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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. I may have played RE4 to death, and think it's hella fun, but it sure is not a very good survival horror game. Considering it touted itself as "the reinvention of survival horror", it's more an action game than anything else. A really great, fun action game. But not a very good Resident Evil game. In the same way Metroid Other M was an OK game but a fucking God-awful Metroid game. the REmake for the Gamecube is probably the best Resident Evil game, at least for me. A real refinement and perfection of the RE-formula. lol are you kidding? All the RE plots have been shit at best, but at least RE1-4 + CV were cheesy and stupid. Anything past that was just retarded, and not even in a funny Resident Evil-idiotic way! RE5 was boring, and stupid. And the fact that Capcom apparently doesn't want anything to do with Barry Burton and Rebecca, you know, the only other two STARS members that SURVIVED the other games (and fan favorites), outside of "lol DLC" is aggravating. Instead we get blond bimbo Jill, and more of OMAN LOOK AT WESKER HE'S SO BADASS WITH HIS MATRIX MOVESSSS
  2. that big-chinned detective robot looks so familiar... I thought Grounder, XJ9, Necron-99 "PEACE" from Wizards and the Guardian from Laputa: Castle in the Sky were nice additions. Though I don't think Tin Man, or that... TV from The Brave Little Toaster (not sure) count as robots!
  3. Yeah neblix, I'm not saying that OMG NINTENDO HOW COULD BE GREEDY SADFACE ANGRYFACE!!! I'm saying this WiiMotionPlus thing was poorly-executed and barely supported outside of a minigame compilation. The problem is that there will only be one worthwhile game with the WM+, and that's Zelda. Nintendo knows Zelda will sell so they just push WiiMotionPlus into it and decide to make more money. Does that make them unique? No. But that does make me wonder if I even want to bother putting down the money on it. lol i know my older brother will probably get it. But he'll probably be pissed at buying a worthless add-on to do so.
  4. When I said that, I meant that Nintendo has made virtually no attempt to utilize this technology aside from like, Wii Sports. Other developers know that, and have disregarded the tool in general. In short, it is just a ploy to squeeze some extra dollars out of nintendo fans. Which is annoying. Maybe WiiMotionPlus will be utilized more in WiiU, but that's still an underhanded move. Why release something and then have virtually no use or support for it?
  5. See I'm younger than that and I am having a hard time justifying a purchase of this add-on to play only ONE game. I mean, fuck. There better be some type of bundle.
  6. Ha ha ha... Really, GC support is one of the Wii's strongest assets- access to last generation's best controller. Have fun playing Brawl with the shitty other-control-options. And really, who is there left to buy a wii at this stage?
  7. "to save a lost kingdom" made me lol especially since that city in the sky is never mentioned at all until the end. : D -is super excited-
  8. Sounds really damn awesome. I can't wait to take a listen. Good luck with all the work!
  9. Do I want to continue to buy import games for my Sega Saturn, or get this now that it's cheaper? Or just buy regular DS games like Monster Tale? Oh if only there was a game to play!
  10. Solve the game properly? You mean there's a different way to beat a game besides... beating the game? :/
  11. "Not choosing a side" works for me. These things are never one-sided, and as much as this community supports you guys, I'm not going to go say "to hell with Escapist" or "down with EC*". Well I would say "to hell with Escapist" for other reasons, but they are unrelated. I watched the "Art is not opposite of Fun" episode just now, and I was wondering when you would touch up on the subject. I am not against studying games, in order to make better games. Seeing what works, and dropping what doesn't, etc. You say in the ep that the people who are against "art" games don't want change in the industry, which I think is a little inaccurate, at least from my end. I may be no Alex Kierkegaard (one of the prime "fagot"s of the blogging world, in my eye... that's what you get for reading Nietzsche and trying to be him!), but this crop of "art games" from the "indie scene" or what-have-you often try to shove a crappy story or idea they think is "deep" into a game scenario and couch it around a boring platformer or something (see: Knytt, Braid, and many many others). Take Knights in the Nightmare. First they worked out the gameplay mechanics, created something unique and fun (something I had NEVER played before), and THEN put a story on top of it. It was entertaining (but ultimately fluff- but at least the character designs were cool), and didn't detract from the experience. I don't think Derek Yu, Nygren, or Mr. Blow are "pioneers" of the industry, but I think the gaming press has painted them that way, and certainly their