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Skummel Maske

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Everything posted by Skummel Maske

  1. I tried to look up the word impedance, but couldn't find an easy answer anywhere. I've got my guitar plugged directly to my external sound card with a standard jack, does that mean that I don't have to worry about a reduction of my sound quality?
  2. Oh, I see what you did there. Clever. Happy birthday, Fishy!
  3. Very nice. I was just a kid when I played this game, and it felt pretty creepy at the time. I guess it must've been the music. This remix takes that to a whole new level. The dark atmosphere the track carries fits perfectly into my memory of the game. Now to go dust my old cartridge off.
  4. Yeah, SnappleMan's spot on. After what I've seen, those who pirate games and software are usually young people who can't afford the real product yet. Testing/using does give a certain brand loyalty. I myself have discovered most, if not all of my favourite bands through downloading mp3. Now my shelves sport their whole discographies. But on the other hand, I've read quite alot of BS pro-piracy stuff from people who never buy games, software or music legally at all. There are different types of pirates.
  5. Yeah, it's the theme from the Necron battle.
  6. Ooh. Assault of the Silver Dragons was my favourite track back in the day, and I've been hoping for a good remix to come out. Also, The Extreme and Grand Cross. I'm finally looking forward to this release again! Edit: I listened to the clip. The tracks that did impress me were Assault of the Silver Dragons and Distant Worlds.
  7. I don't know Greensleeves that well, I've just heard a wonderful acoustic version of it a couple of times. Thus I wouldn't really recognize it. So which tracks do you mean?
  8. Hm, I hope you will let us hear it anyways. It sounds pretty interesting.
  9. One of my jamming buddies and I have been toying a bit around with this track as well. It's definately remix-worthy. And as the others said, it really sounds a bit empty. The change around 2:00 is really nice though.
  10. Within six hours of where you live.. Meh, I ought to ship you to Norway.
  11. Revival? But damn, this is the track that put me on to OCR in the first place! Who made it, again?
  12. That seems like a good microphone, and it fits my price range. However, I might be a bit slow, but I don't really get what kind of patterns I should be using for the different purposes. Is the cardioid pattern the best one for recording guitars?
  13. I need a mic, and I'll basically be using it to record acoustic guitar and vocals. I also consider micing up my guitar amp. Now, I'm running a tight budget. Preferably I'd spend less than $200 on it.Please give me some advice. I don't know squat about microphones, other than the fact that vocal mics usually have condensers and cost your shirt and balls. At least that's what my old teachers said..
  14. This is really great. Keep it up, I'll be watching
  15. Not many Steam users in the DB yet. Is the OCR community group on Steam related to this?
  16. That's very nice! I think I ought to order an OCR t-shirt soon
  17. Does the Orange Box really cost that much over there? I've found it at the same price as any regular game, and plan to pick it up next week.
  18. So, basically, you meant to say "Steam + nvidia = Free Portal Demo"? Not very impressive, really.
  19. A veteran of the console generations, hm? But yes. I'm 21, and just talking to my little brother about games makes me feel old. I mean, he doesn't even know Duke Nukem! The games I fondly remember growing up with are easily dismissed as "poor, old games" now. It's pretty funny, really.
  20. I suppose I'm not very good with transitions (yet). Could you go a bit more in depth about it? Any suggestions on how to improve them?
  21. I'm working on a metal-based version of The Extreme from FFVIII. So far I've done the backbone for the first part of the track. I couldn't find a good piano VST, so I turned all the knobs randomly on one of the poor ones I found. It's kind of alright until you hear it solo. I couldn't quite decide on what to "fill out" the sound with in the part where the piano now plays solo (in the first half of the song, not near the ending), so I'm open for advice. This still sounds a bit dull, hopefully because I haven't started on the leads yet. Still I want all the input you can give me. Download the mp3
  22. Heh, I preferred the original Otherworld. And I didn't really care about Blue Blast either. However, The Skies Above was great. I hated the vocals at first, but they grew on me.
  23. Oh yes, about time. I'm not really sure what I think of the clip, though it's kind of *meh*.
  24. I installed Chipamp last night, and now mp3 files don't show up as "supported file types" when I try to add files to my playlist from Winamp. Of course, they still show up if I choose "all file types" and I can still add them by simple drag&drop, but it annoys me slightly. Can this be Chipamp's fault? If yes, is it a known bug?
  25. ..why? Not that it's even out in Norway yet. I haven't even been subjected to the hype. Convince me.
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