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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. The intro synth melody is a little clicky, but once the track gets started, it's just great. Nice and relaxing. If you know the other remix of this track, you'll love the contrast between them. Great track for just chillin'. Has a very summer-evening kind of feel, and of course, a certain amount of tropical feel. And like summers where I live, it's too short.
  2. The intro pad sounds like a poorly looped good pad. I don't mind the propeller-like sound it has, and it sets the mood well. The instrumentation is pretty odd here, lots of lo-fi stuff, but it works. Listen to the background sounds here, you'll hear some pretty interesting stuff. A little weird that it takes 2:20 before the hats come in, that actually bothers me a little. Either the hats are too loud or they should ahve been introduced earlier. The remix is also a bit too repetitive for my tastes, and seems to be missing a few patterns in the end, it just stops.
  3. I like that 3 subdivisions' sound, swing or whatever you want to call it, it's a nice break from the stale ol' four on the floor types, despite this being a four on the floor remix. There are some great synths used here. 80's synth toms? All good. The repetition? Not as much. The piano feels a little dry and short sometimes, but those two are really my only crits about this. Great track.
  4. It's interesting how a short little source can turn into something like this. Yeah, this repeats the same stuff over and over, but it does so in a way that doesn't turn it into a loop. It progresses just fine throughout, doesn't outstay its welcome, and ends... creatively. I like that.
  5. Beautiful work. It has a nice busy sound to it without cluttering things up, thanks to that clockwork style OA already noted. Highly enjoyable, quite relaxing, yet fortunately not relaxing to the point where it puts you to sleep. Unfortunately, it does get repetitive around 2:30, as we've heard that part before. That criticism aside, there's nothing I don't like about it.
  6. Weird. Silly. Funny. Amusing. Interesting. Appealing. Enjoyable. Cool. This one is a little bit of everything you can ask from a remix that doesn't take itself too seriously. It's not a joke at the expense of the listener, it's more a joke it shares with the listener. Great bass writing, great contrast between the high-energy parts and the 2:14 interlude - which has a simply awesome sound to it. Great stuff.
  7. Aside from agreeing with OA's crits about the samples, I find this a bit too repetitive. Especially the hihats. But it's highly enjoyable. Not much of a foreground mix imo, but an awesome background one. Had this since before I got the torrents. There's something about the choir that gives it an aquatic feel, which is perfect after a long day of school or work, and in contrast, the rhythm of the track would keep you awake before and during said long day. This has a great source, and it's well used. Highly enjoyable despite it's sample issues.
  8. spc is the super nintendo rom format, which also contains the music. We're using the term as a measure of sound quality. The format was limited, but pretty capable, impressive in its day. What Dafydd is saying is that the instruments don't sound much better than the original.
  9. Thanks guys. All right, I know which melody you're talking about (counting the a's made it obvious). Will see if it fits somewhere. Yeah, I realized the bend might go to far, but it works for me, it's one of those screwy things I like doing to my listeners (like keeping the lead quiet for a few measures in EYOD... and let's not talk about my other fzero track). Besides, I think it's more an issue with what you remember and expect, than what fresh ears would expect. Couple of weeks time to screw it up, yeah.
  10. Nice to see you here too, not just on the 'tube. Okay... version B, because I'm too lazy to check both: A common pitfall for newbs to ocr is that they change the melody but keep the progression the same. This seems like a good example of that. Try changing the progression too. For example, stay on the first chord for two more measures, use that as an intro. Can't tell you how you should write it, tho. It sounds very dry. Give the piano and the plucked string thing (guitar, harpsichord, whatever) some subtle reverb... Actually, the strings pad could use some reverb too, and that can be longer and not as subtle (just don't overdo it). The arpeggios in the background could use some delay. Drums need to be louder, but they'll need to be appropriately processed. Snare it a little weak and thin, you could give it an EQ boost in its low range, wherever that is (different for every instrument). consider using two snares or at least changing their velocity, it gets a little flimsy sounding at the end where you have a lot more snare action and they're all equally loud. Crashes need to be louder, hihats are ok-ish, but you could use additional rhythm tracks. Any drum loop, filtered, might work, it doesn't have to be loud, just as backing. I like the instrumentation and ideas here, and the source track needs more remixes. Keep working on it.