ever-loyal legion of fans trumpet it down the mountainside. I'm not even saying that they are that bad of game-developers -they did well enough with the resources they had- but I think the volume of praise is somewhat undue. At least Terry Cavanagh (sp), despite games like VVVVVV not being perfect, have a cool gameplay idea on which to build from. To me, that's a start. Same with Braid in a way, but that was bogged down with utter doldrums level-design and easy puzzles. You're right- studying the medium won't make it worse, but most people have no clue what the heck that means. They have a deluded notion that pushing the medium is by using aspects of other mediums (story, music, blah) to make-up for the lackluster game they're in. The medium's strengths should be used to push the medium forward. Not outside strengths. A game's strength is in interactivity and control. I think the more control you are in of the game-world around you, the better the game ultimately is. This is hard to explain, as I am not saying every game should be a sandbox where you can do anything, but the entire experience should be crafted in such a way that the game world is tuned to every tool at your disposal. Like a good shmup, or platformer- if the mechanics are good, and that the only cause of death is the player's fault, than that game, by being good, is pushing the medium forward. *Extra Credits, not me
  12. I'm not denying that timing wasn't a big issue, djp (as I know there have been some albums waiting for quite a long time in their day in the sun), though all the same I am glad you pointed that out for anyone curious. I am just saying that trying to fit into OCR's schedule/guidelines should never, NEVER stop you from posting/making game mixes, and Darren should be quite happy with the gargantuan amount of work he pulled off for this anniversary.
  13. Darren, I would never really worry about trying to adhere to OCR "regulations"; after all, this is just one site amongst many on the internet, and what you do have is one kick-ass tribute album that's quite a fitting gift for my favorite franchise and series of them all. Well done- when I get back from vacation I'll post more comprehensive thoughts- you'd butter believe I'm keeping the whole darn album.
  14. Now I feel bad that I told myself I didn't have enough time to work on this project! This final preview looks pretty amazing, and you betcha that I'm eagerly awaiting downloading the album at first opportunity!
  15. I think he's talking about the other GBA games for the Ambassador program, and I'm hoping there's some love to Advance Wars and Fire Emblem (FE7, no others need apply!). As for Kirby games, I will say without a doubt that Amazing Mirror is the best Kirby game since Crystal Shards, and in general one of the best Kirby games, in my estimation (Metroidvania + Kirby = great game). But that's another topic.
  16. While the price drop is good, if there was a Metroid, or a Fire Emblem, or an Advance Wars, I'd feel an actual urge to buy it. Or anything, for that matter. Heck, it was Advance Wars that convinced my older brother to buy our first DS! We weren't going to buy it because of no port of Super Mario 64! And as bleck says, I think that reason (confusion over hardware specs) will hurt the 3DS and the Wii U- people will think it's just an upgrade, and wonder "why purchase it at all?"
  17. Many of the folks on /v/ I've seen in the last few nights haven't played a single mega man game, but "think you guys deserve that game"
  18. Yeah. I know. I've kind of bought them. At least between me and my brother, who has had a Wii since it came out. But this whole year, year-and-a-half, there's been more worth buying for my Sega Saturn and PS1 than there has for the Wii.
  19. I would really just like a chance to play an actual game on my Wii that's not shovelware. I haven't played my Wii since DKCR. I mean, FUCK, I've only had the damn thing for 2 years because woop-de-doo I was tricked by the whole bullshit THIS CONSOLE GENERATION WILL LAST AT LEAST 7 YEARS shit everyone said a few years ago.
  20. I tried to do so with audacity but I wasn't able to do it, or I couldn't find the option to do so. I tried clicking the little tab next to the track, but the option MONO was whited out. So if there is a step I'm missing, I'd be happy to hear it. I'll look into goldwave, as well. I wonder if the sega genesis samples of old were just taken from any ol' where.
  21. Shiru released not too long ago an update to TFM Music Maker, VGM Music Maker, which now has support for DAC sampling as well as 4 PSG channels. In other words, really awesome stuff and a huge improvement over TFM. Now, I tried using an FM soundfont I have (called Regression FM, used notably by ) to record my own samples in FL studio, but they came out as stereo, and the thing only accepts mono. I didn't see any options to change it, either.So, if it's perfectly legal, does anyone know where to get a good cache of DAC samples?
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