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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. Retro and Treasure are pretty much my favorite developers.
  2. Naw but if I really tried I could dig up some very helpful links for you
  3. More humor from these dudes: http://www.tonehammer.com/ A reminder that the deals are starting! Deal 1: Tonehammer library for $39. That's a pretty good deal.
  4. Really? Look closely. Besides, Retro knows its fans. Heck they snuck in the Parasites from Metroid Prime in too! They loves their Metroid.
  5. Is that the same as the Konga games? I'm not sure.... However, I thought the King of Swing and Jungle Climber games were pretty tight.
  6. Retro still cares about the Metroid world. As well they should, considering its recent permutation! Come back Retro.... ;_;
  7. Because only a fool would download DKC when DKC2 is available.
  8. Sure I'll go through my folder of OCR music and change the tags right away for ya buddy.
  10. Yeah this game is good, but does it have anything on ????Scholarly debate leans towards no.
  11. If I was smarter I'd use Reaper 4 life. I'm still trying to learn its intricacies, as well as, you know figure out basic stuff to streamline shit. But yeah, FL is pretty darn easy. Must be that free demo.
  12. http://www.tonehammer.com/ Every single day, from December 1st till December 25th, Tonehammer will be releasing new products, as well as having discounts on other products of theirs. Many of these deals will only last a day, and some stuff will be given away for FREE. Yes you heard right, FREE. So, come December 1st, have this website on your bookmarks page, and start looking into getting yourself some new libraries to play with! Informed by some pals at NG, i thought it be good to share this knowledge with all of you. Tonehammer's got some decent stuff on the site, so I can wait till the deals start rolling in.
  13. Eh, now that I'm looking through, nothing caught my fancy. Except for that VVVVVV game, but that's already cheap. I guess I'll just wait till January.
  14. What RDX doesn't know is that Jun Senoue's music is the only thing barable about some of these poorer Sonic Games. Like Sonic 3D blast- Terrible game,
  15. Sounds pretty darn neato- I picked up the silver edition when they were offering it free roughly a year ago. Hmm... Could you clarify? I see that EWQLS is offering a buy one, get one free deal- is that the free you're talking about? Or is it free in and of itself? 'Cuz I'm not seeing it. Still, this is a pretty darn good deal, and those with cash should not pass it up!
  16. Is the sale still going on? If not, I cannot WAIT till their end-of-the-year holiday sales. Going to pick up a lot of goodies then.
  17. My pal, on Sonic Colors' soundtrack vs Sonic 4's: "Considering the quality of Colors' OST, it's obvious that Sonic 4's soundtrack was just some rush job that Jun got out of the way so he could get back to work on Colors."
  18. I distinctly remember hearing Metroid Prime samples (especially choir samples) in Retro's and Yamamoto's music.
  19. Then again it's not TOO hard to surpass DKC1. A number of my friends even criticize DKC2 for poor level design after the 3rd or 4th world (like Krook's Walk/Castle Stages relying too much on memorization than actual platforming). I disagree but I definitely see where they're coming from. And while I only played DKC3 ages ago, nothing stood out as particularly memorable in terms of level/enemy design. Of course, I WILL have to wait until I get a good chance to try everything out myself, but criticial reception is at least SOMEWHAT reassuring (as much as critical reception can be) in its near-universal acclaim of level design and near-universal complaint of control quibbles.
  20. So I'm at the big tree in FF Heroes of Light, trying to figure out where to go to heal my teammate who has caught a bad case of the plant. I don't wanna use a guide because I want to prove my greatness as a gamer. I will say this though, this is probably the best Final Fantasy I've played since X. Or maybe III, if you count the DS release. In any event, there hasn't been a FF that's been enjoyable like this has for a loooooong time.
  21. lol ya can't make a wii game WITHOUT INSERTING SUPER HAPPY FUN-TIME MOTION CONTROLS WII WOULD RIKE YOU TO PURAY Regardless, it's retro. I'mma getting this either as a Xmas present to myself, or for my brother or something. Haven't decided yet.
  22. What nutritious said, or often, I use my cellphone to record a sketch of an idea (or an entire one sometimes) so at least I have a grainy hard-to-discern piano version of what's in my head.
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