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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. You know, I'm trying hard, but for the life of me, I can't remember any song in DKC3 outside of the last boss theme.
  2. Diddy Kong's Quest was an infinitely better platformer than the first DKC, but from what little we've seen from the level design, it looks like it's getting a good degree of polish. So hopefully it won't be all flash no substance (though I doubt that'll happen). Looking at Retro's track record with the Prime games, they have done a wonderful job balancing both artistic professionalism with professional game design.
  3. I know it's too early to say, but it's almost like Retro is becoming the next 90s Rare.
  4. Not going to lie- really don't like the MSpaint-esque art style. Also, it's probably because it's just the beginning, but after 10 minutes I really wasn't feeling it. I know how popular this thing is (it's got a shitton of fans on the forum I admin at), and of course it's all over /co/, but it's hard for me to see just why from my own impressions. I'll probably try to give it another go this weekend when I actually have some free tim- wait, no, two research papers due. Maybe thanksgiving.
  5. Lint, it DOES depend on if you're mom is into this type of stuff- I played Reich for most of my family and now they won't let me play any of my music, because my brother, sister, and dad all pretty much did not like it in the slightest (and my older brother in particular thinks I'm an artsy faggot when it comes to my music tastes). But if you have a really progressive liberal artsy mom, nearly anything Reichian is good. Music for a Large Ensemble, Tehillim, Music for 18 Musicians, and his latest good stuff, Daniel Variations 2x5 Double Sextet The last two particularly feel like modern, almost pop-ish in their style. 2x5 is made with two pianos, two drum sets, two e-basses, and two e-guitars. Good good stuff. But Daniel Variations has a lot of emotional power and beuatiful harmonies to go with it. Their really great 'post-Minimalist' offerings from Reich, and shows that he still damn knows what he's doing, even if his most "famous" pieces were from 40 years ago. Also, you're right, Lint, because sometimes we need a song and group to laugh at. And with. Like ICP. FUCKIN' MAGNETS
  6. But E-Bison you forget that I HAVE NO FRIENNNDS
  7. Cool choices, Less Ashamed. I too love a good upbeat track -while writing a paper I've been listening to Kirby Dreamland 3 music a lot Second one is neat, but not entirely my cup of tea. My picks from among a very different field: Steve Reich's Music for a Large Ensemble Tehillim (part 2) Reich's music always uplifts me, and he is THE reason why Minimalism ultimately became my favorite form of music, after going through a sever musical depression brought up by becoming aware of the works of composers post-Schoenberg. Everything is alive, moving, and modern, which is something some older pieces don't often inspire in me. It is the epitome of modern music in a way that few other composers have been able to achieve (though I think the work of John Adams comes close, and the EARLY Philip Glass stuff). Music for a Large Ensemble is a song I've had half a mind to remix, because it sounds almost video-gamish in its structure. It's a pleasant listen for all of its delicious harmonic wanderings. Tehillim makes me want to dance in its upbeat moments. Few songs actually make me want to do more than just accept and listen to them. Gyorgy Ligeti's Probably my favorite European composer, Gyorgy Ligeti's raw emotional power (invoked in Romanesc) and sheer innovation (seen in Lux Aeterna) strike me both as nostalgic and visionary. Here was a man that rejected Boulez, Liebowitz, Berio, and Adorno's incessant need to have atonality and the 12-tone method in every damn song. Ligeti wanted to be inclusive, not exclusive (this exclusive attitude is why I can't stand the aforementioned composers), and his music embraces everything from everywhere. Romanesc is a piece I find incredibly moving, and invokes a deep sense of nostalgia in myself, personally. Memories of a happier time as a child- music rarely moves me to emotional responses tied with memories, specifically, but this does. John Cage's Dream In a Landscape Funnily enough, John Cage and his book Silence was a large part of the reason for my severe musical depression a few years ago. His ideas sounded "right" at least in that they could not be proven 'wrong', but they philisophically destroyed everything I had ever loved about music, and this sent me into a deeeep funk (and before I discovered Reich and the minimalists, all I had were people like Cage and on the other side, the Euro-freaks like Boulez and co.). That being said, I continue to have a love-hate relationship with the man. I think he's a genius and I hate just how much of a damn genius he was. I like some of his music, and appreciate nearly all of it, but I hate so much of what a lot of his songs stand for. Maybe one day I'll get over the childishness of my odd fascination and loathing of this man. One day. That being said, these two piano pieces by Cage I find particularly delightful and entrancing- as I said, he was a genius, especially of the piano (the likes of which I am not sure if the world has produced yet). While these pieces are not so indicative of his innovation, they are soothing, formless, like Satie pieces, and offer a lush harmonic atmosphere that is usually lacking amongst contemporary piano pieces. They allow you to sit back and enjoy the ambience of a piano wandering melodically across the keyboard. They are some of my favorite pieces of his (his Sonatas and Interludes are also great stuff), and are heartily recommended to lovers of ambient music.
  8. Why didu gameu serru no werru? http://kotaku.com/5688617/nintendo-trying-to-figure-out-what-went-wrong-with-newest-metroid I don't really think that story qualms really played a part in this one... Metroid fans will buy any Metroid game (present), and people have bought games that have been critically lashed far more for their (much poorer) storylines.
  9. man and I thought I had a lot when I have a measly 433 OCR songs in my library. Then again my tastes are often selective.
  10. I only noticed it during that one Superbowl ad a few years ago. Then it became a popular saying amongst us hip kids. i think it's pretty funny, because I still have yet to figure out just what the hell that simile even means.
