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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. There's some weird stereo thing going on with the bass, and I'm wondering how loud it really needs to be. I'd rather compress it and have the other frequencies louder than deal with it like this. The track gets a bit repetitive sometimes, you might want to cut some repetition. You might want to carve into the frequency curves on some of the tracks, it sounded a little lame when the orchestral stuff was coming it after 3:00 and they didn't have the room to be majestic. Besides that, I've got no crits. Pretty cool stuff.
  2. Sounds much better than before. You should put this in a playlist with some similar ocremixes, compare volume, mixing, sound, that stuff. That's one way to hear what needs fixing. Also, keep your ears open for bugs and stuff that crop up. At 1:20 the delay from your lead bounces in after it should have gone quiet. Kill it with volume automation. At 1:11 you have two similar synths in pretty much the same range, both of them being pretty much the same volume. Makes it messy. Also, learn to EQ to separate stuff. Your leads are all over the place, drowning out a lot of the other stuff, and everything goes quiet when the lead finally stops. Also, ur ending suxx. But hey, great improvements. Nice work.
  3. Weird that the drums are so aggressive while the rest of the instrumentation is... well, not. It also sounds overly loud when the drums die out (like at 1:03) and the hat/ride fading gets real loud, but it's not a problem of conventional compression. Too much compression with a multiband compressor, maybe? Interpretation was pretty good imo.
  4. This might be useful to you, it'll get you some much-needed save-functionality. On the flip side, it's a whole new program to learn.
  5. The best assistance you can get is a good critic. Start trying to remix, make some friends, and make sure those friends don't all say your remix is "lol awsome ftw zomg lol". Find yourself a good critic. The rest is just experimentation, learning and figuring out what sounds good and what doesn't. Yoozer said it well, QFT: Post remixes in this forum, see what people think.
  6. Most of the first minute was just toying with the same drum sounds and the delayed melody. It's followed by a new instrument playing the melody, and more drum toying. All I'm hearing is one or two instruments plus some drums. It only got interesting around 4:00 which is way too late. This sounds like something you've learned your DAW with, and that is good, but it's miles from getting on ocr. I hope you didn't have any illusions about that. Sorry about being all negative there. This could be a good read for you. You might also be better off with a source that's a little more... substantial.
  7. Newer games have better graphics, new controls, and longer waits when you roll dice, move character, YES menu items, receive items, and do stuff. I recall the minigames themselves being fun, but the "party" becomes pretty dull pretty quick when you have to wait to YES everything you do. Ya know what I'm saying', takes time to YES stuff, amirite? I think we have Mario arty 5 for the cube, 8 for the Wii. I prefer the old one of the two.
  8. A little too hardpanned. Was actually painful when everything else came in. A little shrill overall. There's a flute-ish instrument there that's painful _and_ off key. What were you thinking? Listen around 0:28 and forth. Ouch. Got energy, got drive. Break before 1:22 is a little too short, imo, the distorted guitars bare have time to fade out before it gets up and at it again. Use guitar doubling, dude, it'll give the track a great stereo width. Even the slight panning gets a little annoying, it seems to lean left. Cool stuff, looking forward to hearing more guitar stuff from you.
  9. I think I remember one of your previous wips of this. Don't have time to compare the source. Lofi seems to work well, but the repetition hurts it a bit. I'm also not a fan of the piano sound, it's muddy all by itself. Needs to be clearer, imo. Slicing your beat would make it more interesting, especially in the section before 2:09. It's got groove all right. Sadly, it gets real repetitive, would be great if you'd have some additional drum patterns, even some processed thing that you can play on top of what you already have... some of the time. Some little embellishments on the bass and stuff would be nice too. It's not ocready yet, but it seems like it could be. Keep at it.
  10. Gonna base this on hewo's critique. 1) Yes, more intro would be nice. 2) Yes, it's heavy on the highs. 3) Yup, compression. Nope, doesn't fit, too distorted. And by then, you've sued three different kick where one would have been sufficient (I recommend the second one) 4) For most part, you can get away with off-beat 4th note bass notes (hitting in between the bass drums from 1:39) 5) The percussion pattern from the intro is pretty cool, you should use that later. Use it to show where your remix is at: build-up, chorus, toning down... 6) I actually like that synth ostinato, it's just too loud, would work better if it was a background thing. You need something more varied as your lead instrument. 7) I agree. The piano has some nice writing, but it gets buried by the synths. The arrangement (chord and melodic progression) is still the same as source. You're getting better, Linda. Time to start writing the arrangement from your head, not from the source.
  11. Had an idea about the new artist pages and ocr albums. Why not have an albums tab for artists that have been involved in a project (or composed for the game remixed)? More work for djp, when he feels like it.
