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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. I forgot to add that I will indeed just stick to the old game (and the GBC one SCREW YOU ALL). I just want to bitch about bad SE/Natsume decisions. Like pink hair and goths. Mainly because I hope the more general discouragement that stuff gets, maybe the COMPANIES WILL FINALLY STOP DOING IT. And I think Lufia II's Turn-based combat was great- the IP stuff was fun and the different abilities and weapons kept things always interesting.
  2. Well, I've beaten Final Fantasy 1 numerous times, so I'm well-used to such conventions, and am a fan of the old FFs. I guess I better open up my amazon account. EDIT: Well I went and ordered it. I HOPE I MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE.
  3. My problems from just LOOKING at this game: -SE does it again by giving everyone possibly the worst design aesthetics possible. Everyone has that incredibly gay and stupid "Square Enix" look, which sucks for Lufia, where all the characters had that charming Chibi look about them. No, here we get retard goth Tia and faggot Maxim. Way to be, Natsume, Taito, and Square Enix, or whichever one of you morons thought that 'updating' the artstyle so that every single game you make looks the same was a good idea. -Why does Artea have a gun? Why does Tia use a bag o' tricks? Why is there pink hair dye? Why does Artea have a gun? Seriously. What the fuck. -Let's take out fun turn-based combat and have everything be a one-on-one boring action game! That's a great idea right? Way to be modern SE-fail thinking. -Hey let's change classic medieval setting into steampunk because steampunk is so much more edgy kawaii desuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ugh. I know that it's pretty much useless to complain, but sometimes these "remakes" look like they try as hard as possible to suck all the cool stuff from the original. Jeeziz, this don't even look like a Lufia game. And hey, c'mon, why the hate for Lufia: The Legend Returns? : ( At the least, you can't say the game had an amazing soundtrack.
  4. So, should I pick it up tomorrow when I go on my day 'round the city?
  5. I really wish there were more remixes of all the mega man games, not just MM2. Heck MM6 had a ballin' soundtrack and it GETS NO LOVE outside of one Knightman remix. 9 and 10 though have really great OSTs. Sheep Man is my personal favorite from 10 myself- I'd love to see a remix of it. Of course, maybe I can try it myself since no one else is likely to do it... BUT THAT TAKES SO MUCH TIME..... ;_;
  6. I am ok with that. I just wish the fringe jacket was a bit longer. Cuz I like my girl with a shooooort skirt an' a looooooooooooooooooooooooong jacket Don't really want zipper chick or one-sock-skank though.
  7. I used to loop King DeDeDe's theme on my GB for long stretches of time, too. I'm pretty sure Kirby's Dreamland is one of the first if not THE first game I ever played. Outside of perhaps Mario AllStars/Super Mario World. One of those two. This is a pretty cool and well-made mix- you guys did a great job.
  8. I actually think the one with the purple glasses and the one skank stocking looks most like a Zero character myself.
  9. No no, the redhad with the Mettool hat! Hayato's, silly! Well, that's the one I like, at any rate. The one that's like a Nomura-lite is Komaki's. Am I the only one that thinks the third one looks like somebody out of Oban Star Racers?
  10. ROBOTS CAN'T HAVE SIBLINGS LA LA LA LA I'M NOT LISTENING True, but I do like her general design more so than the others. Some of them look like Nomura rip-offs, like that one with the zippers... ???? Though, as a second place, I like the one with the Met Hat.
  11. I personally like the Keiji Inafune one the most, but that's because of the other ones are a little too anime-y for me (if that makes sense). I still don't know... I mean, isn't it gonna get crowded in Volnutt's love shack with three women around? http://kotaku.com/5659942/mega-man-comic-coming-to-newsstands-in-spring-2011 Unrelated, but Archie comics doing a classic Mega Man comic? YESSSSSSSSSSSSS
