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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. I had actually almost forgotten how cool the locales of MP2 were. Science City, Swamp, Desert, Temple Complex...
  2. And here I thought internet petitions didn't work.
  3. I just see Gollgagh as a really cool dude. Because there's little else cooler than MetaSamurai. For Schwaltz, I just see that face, and I'm reminded of "PUFF." It's in the running for Greatest Dracula Quote of All Time.
  4. Goddammit KB you just made me listen to the entire Super CV IV soundtrack.
  5. It's a really common occurence on internet forums, really. For the longest time on one forum, my avatar was always some form of Near from Death Note- so in time that's how people thought I looked, talked, and acted. Though really for all of you outside of a few people, I imagine you talking all in generally the same way. I'm thinking "college sophomore" voice. People who've been to college might know what I'm talking about. As for sigs, I mostly put in something that makes me laugh, even if no one else gets it. This sig was made by a friend of mine quite a while ago (thus the outdatedness), and the quote is more hilarious hijinks out of the ol' butthole of PPR.
  6. I think Bubble Crab and Crystal Snail have some irregular time beats going around: At least this is the case in the intro of Bubble Crab Crystal Snail
  7. I never played Shining Force, but my bro had the second one. He laughed at the sometimes blithe way the story is presented (this is pretty much because the facial animations were the same for all emotional content), but hated how the AI would artificially drag out the fights by running away from you. I thought about getting it/trying it, one of these days. I mean, really. Sending in your SD card to nintendo? By mail? Does nintendo still think this is the 90s?
  8. I will say that, no, youtube should not do so. Especially when channels like this and OSTation are oft-harassed by people posing as FAKE companies.
  9. I know it's supposed to show that it's irrational, but it sure as hell made me not want to continue an adventure with an asshole. Besides, maybe it's the historian in me, but given the culture they were brought up in, the mother would NEVER have cursed the gods- such a society would have killed people like that a long time ago. She may have cursed the king that had caused the war, but never the gods. It just didn't jive. And it just felt that whatever TWEWY was trying to do as a game (doomsday plot and all), SMT was just doing it better. While I enjoyed TWEWY on an initial playthrough, subsequent ones made me feel like the game was sloppy in some aspects. SMT was not such the case. And seconding Order of Ecclesia. I'd say it's the best Castlevania game post-SOTN, but that's just me : P
  10. Some contrarian comments: SMT: Devil Survivor is what would have happened if TWEWY was done RIGHT. Valkyrie Covenant: I went about it, but the plot and gameplay mechanics were so frustrating, that I just up and quit. Really, the plot makes no sense. This is a warrior culture, the dude's dad died in battle and went to Valhalla, and he's pissed at the gods? Why? Because... they took his soul to heaven? Yeah, JRPG hero! Rage against the machine! If you want any version of FFIV, just get the GBA version. DS version = meh ---- Days of Ruin is the best Advance Wars game since Advance Wars 2 (which is imo the best in the series). It's really good, really balanced, and the multiplayer is godly (though it's hard to find folks these days). The single player rocks too. Get it- it's fun. Fire Emblem DS sucks hard. The way to get certain characters sucks (LOLOL ONLY IF X NUMBER OF YOUR OWN GUYS DIE CAN THIS GUY BE RECRUITED LOL); you don't spend an entire series learning how to conserve your troops for this bullshit to happen. Not like it matters, though. The story is shit and the game is by and large BORING. This one is hard to find, but Knights in the Nightmare is a great DS game, and one the most unique and entertaining strategy games on the DS. It plays like a mix of Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem and Touhou, if you can imagine it. Recommend it whole-heartedly. It's different, it's strange, it's got a great plot... As a caveat though, it's incredibly hard to get into. I spent the first day with the game just reading the instruction manual and going through the tutorials. And even after that, I started over the game twice because I had fucked up so badly, that I couldn't feasibly continue in good conscience (imagine going through a Fire Emblem game without recruiting anyone). But once I did, I found it to be one of the most engrossing experiences I've had on the DS.
  11. Not necessarily. Youtube sometimes bans people without warning. Other times, they give people strikes and notifications and whatnot. And like I said, someone could fake being "Square Enix CO." and file a "copyright claim" just to be a douche.
  12. The problem with that, and believe me, I've seen this happen, is that ANYONE can impersonate a major company/firm/whatever and file a copyright complaint. You can pretend to be Funimation and remove a bunch of AMVs if you want (more power to ya), or you can pretend to be something like DiC and force people to remove those GI Joe PSA parody videos. Like I said, this HAS happened to some of my friends, because some dickwad wanted to be a jerk. Youtube does not fact-check- it just deletes a user's entire history with the site.
  13. Any guy worth their salt has at least one or two alts on a different IP and/or email. Security reasons.
  14. I'm pretty sure Silva was not a partner. I don't ever remember seeing a big Partner label on his channel when I'd visit. I think he knew he shouldn't be making money off the videos, considering how nearly all the videos had the "This is not mine I don't claim copyright" on all of them. And then you will see an upswing in the number of proxies people use, because then EVERYONE will be like "lol pay for free shit? Uh, no" And then some smart internet provider will be like "Well, no fees on this provider!" and everyone will flock to that. Well, just look at the youtube poop phenomenon (represent) in regards to Volvic bottled water. Volvic LOVES how many people made parody videos regarding Volvic Revive, because for them it's free advertising. Besides, this wouldn't matter if the standard wasn't so completely ham-handed and pick-and-choose. Some people are punished, while others thrive and go off scot-free. Youtube has NEVER had its shit together, admin-wise and for all the 'updates' they give to the site, they often fix what was never broken and try to put bandaids on the REAL problems (like banning a select few people while ignoring the rest).
  15. Yeah, but it's not like he went about trying to make a profit off of other peoples' creations, right? I always thought the more exposure for something, the better it was for business.
  16. I should really learn to bite the bullet and mod my Wii. But I'm so technologically incompetent I wouldn't know what to do.
  17. Why was he banned? Other than the obvious reason that youtube is run by a massive cabal of incompetent and ineffective faggots? Seriously, they ban the most inoffensive and useful members of their community, and leave up some of the most groan-inducing assfucks around. Gah, this is frustrating.
  18. I said it before and I'll say it again: Manthony Higgs is the best part about this game. From his REMEMBUH ME? to his final appearance, you are NEVER displeased with the guy. He's just too cool. And did anyone else think evil Fat Colonel was a little bit too subtle for the game? I had a hard time figuring out just whose side he was on!
  19. eh, I didn't care much for it.
  20. I think X8 looks good is because it is followed by possibly the worst official megaman game ever, outside of the masterpieces that are the Mega Man DOS games. It's good, but it can be followed up with something much better. Command Mission was NOT that follow up, dammit. Also: Sigma stopped being cool after X3. After that it was "how can you fucktards still FALL for this shit?" Like, no one is aware that big evil dude with jewel on his head might be Sigma. You'd think that after all the news and press coverage Sigma's FIRST REPLOID REBELLION should have gotten, people would have been on the look-out. In contrast: Wily never stopped being cool*. The Bonnes can't be anything BUT cool. *Except in Battle Network, where he's kinda cool, but just not as cool. Inventing viruses is not as cool as death-dealing robots by the dozens.
  21. More like "How about MMX9 that's made like MM X 1-4 please and no more voice acting too" THEN we'll be happy. At least give us a GOOD game to end the series off of, Capcom!
  22. ...... Touhou music all sounds the same anyway. There, I said it.
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