  12. I should name it "Short, dull, uninformative and rarely updated".
  13. I remember this wip. Flute seems to have too much reverb. There's some weird stereo efffect on the hihats, doesn't sound good imo - and they're kind'a hissy. More mid frequencies and reverb on the hats and crashes, and a stronger and less metallic snare would probably be good. Your filter sweep would work better if you made them longer and has a higher resonance value, it'd emphasize the frequencies near the cut. Around 1:14 it gets weird since the drums just seem to fade into poor EQ, a more pronounced filter sweep there would make it sound more intentional. The strings are nice. Would be nice to have them close to the center, not panned so far left. Guitar solos are pretty nice sounding. Sound effects tie the piece together nicely. Can't say whether or not it's interpreted well enough for ocr, I'd be fine with it but it could be a little too close to source. You'd best check with a judge. Good work.
  14. The stuff here that's close to source is old. Wouldn't get past the panel today. Listen to the more recent mixes from the site if you're looking to compare sound quality. WIth exposed instruments, I mean they don't blend together in a good way. They're not mixed together. Each instrument needs its own place in the mix. EQ, reverb, and volume are the best tools to place instruments with. Background stuff has low volume and more reverb, bass is mostly low frequencies, lead is louder than the rest, drums are fairly loud but not louder than the lead... Stuff like that. These tools should be used so the untrained listener can't tell they're being used. Kick and snare should never be panned (during normal use, anyway). Here's some advice I've found is pretty useful: don't start by defending your music from criticism, figure out why the critics say what they say. Understand the criticism. Then you can explain why things are the way they are. Start it over, or work on it 'til it sounds better, whatever you think will let you improve the most.
  15. First notes sounded like Harvest November from Seiken Densetsu 3. Speaking of which, are you interested in joining the project? This is some nice stuff. There's some SNES Zelda-like interaction between the marimba and the leads that's pretty cool, sounds much like the Zelda rescue track in the middle. Nice and soothing stuff.
  16. Not gonna listen to source. Lazy. The lack of a bassline is nothing compared to the problems with clashing notes, exposed instruments, and...um, let's call it "creative drum panning". Reading some tutorials would be good, yeah. There's some here. Make sure to listen to a lot of music, and compare your own works to stuff in the same style - try to hear how you can improve your stuff. Also, remixing (for ocremix at least) is a lot like writing original songs, you have to write your own arrangement and adapt the source, not just throw new instruments on it. Good luck.
  17. Update. lol I'm running out of things to fix with this, I guess it's getting close to being subbable. Thanks everyone who's critted it, it's greatly appreciated.
  18. preamp vst lol If I understand it correctly, you need the preamp (or whatever) to get a clean and loud enough signal. A "preamp vst" would certainly get it loud enough but it won't get it any cleaner. And before you ask: no, a de-noise vst can't get it all without screwing with the sound you want to keep. Someone more knowledgeful can elaborate on this, and correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. 1makes2, Starblaze, Blue.Nocturne, leepmeister, Sinewav... I want to hear from you about your track(s), or your claims to tracks.
  20. The only source connection I hear is those repeated six notes, and the vocoded in-game voice clip. It's a bit low, so no high marks on source or interpretation. But it's a great track that belongs on ocr, so I'm glad the standards weren't what they are today. It's a chill track, with chill atmospheric pads, bell rhythms, and well tied together with the voice clips... I normally don't evne like voice clips. Here they not only fit in perfectly, but I'd have a hard time imagining how this would work without them.
  21. It may take a while to actually get started, but the build-up, the atmosphere, all that is just awesome. Sets the mood to something fitting the game. The brass is especially cool. This is a track that takes a while to get into and a while to get out of, and that's perfect.
  22. Haha, this is one of those things you can show someone familiar with the original, and he'll probably laugh once he recognzies it. An unexpected but well fitting style for the song, gets you smiling. A favorite of many, no doubt. OCR needs more steel drums.
  23. This is interesting. This works wonderfully as background music, music do something to. It's relaxing, and at the same time has that exotic sound and feel that keeps you listening. It's one of those great tracks from way back, laid-back and enjoyable. A little on the dry side, but no less enjoyable for it.
  24. It's awesome to see some Marathon coverage. I played it through on AlephOne a couple of years ago, but the music never really stuck. I suppose I've spent more time playing Halo, I recognize the Halo stuff easily. This is an awesome remix, just for how it progresses. Favorite part: 1:25, another build-up. has a gerat scifi sound, would fit into a movie of either game series. I love how it ends with just a soft pad. Great stuff. Listening to this and Beta back-to-back makes it an even greater experience. Highly recommended. I saw there was a Gamma version too, I hope it is resubbed, judged quickly (and YESed) and posted soon.
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