  12. It looks like Volnutt gets all the jail-bait honeys.
  13. Heck, just give him his own spinoff! That way, Samus won't be marginalized any more than she already was! You know, when I got to the end of Fusion years ago, I'm like "Hey, that's cool, this Adam guy is back!" Now that I've played Other M, the ending of Fusion is a bit like "Oh shit, Adam is back"
  14. For all the great songs Mega Man X has, and for the sheer number of mega man fanboys the forum and the internet at large seem to have, there are criminally few X tracks on this site. Heck I'm still waiting for a Sting Chameleon mix. And in general, I don't care for ANY of the Maverick Hunter reduxes. They seem to have thought that "If we add a shitload of instruments at once, the songs will immediately sound better!" It messed up Armadillo, REALLY messed up Sting Chameleon, and pretty much the whole soundtrack outside of a couple of tunes (like Sigma Palace 2 and Opening Highway). (also the official art of the Mavericks in that game is reaaaaaaalllly gaaaaaaaaaay)
  15. You know, my previous post has a lot of hate for the then-unreleased Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light... But my friend, MoogleBoss, says it's a Final Fantasy game made that should especially appeal to fans of the old games from the NES and SNES (like me), and that the combat system is efficient and perhaps cast in a bad light, and everything from the story, to the music, to the delivery is especially 'classic' in style and content. Rrrrgh, one, I hate being wrong with my preconceptions! (lol) Secondly, I'm still not entirely sure. Has anyone played this and can offer up another opinion?
  16. Eh, I still liked Sonic Rush and the advance titles. I saw Rush kinda for what the title is, a rush. It was fun to blast through the stages, and there were some good bosses here and there. Anyhoo, you also have to remember that the original Sonic team hasn't worked on a Sonic game for how long now? Like, since Sonic Adventure 2 or something? (not sure). The point is, much like the sad, sad story that is Rare, the group that made the series great is long gone.
  17. Here are videos to convince all those fools who still think that Other M is about SAMUS of all people: God Bless America.
  18. While Sonic Rush and Rush Adventure aren't the GREATEST, they are easily the best Sonic games to be released in a good long while- that is to say, they are really GOOD. Heck, I'd even bite and say Rush 1 was fantastic. When people clamor for a return to Sonics' roots, why do they always forget Rush and Rush Adventure, and the three good Sonic Advance titles?
  19. There's Shantae's Revenge, which if you have DSiWare I really recommend getting. Great music and beautiful sprite-work. I too really love sprite-work, and really hope it doesn't disappear from the professional market (I doubt it will ever leave the indie market)- but a lot of dipshits are out there that are like "if it's 2D, it sucks" Anecdotal case in point: My best friend a couple of years ago sees me playing Chrono Trigger on the PlayStation1, and he says to me "why they hell are you playing something like that? It looks like shit." "Dude, this game is originally from the 90s. You're wrong; it looks GREAT." "It may have looked good back in the day, but it looks like shit now." It's mainly because when people see something new and shiny, everything not new and not shiny looks bad in comparison. On a different note, I wonder if the shoulder buttons on the 3DS will be as flimsy and unreliable as my (3rd) DSlite? Yes, my previous 2 models all had eventually broken shoulder buttons (even after I would put them in the safest spots in my backpack/locker in high school, and taking VERY good care of them). If not for warranty i'd be a very pissed gamer.
  20. Hearing these songs makes me wish I had a lot more of the good games back when I was a kid with an SNES (and my friend with a Genesis). No, I didn't have Terranigma; I got to play Zoop instead.
  21. Bet Final Fantasy will remake 5 and 6 on the 3DS... IN 3DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Which I am not really looking forward to because if FF4DS is any indication, the voices are going to SUCK.
  22. That's probably the case. I've always meant to buy Twin Snakes, but never really got around to it. But Snake Eater, Kid Icarus, and MMLegends 3 would be my main three considerations at launch. I'd have to choose between those three (or rather, between Snake Eater and L3). And that's only if the price is below 299 dollars. I can't afford a portable that is that expensive. : P
  23. I'm still holding out for a 250 price tag... Shit, no way I'm paying 300 bucks at launch. I have to have money for games too, you know. And I bet the regular price of games will go from 30 to 40 bucks, regular. Which will also kinda suck. Oh well, there are still plenty of good DS games to get (like Phantom Trick, MAYBE Heroes of Light, Etrian Odyssey, etc). I don't think I'd buy any of the N64 remakes, though. I never felt the urge to play Ocarina of Time on anything but my dear ol' n64. Same with Starfox. However, MGS3? On a portable? C'mon, that sounds pretty cool. Considering I've been wanting to get into the MGS series forever now...
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