it just needs to be more connected to source. See where you can take the source after it's been introduced, half the track being source-less intro won't fly on ocr. Technically, it's got a nice sound, tho it'd be great if it was more loud and clear. Can't comment on the details of it while I'm on speakers tho. Sounds like its biggest technical problems are a muddy and weak sound, which is (relatively) easy to fix. For a first remix, this is pretty good. It has potential. You have potential.
  9. I assume pointing you to the Cave Story Remix Project isn't gonna be much help to you since it's so easy to find that you must have seen it... and Eyes of Flame ain't on it afaik. I'm just posting and linking so other ppl can find it.
  10. The project is on its way. Patience, buddy. Also, I've got a track there, and that one is pretty much done. It might be posted on ocr in 2011 or so.
  11. This thread is funny... so much naïveté. And it's a little sad at the same time. Grow up. 'nuf said. edit: clarification: everything's connected. you can't always do what you want. I'm with the grownups on this (aka zircon and bgc).
  12. Needs more punch, better synths, louder solos, variation, etc.. Like glasfen said, the solos are buried under the rhythm guitar - get them louder with EQ and... well, volume. Drums could be a little stronger, at least crashes, snares, and kicks. Boost the crash volume/velocities, compress snare and kick, give the latter two a few dB's narrow EQ boost somewhere in the 50-200Hz region (look for the punchy frequency). Boost the volume on the whole track, preferably with a multiband compressor, just make sure to have a limiter at the end to prevent clipping. Calling this final at this point is like shooting yourself in the foot. Don't do that.
  13. This thread is not about me. I don't mind reading about me, but... I'll have to echo MX and Gario on this, sped up original with dnb-ish drums. Wouldn't get on ocr... ever. You'll have to be more creative with it, write your own progression, arrangement, etc. use the the midi you based this on for reference so you get the notes right if you need to. Listen to music here on ocr, especially stuff released the past few years, and compare this to that. This is whiny and weak by comparison. Try to figure out what makes ocremixes sound better, and then try to apply that to your own works. Chill Penguin in dnb? Could work. Good luck.
  14. Sounds like this could benefit from less of a studio sound and more of a concert sound - meaning more reverb, more panning, stuff EQd to fit that. At this point, it sounds like you've only done the arrangement, not much on the production. 3/4 through the drums and the chippy melody seem to disagree on the tempo. The bass drum needs more bass. Cool track, great arrangement, nice interpretation... but your hihats suck.
  15. "The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire."
  16. To be frank, production sounds terrible. Needs EQ and reverb for separation and space. The arrangement is pretty cool, and your samples aren't bad, you just gotta get the production end to work. it does get repetitive, you'll have to vary the later half, give it more of a rise to a grand finale towards the end. There's some changes around 3:30 but it'd be great if there'd be more. Pretty cool, much better than the first seconds suggest. production and repetition are the issues here imo.
  17. Piano is too loud compared to the strings, and it's pretty mechanical, especially noticeable in the mid-low key range. Work with the velocities to get more of a human performance out of it. Something about the reverb on the strings is off, you could try using a little more reverb on them. The instrument you've got in the background around 1:10 needs to be brought out better, not it just sounds like melodic noises. The march snare has some panning thing going on which is pretty annoying. Give it space by some other means. Plucked strings at the end are pretty, but don't sound good. Higher sustain, longer notes, longer release, something... yeah and watch the velocities so it toodoesn't stay mechanical. You're also sticking pretty close to the original in both progression and arrangement. This sounds mostly like a stripped down version of the original. You've got a few more original bits that you could expand on, with more reference to source melodies, instead of using the structure of the original as a crutch. More interpretation, try your own progressions. Once you have your own progression it's no problem fitting parts of source verbatim into it without having to worry about it being too conservative.
  18. Light=good, dark=evil. Used to be so simple, but then someone wanted to be innovative. How someone thinks darkness (absence of light) is a something (like light - visible spectrum radiation) rather than a nothing (an absence) doesn't make sense to me, tho. In keeping with this analogy, what's dark-demonic gonna do against light-Godly? At worst, obscure it with something... something that's actually _something_. This actually has some theological/demonological depth, tho that's a discussion better suited for PPR. And hey, wouldn't the "concentrated mass of positive emotion" just make the bad guy/monster/enemy feel happy about killing you and your party? Some weapon that'd be. Yep I think light and dark as elements are ridiculous. Especially dark.
  19. All right, it's yours. But... If it's done, how is it sill a wip?
  20. Sounds like you got the basics, just gotta learn to use them in GB and Logic. Command-click or right-click. Everywhere. In Logic, later, you'll have to set the pencil tool as the right-click behavior. Spend a month or two just toying with the program. Write songs, then mix songs, and always take the time to try something new. Take backups, then toy around. ...and make sure to have fun with it.
  21. Good day for the project, apparently. It's yours. Looking forward to the wips. As for the rest of you... summer's still on approach. Anyone with a deadline should wake up around now and, without disrupting school/work/rl (if you got one), get back to (or started on) your tracks.
  22. First post. The one in the sig is so much more trouble to update. Pick a track if you're interested, and send me an early wip so we can ok the style you're going for.
  23. no u cant i havent maed it avalable yet u wait for it lol I mean, sure, it's yours. Great to have you on another track. Right, I should edit the pic....
  24. ^ not actually true, folks. Trackers aren't midi, yet it is sequenced music. Anyway, yep TSS, I think that's a good answer. Shoot him down from his dreaming and make him toil in the dust of the earth until he's good enough to reach those dreams. We all want more people in the industry making music, more vgm composers, more competition... Wait, on second thought...
  25. The DAW is basically just a sequencer and mixer, and they're pretty basic things. Learn those. I started getting into music by getting a sequencer and using that for a few years. Then I got a DAW in the same vein as the sequencer I had used before (trackers, if anyone cares). Then I got a simple "modern" DAW, GarageBand, and if you're on mac that's an awesome place to learn the basics of DAWs. After than, I got Logic, a "big" DAW. Each step up took some time to get used to. Start by learning to sequence music, then move up to mixing volume. Then start using effects (EQ, reverb, delay, compressor, overdrive) to fit the tracks together better than volume alone can do. Additionally, you should learn to work with audio files in the DAW, and learn how samplers and synths (as in sound synthesizer, not music keyboard) work. Three paragraphs... Shouldn't be hard to get your head around. Besides, one of them was just a summary of my exercise of god-like patience (I would call it "having fun with the computer" or "writing music").
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