  11. Gosh dangit, the more I look at Colors, the more I am getting possibly fooled and/or convinced that it looks like a pretty decent, fun, and enjoyable game. Heck, the VAs sound better than they have for years... and the music is cool... and the game looks like Super Sonic Galaxy... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  12. I know a pal on another forum (a Metroid forum I go to, ha), who himself has a friend in the military, and that military person says that while following orders on duty is important, a soldier would not nor should not really wait to receive orders for something very basic and life-preserving- soldiers have to react to a lot on the fly, and the orders don't always make it on time, you see. The Varia and Grapple really don't make a whole lot of sense no matter what. And the fact that Samus slavishly disallows herself their use is kinda creepy if you look at Samus and Adam's relationship. In fact, in the game itself there is little shown that portrays Adam in a positive light. All we know about him positively is what Samus says about him. Which is also pretty creepy. I've tried to interpret things in the way that Adam, because of the Ian incident, is as emotionally messed-up as Samus is, but I really shouldn't have to try to justify what I see as generally poor writing. Like I've said in pages past, Sakamoto is not that a good writer, or at least he has FAR over-estimated his capabilities as this game shows. He is darn well capable of making a good game (hell, in some cases a near FLAWLESS game), but I think it a bit hubristic to appoint himself sole writer, director, and producer and do such (what I would call) a botch job. --- I still need to get around to finishing a second playthrough, but Dynamite Headdy, Phantasy Star II (aka why am I still playing this damn fucking game the game), OCR projects and school research have really eaten up my time. Maybe sometime around Thanksgiving I'll play through again to enjoy the gameplay with skipped cutscenes.
  13. No, it's whatever Adam's favorite is, because if Adam likes it it's good enough for her.
  14. Such is true- Metroid is one of the few series that has been consistently excellent, and to get something less than that is a disappointment in some respects.
  15. Yeah, but why didn't he just say "Hey Samus, stop!"? She was staring at a Metroid. Which was floating right above her. I've tried to interpret the scene as Adam blowing a lid and becoming as crazy and fucked up as Samus is in this game, but it still doesn't change the fact that she's been following his orders this whole time... I mean, like I said, he could've yelled out to her BEFORE shooting her.
  16. Samus, I don't want you going there. Don't go there. Yeah right. I'm going there. Any objections, Adam? -shot in the back- DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD WOMAN YOU WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG ADAM THANK YOU I'm fine with and welcome an emotional Samus, but a creepy abusive dependency on Adam Malkovich is not really the type of emotion I like seeing.
  17. I myself don't have much a problem with the game's story... When it's talking about the Bottle Ship, and Bergman, and the Deleter. When it's Samus and Adam, well... Things happen that make me mad at the terrible writing and stilted delivery. Adam just shooting Samus in the back (and not even apologizing) is a pretty "this is fucking terrible" moment for a lot of people. Even if you can write most of the game off as NOT being sexist or misogynist (and I do), that scene in particular is hard to justify in ANY context (Samus tries to be independent and willful- Adam shoots her and immobilizes her- Adam does all the work himself- Samus is grateful that Adam has done this- big emotional music plays). Whatever Sakamoto was trying to get across there was utterly lost on me, and probably a lot of people who sat down thinking "Wait, what?" It IS far from a bad game, but this probably has the 'worst' plot of any Metroid game thus far. Mainly due to a couple of scenes, coupled with an excessive amount of talking.
  18. So, you might ask, "What does Sonic Colors have that Sonic 4 didn't?" Well, for one, and at the least, GOOD DARN MUSIC Haven't played the game, but I'm just posting these because I think they're cool.
  19. Sorry I didn't respond sooner- I really didn't have time to try this out until now, in the quiet of the library But thanks, Rozo, as your suggestions were most useful- Also, I am aware that good samples don't guarantee good music... Working so long and effectively with shitty free soundfonts has well taught me that! I try my best through filtering and effects (at least in FL- Reaper I still don't have everything down that I want to have down) to get at the least a SOMEWHAT believable sound, or if not that, an interesting and enjoyable sound. Thanks to you both!
  20. There is so much hip in this thread my body can't fucking handle it.
  21. Lost Odyssey: great turn-based RPG with a balls-good story. Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light- simple and fun classic FF, the type you've been wanting to play for a while now. Skies of Arcadia: Legends for the Gamecube -One of the best RPGs for the Dreamcast, and probably one of the best for the GC as well. Great music, fun story, fun turn-based combat- it's a must-own for RPG fans.
  22. The best I can manage is recommend the free VSTs that emulate the Gameboy soundchip, which can be found on this page: http://woolyss.com/chipmusic-plugins.php?s=VST
  23. I can't quite place the time sig of Snake's Remains, from Oracle of seasons. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWaXgUYAFm0 I have a feeling sometimes that it might even be arhythmic at parts.
  24. I will get the obvious out of the way right now: Ballad of the Windfish Finding your sword- link can't be found... what happened to all the OSTs of this game being up on youtube? Not so obvious: Guard Daos Battle- Lufia The Legend Returns Erim, Sinistral of Death- Lufia The Legend Returns As long as I am on the internet, I will continue to pimp out the Lufia TLR soundtrack until you schmoes do a remix album! Link's Awakening was the first OST that really made me connect on an emotional level to the game. It's also in my eyes one of the most technically stunning OSTs I've heard on a GB. It's just good and should be one of the high standards of the darn system. The fact that the game's OST is apparently missing on youtube (likely with the loss of SilvaGunner) is a real blow to listening to great game music easily. Chai kingdom is just a personal fav. It captures the area well, is catchy, simplistic, and simply fun. And Lufia 3 is one of the best OSTs I've heard on the GBC in recent times- it really amazes me how well-made these songs are. The way they recapture the SNES songs like The Fortress of Doom, For the Savior, and a few others is impressive in its own right- the guys who did the music could work around the limitations of the system and make something amazing.
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