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Everything posted by Tables

  1. okay not half an hour quarter of the way through? half way? not at all?
  2. incoherent idea: okay so you know how in the new castlevania game you don't get to go to dracs castle until half way through the game and it ends up being even better? well get this how apart a game it starts all gay like metroid prime 3 with a bunch of buddies and stuff but then they ALL DIE OF DECOMPRESSION like half an hour in or shit I dunno then its like ho shit I'm all alone this time around its even more 'whoa' when you've had something and it's taken away then when you start with nothing you dig
  3. This is a pretty quirky remix. I like it, but I can see how other people might not be so into it.
  4. Wild Noob Appears http://dump.no/files/be8b9b0c982e/Lisa_Miskovsky_-_Still_Alive.mp3
  5. I was convinced to get Super Metroid on the VC because of all the beautiful remixes of it
  6. The Manson one is okay, the rest are pretty horrible.
  7. I just remembered, Rayman 2 sorta had a leitmotif thing going on. Actually, it had several, didn't it? At least 3, a 'Rayman' thing, a 'Pirate' thing, and one with happy organs and stuff.
  8. I absolutely love when games do this, I didn't know it had a real name besides 'reoccurring theme'. Even though Smash Brothers Brawl went a bit overboard with it, it was still pretty neat to hear the same song in so many styles I don't know if it counts, but I liked how the music at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts (Destati?) was pretty much like the 'End of the World' themes, connecting the beginning and end like that it's pretty nice.
  9. I just got to the castle, and wow they should do this kind of thing in more Castlevania's, keeping you out for half the game. This was probably the only Castlevania game in forever where it felt incredibly satisfying to come back to the castle. Like, 'hell yes'. You know?
  10. Holy crap, one of the boss musics starts out EXACTLY like a Pokemon battle theme, but I can't quite place it...
  11. Just got this game, and wow you guys are right it got hard. And I love it, the other DS Castlemanias were too easy. Took me three or four tries for the lighthouse boss. I basically won by drinking milk and spamming giant swords. Yay calcium. Also, did that bosses music remind anyone else of a Pokemon game?
  12. Well, the idea struck me as hilarious, since I bought one of those 'Peruvian Flute Band' CD's when they were playing at the mall once. The actual rest of the episode though wasn't terribly good.
  13. God DAMN YES that song is great. Other songs: The S&M version of Metallica's "Master Of Puppets" Uh that's it. I feel lame now.
  14. I still like playing once and a while, playing music from my iPod, playing maybe one match with every character, then shutting it off. Sometimes I go back to Subspace just for the hell of it, but it's definitely lost something. And I didn't even play Melee as much as some of you guys.
  15. 'Nohbody', you reminded me of another moment that creeped me out. 3 guesses what and the first two don't count.
  16. Another thing comes to mind, the Metroids in Metroid Prime. Metroid Prime was my first Metroid game (besides Fusion, which didn't really have Metroids...). So it's like, CRACK! SCREE! OH GOD THEY'RE ON MY FACE, X BUTTON A BUTTON A BUTTON A BUTTON A BUTTON A BUTTON A BUTTON AHHH SHIT
  17. I swear, I could barley play the first level or two of Donkey Kong 64 because of those GOD DAMNED BEES Once you got the guns and instruments, it was okay. But at the beginning, there was like no way to kill the bastards. Except for the oranges but who uses those anyway? I feel really dumb
  18. ... Nah, I'm pretty much the same online as I am in real life. Just a bit more profane on the web since I can get away with it. Fuck yeah dickshoes.
  19. It was already dead when they killed Tom
  20. I think Harmless ended the series just fine, personally. Loved it, actually. Also: Eoin Colfer? Artemis Fowl guy? HELL NO.
  21. Neat, I got this remix when it was a young lad in Newgrounds. I thought I might find it here eventually. Looks like there's a few changes, but I can't be too sure. Anyway, loved the mix then and I love it now. Very high energy and damn I love it.
  22. Wha-wha-WHAAAA No Charade? Not even a ripoff? Fuck that, I'm only renting this.
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