  11. Hah Will, you should see my automation tracks, they're a mess. So much for controlled backgrounds. This is actually part of my "use as few midi tracks as possible"-type songs (like the yet to be posted Beyond Velocity) and, ironically, probably the track where I've used the most auxes and buses, which could also explain something. Lotta work, and scary to edit at this stage. As for Gario's crits and nitpicks... How to make a key change of one note more subtle: make it one seminote instead. Hope I've fixed the transition into it now... I might have made it worse, in which case it's completely intentional and done just to annoy you. Also, I'm not entirely sure which intro material you're talking about, if it's the melody or the chords. The chords are screwy, and the melody actually does make an appearance in the end (and in the calm middle section as well, tho lower). Now I screwed with: -the sound of the lead after the key change -volume levels -the break just before the key change -moved the bass, somewhere, to fit better with the chords -volume and mixing tweaks on the drums -got rid of a noise in the bass that probably nobody heard but me -some reverb wet/dry levels fixing -noticed a P5 occurrence and realized I can't screw with that one -something else -stuff I forgot Things already noticed: -unwanted cutoff resonance effect in the first pad chord -some big compression jumps... need to fix the compression issues somehow Hey! Listen! Almost there. Can't submit for another two weeks tho. That's actually a bit funny; when I submitted EYOD I had Beyond Velocity ready before I could submit it (tho it needed some tweaking after the Js had it), and now it's pretty much the same - something recently subbed, something else almost ready. Oh well...
  12. Put your near-finished song in a playlist together with two or three songs in the same genre. Listen to that playlist for a while, compare their production with that of your song. If they're vastly different in loudness, energy, frequency balance, clarity (etc) you probably need to fix something in yours.
  13. When it comes to the issue of hardpanned tracks and headaches, you gotta remember that we live in the ipod era. ppl have music pumped straight into their ears all the time, so if you get a headache from it, others might too.
  14. Great news, we've got a bunch of wips in, plus one track that's pretty much complete pending final feedback and sending us a wav. I get greedy. I WANTS MOAR WIPS! (actually, I want finished tracks, but... one thing at a time)
  15. The edit page needs some fixin': Dunno why it wants to break up the thread hierarchy list thing there, doesn't do that on _this_ page. Same browser, window size, etc. Only difference is that this is posting on a thread, that's editing the first post on the thread (and of course which thread it is).
  16. Prophet already said it, but the best way to elarn an instrument is probably to just... play along. That being said, listening, reading, and learning not just to play the instrument but to understand music. Play a little every day. I did that when learning guitar, and the basic chords came naturally after just one week. Most importantly, enjoy it.
  17. This feature is so gonna get spammed...

  18. Eitehr I'm not looking in the right place, or there's no link from the forum profile to the remi... I mean, artist page.
  19. Update. Not a big one, but something to lsiten to. I've screwed with the key change as well as with the pads, added a couple of drum tracks... nothing big, imo. Update. Also, I'm not hearing what sounds bad about parallel fifths (but am enjoying the big thing it's become on my thread). I'm getting how they state the chords, but not seeing how that's a problem here. Yes Hemo, I know, I don't have to listen to Gario, but I want to understand why he's got a problem with it and apply that to my works, whether I change this one or not. Also wondering how this would sound if I had been taught theory at some point.
  20. Not sure I intend on changing it, but I want to understand why Gario's saying what he's saying. This isn't the only kind of music I make. That's good newb advice, btw: Learn to hear/understand _why_ ppl give you the crits they give.
  21. Haven't done much on the wip board lately. Kind'a miss it, but school has to come first. Anyway, update. I went with the ES version, which is now the SOL version after a prospective collab partner dropped off the face of the... uh, net. Haven't done anything about the 5ths you had a problem with, Gario, but I did check the pad and found it doesn't add a 5th. Also, you might want to be even more specific, I suck at music theory. I'm also lazy, and will not use wikipedia or google to figure it out.
  22. Yep, thanks to our lazy co-coordinator, some n00b finn. Their approach isn't the same as yours anyway. Don't worry about that, I gave you another track.
  23. Guess what, guys and gals, I just realized we've got two on the same source now. My bad. No worries. Let's just say one is Innocent Sea. But then there's... Ugh, got my projects notes on the other computer, I'll work it out later. You've both got the track. wtg project co-coordinator.
  24. Smooth, awesome, beautiful... Dunno why it surprises me that the fear Factory theme could be twisted into something this pretty when ocremixers have been twisting sources all the time. About time we get some front-page material by Nicole. And Injury. I was expecting something more awkward when I looked at the lyrics, but it works great in the actual song. Awesome collab, ladies. Awesome. Overall awesome, but there's a few things that bother me. The tone of the guitar in the solo, some timing/performance issues with how it, the first notes of the singing, some timing issue with the reverse stuff at 2:42... But even with those crits, the remix is, pardon the pun, more than satisfactory.
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