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Everything posted by Gario

  1. Well the mixing's taken leaps and bounds. It's really starting to shine, imho. I also notice you're sticking with awesome synths rather than fake guitars, which is a wise choice. The mixing is good, the instruments are sweet, the arrangement is creative. The only issue I'm having right now (other than the fact that it's unfinished, of course) is that it's pretty quiet. You might want to get a limiter on your master track and get the volume up a couple of decibels (without compramizing quality, of course). There are a couple of instruments in the mix that'll stick out when you get the volume up (2:06, for example), so be ready to do a little more mixing when it's louder. Sounding great. Let's see what the finished product looks like.
  2. If you haven't found anyone yet try PM'ing Willrock. He'd be perfect for what you're looking for, if he's willing.
  3. Well this is actually a pretty fun little remix. It's repetitive and quiet, though - you sure this is as loud you can take the track without production problems? Some of the textures are a little loud compared to the guts of the track (guitar and lead), so you might want to mix them down a bit. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it for what it is - a fun bit of inspiration. Nice work.
  4. This is insane, and it's all happening over such a short time... I hope your wife's uncle made it out alright, CHIPP Damage.
  5. You're missing three 'HA's from the first set of 'HAHA's. Don't neglect them, they're important.
  6. I don't think the pushback could be helped, due to the rather large queue of albums that are to be released. Still, most of us are quite happy for it, especially if you're one of the late-comers (like me).
  7. Alright, here's an update. A bit late, but oh well. Zeal Feels Good Take a listen. Give me feedback, if needed. Love it, 'cause it's a feel good piece. The cutoff ending is on purpose, by the way - it's sort of reminiscent of the beginning, as if the listener pulled the needle before the track played again. I don't know if I want to put this one on OCR, but it's crossing my mind. EDIT: It's over 8mbs, I know. I'll downgrade the kbps a bit if I decide to submit it.
  8. Hey everybody. I'm trying to get proper samples off of various programs for a project I'm involved in, but ever since Windows decided to throw 'Vista' at me I can't seem to figure out how to make the input change from an external mic to the internal output (if that makes sense). It's a little frustrating since it seems that they're taking away functionality from their users, but I digress... Does anyone have experience recording the sound that is coming from the computer with Windows 7? Help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Thank you for that download link. I'm sure you had a bunch of people bugging you for it This track is just epic. A lot of people are giving you grief over the vocals, but personally I like them as they are. If you're looking for another track to do in a similar style, SAB2's theme song 'Live and Learn' is pretty badass... Actually I might do that one myself for shits and gigs, myself, lol.
  10. That's an epic move. Still going to try to make as much headway as soon as I can, though, and use the extra time to really give it a buffer shine.
  11. Why yes I do. You have access to the private forums, or should I PM them to you?
  12. Too many birthdays to comment on. I'll be back when one of you erases himself from existence to simplify my well-wishing.
  13. Strange instrument choice. I'm not sure if you were going for a chippy sound or just low-fi overall, but it doesn't quite come across as either. Strangely enough, I still kind of like it on a weird sub-conscience level. Perhaps experimenting with different timbres might help get you out of a mental block, there. The harmonies you use are very interesting. Try some different combinations and see where they take you - they might possibly be causing the blockage. Making up a melody to go over the track might help as well. Try writing something else that might come later in the piece. then writing to that point. Sometimes that can break a block. Perhaps you need a break from that particular track - a few months is a very long time to be staring at the same thing. Try all sorts of different things. You never know what will be the block-breaker.
  14. I can't find the file download on that page, for some reason. A link to the source is also a nice gesture, for those that are not familiar with the soundtrack. I'll get back to you when the DL link is provided.
  15. *Pfft*, I arranged that song for a full orchestra + Tenor way back when as my Orchestration final. Now that was fucking epic. Wish I could find that score again...
  16. My favorite source from the game. The reason I suspect there aren't more remixes of it on OCR is simply because the perfect remix of it is already up there. I agree, though - this is just too good of a source to let go like this. I support your remix of this source . The harmonies are sex in the original, and you make damn sure not to downplay them in this rendition. The synth choral little bits are especially nice, bringing out those clusters. Personally I'd like to hear more harmony clusters, but that's a compositional preference, from me. The piano has great textures that bring a lot into the mix, however; it sounds very mechanical. Fix up the velocities, attacks and volume to make it sound more human. It also comes in a little stark when you first bring it in - perhaps you should have it come in a little bit more subtle? A vocal track would do wonders for the current arrangement - it's almost like you're writing for a vocal line... oh wait. Yeah, it needs vocals for sure. I'm downloading this 'instrumental' version now, though, 'cause it's awesome. Hope you find some singers to help you out.
  17. That's one bad ass version of Sandman.
  18. Did you record this together or separate? If you recorded the violin and the piano separately than what I'm saying doesn't apply and you needn't worry - mixing is a piece of cake. However... If you're recording together (which is what I assumed, although I could be wrong), with two mics it can sometimes be easy to raise the volume of the violin a touch by raising the level of the mic closer to the violin. Care needs to be taken since the piano will be in that mic, too, but it can help balance the sound when little tweaks need to be made. With one mic that's obviously not possible.
  19. Great stuff. Reminds me of the piano arrangements of the FF soundtracks with all the liberal harmonic schemes and fun changes in time signatures. If it's possible, I'd highly recommend bringing the violin out a bit more. If this was a two microphone setup it'd be possible, but on a single mic I don't think you could. Very, very, very nice. Loved every second of it.
  20. This is a really pretty source. I think I can get something pretty neat from it.
  21. Not only would that take a great deal of time, I suspect replicating music for the sake of going around the original publisher is illegal. I'm not positive, though, so correct me if I'm wrong. If there's no track online, and the original publisher isn't releasing the soundtrack then you might be out of luck. Sorry if that's not much help, but I don't think there's much we can do, both on a practical and legal front. ... ... and how the hell is the name 'BUBBLEMAN' not taken?
  22. Excellent source - I didn't know they remade it for the DS. It seems to be a rearrangement of . Give it a whirl - it might give you some ideas, since both tracks do things a little differently God, I will remix this someday soon. Ack, I better listen to your remix, to hold me over The chiptune effects are very well done, here. You get my props, bro. The guitar sample is thin, though, so it doesn't quite hold up to the chippy goodness that's underneath. The synth that plays the intro is thin and weak, as well. The overall production is very unbalanced, especially in the beginning. Pull some of those beginning squared back into the background, since they needlessly dominate. The rest of the track seems pretty muddy, overall - Make sure the leads are very salient, and bring those pads down a little bit to give room for the rest of the awesome textures you have going there. Nice start. It can be quite awesome if you clean the production up and have the really interesting parts stand out better. Good luck!
  23. *pfft* I'll do the neutral area. Just wait 'til my other track is done, then give me another two and a half years to complete it. It'll be fucking gold, man.
  24. I don't think that's viable, Spakku, simply because the source is too inundated with the theme. Let's take a look... Out of 2:08, only ~25 seconds is original, and from that, it's a two/three note motive that repeats six times. As awesome as the source is, it's pretty much entirely the James Bond theme put to N64 guitar and samples.
  25. Let him push this deadline, guys. If the deadline passes and he changes his mind he can always re-evaluate his position, so don't worry too much about it.
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