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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. I thought Keiji said that MML3 was going to be the most he's been involved with a game in years. What now? He just email his friends saying "Hey, make sure you put this in there."
  2. People like Nomura Zipper Girl, I guess. I'd have taken one sock slut over that. >_>
  3. Hey guys, we're releasing Mega Man 11! It's in 8bit and everything; it'll be really really cool!
  4. This honestly comes about as big of a shock to me as Shigeru or Eiji leaving Nintendo. What... happened? And most importantly.... what will happen... to Mega Man? Legends 3? The Archie comics?
  5. I like John Cage's method much more: Step 1: flip coin If heads one note if tails, the other Step 2: flip more coins determine tempo and volume Step 3: eat lots of shrooms Step 4: end up writing nothing at all and call it your masterpiece Step 5: success
  6. A lot of criticisms I get from the music I try to make is that often the instruments themselves sound a little blah as far as things go. Of course, samples don't make the song, clever instrumentation and good musical writing makes the song (as well as production itself). But still, I realized: Hey! I've collected a LOT of samples over the years, through various legal and free means (thanks to keeping eyes out on deals), but I've never used them! This stems from a lack of knowledge on using my DAWs, FL studio and Reaper, specifically. I know it's like kindergarten stuff for accomplished mixers, but pretend I am that five-year-old, k? I mean, I have stuff like Alchemy, MULAB, Jazz Brass Loops, etc etc, but I've never used the darn things. I mean, I'm finally part of actual projects that I have to commit to and intend to commit to, and I just remembered that I have all of these resources sitting on my computer and I'm not using them! How most of my questions on the FL forum have gone is that I ask how to do something in a step-by-step manner, and this is no different. How do I load up a sample pack into FL? As a bonus, since I also use Reaper, I was wondering if anyone knowledgeable in that area could help me out there as well. Thanks in advance! As a reward for anyone who decides to help, here is a link to Symphony of Samples, a collection of great samples that were made free by the efforts of some really cool dudes I knew on Newgrounds: http://www.symphonyofspecters.com/samples/downloads.html#
  7. I haven't thrown the controller in a long time- funnily enough, my older brother who is out of college now still does that and still gets very easily pissed at games. Though when I was a kid pokemon pinball and the cheapness of it all used to enrage me into throwing my gameboy color across the bedroom. Most recent example of rage was playing Cave Story and getting through all of Sand Zone without the Machine Gun, and missing a jump and dying right before the warehouse. I yelled "FUCK!", turned the game off and walked away. Which is how most of my RAGE scenarios play out. Outside of games, most of my RAGEEEE nodes light up in my university classes, where I have to deal with total-full-on-dumb-fuck opinions from preppy suburban who don't know shit about the real world. "I mean if someone consents to selling their organs to someone else why should it be wrong?" I always thought the phrase 'making choking noises' only applied to fiction before I took a mandatory sociology class.
  8. Were those times the Dream Shrine, Face Shrine, and Windfish Egg? What scared the hell out of me in Link's Awakening was using that glitch to get to places you were not supposed to get to, and you'd find yourself in secret areas in which there was no escape. When I was a young lad playing Majora's Mask, I was doing the Ranch defense for Romani, and my heart was beating fast the entire time. However, the aliens got past me, and broke into the barn, and my impressionable eyes watched in horror as they dragged Romani away kicking and screaming. Being the sissy I was, I quickly turned off the console, ran out of the basement, and didn't touch the game for a few days. Ha ha. For the 'dazzled' part, it happened recently while I was playing Sin and Punishment 2, Secret of Mana, and Dynamite Headdy, where my mind was just literally blown by how great those games were. For surprise/shock, I did jump when Serris blindsided me in Metroid Fusion a couple years back. Same with Yakuza and the TRO encounter with the SA-X. Oh those wily R&D1 dudes.
  9. My brother had downloaded a lot of music from this site back when he still cared about downloading game music, and I just kinda naturally gravitated towards it from there. Ever since I was little I was learning how to play game songs on the piano (I was so proud of myself when I figured out the OoT songs), so this type of stuff naturally attracted me. The early mixes I always listened to were the 'classic' stuff- Eutopia Pegasi, AmIEvil's stuff, Terra Black Crystal (I think), as well as a good helping of McVaffe.
  10. Yo, I've sent two pm's, but they're not showing up on my sent list. Did you get them, Mokram?
  11. Back to the grind? Yeesh, you probably have to get different armor/magic/crowns set up so you can better withstand their attacks. That's the general playbook for games like this. I'll have to say that although I'm not too far, I'm really loving this game. Aside from a few times where my healers healed people I did NOT want healed, everything works fine, and i love the old-schoolness, from the story to the layout to everything. Well, except the item limit. Feel that's kinda gay, but whatever. I am pleasantly surprised with my purchase, because (as my previous posts in this thread indicate), I was so sure this game was going to blow, hard.
  12. I was 100% proud of being a Metroid fan until Other M showed me that the series' creator is a total fucking loon whose views about women's equality is about 200 years out-of-date. So now I got Mega Man.
  13. The AMR2 project is still going? Heck, I thought it died long ago. Like the personally-preferred .
  14. Bruce Campbell as the no-nonsense wisecracking man of action EmperorCharlemagne.
  15. Though you have to admit, they certainly don't flow very well in English- this is the case for a lot of the character themes as well. Like that "Final Spell 1975 Moon Journey" or something like that.

    What does that even mean??????

  16. I'd like some more Lufia 3 mixes before we get another Touhou mix. ;p This is a pretty good mix, and probably one of the better remixes of the song, mainly because it does try to be different yet still is recognizable, unlike a lot of the vocal-arrange whatnots which either sound completely different or not different enough. Touhou may not be my cup of tea (despite trying to beat several of the games), but the music is pretty catchy and nice to see it get that loving OCR touch. And dj, you're right. The titles of these games are pretty fucking ridiculous. It's to the point where I am sure they don't even mean anything in Japanese either- ZUN just throws cool-sounding words together. Mark my words- Touhou 13 will be something like Thunder Tears of the Wind-Ribbon Cloud Princess Annuity.
  17. From what I've heard, though, Sonic Colors seems to be the Sonic game most Sonic fans have actually been WANTING to play for a long time now.
  18. sorry man, but using sarcasm tags just kills the joke for me.
  19. I am not familiar with the Master system myself, but I've looked at a few of the games and it seems like it's a lot more detailed than the popular notion of '8bit;' did it have a stronger graphics card/whatever than the NES? In any event, Sega systems always had a lot of great games on them. Happy birthday Sega.
  20. Dude, any movie with Nicolas Cage is a movie worth seeing. Because he will steal any scene he's in and everyone will laugh at/with him.
  21. So the remixed n' fixed audio sounds pretty much completely different. Like they just said "You know what, these remixes suck. Let's do them over." It's so nice to actually here drum tracks on these pieces- the boss songs sound great for a change! Oh an actual loops that work, too. Everything sounds pretty tight in their re-remixed forms, except for Plantation/Cave Story. It just doesn't feel like it should be a slow-paced song. Even the menus are no longer shitty and more to the point. That being said.... Nicalis fucked up again. Because the remixed tracks are incredibly fucking quiet. You have to put your tv up to very loud volumes to actually enjoy the tracks. And yeah good luck seeing ANOTHER update to fix that.
  22. I think everyone missed that post last page where I myself orgasmed over some sexy jazz xylophone. Calm down before I get a monsta tuh clobbah alla you.
  23. itt: a bunch of audiofags orgasm over a jazz piano soundtrack
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