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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. My brain hurts just thinking of the logic behind this crossover. So, the Layton and PW worlds are connected, and this takes place...... before Layton 3 and PW3......... and the art styles crossed over too..... bwuuuuuuuuuuu So, does Phoenix look for hint coins and find contradictions in townsfolks' puzzle descriptions? And like another post said, ha ha, like hell we'll ever get AA5 now- looks like Shu hates Apollo. Understandable- so does half the PW fandom.
  2. I'm sayin' it right now. This has got the sexiest rearrange of the Halberd EVER. Jazz xylophone soo gooood
  3. I didn't assume it'd be a carbon copy, though. In fact I knew it'd be different the first time it was announced. I just don't know if you understand the words "Pink hair Dekar" do you And I've watched a couple of vids and I have to agree that Lexis as Doc Brown is something I am very ok with. Ha ha.
  4. I tried facing every single extra bounty boss in the game but I couldn't fucking beat ANY of them outside of Piastol a couple of times. Maybe it was my inexperience with that particular RPG or something, though. One of these days I'll have to see where I stand now.
  5. You ever program a fangame before? Numbers can be easy things to remember and replicate.
  6. Fuck Phoenix, nowadays I go around the damn university humming Sting Chameleon to myself and other such songs.
  7. Cloud of Darkness in FFIII can be one heck of a tough boss. But that's mainly due to cheapness for the most part. I've already made my posts about difficult bosses earlier and still generally stand by them, but I've been playing more games so: -Phantom from Mega Man Zero. No elemental weakness, attacks frequently with lots of damage, and it's MMZ1- it's not like you have any good fucking equipment to actually stand up to his attacks at this point. Or any point. The bosses of Neo Arcadia (outside of pussy X both forms) are pretty tough too. And I will admit I could never beat Piastol after a certain point in Skies of Arcadia Legends. As well as just about every fucking extra boss. Fuck the IxaTaka Sisters.
  8. Holy moly, I never thought about it till now, but Marx's theme from Kirby Super Star goes all over the f-in place. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltLvric4HQE 7/4, 5/4, 6/4, etc...
  9. Who cares about the direction, because we know that no Sonic game will ever be able to touch the greatness that is
  10. Is this like an OCR record for a new game being released with a remix being posted so soon after?
  11. You know, I actually couldn't find a lot of similarities between MM10s music and the X series' music (which is what a lot of people saying) until I heard that song Genesfied.
  12. I just wish it wasn't a "if you don't hold right Sonic won't move at all" type of affair.
  13. Would you buy a Daos Dildo? For the most part, it sounds pretty nice- it's your usual updated fare for the DS (think of the FFIV soundtrack). I still kinda like SNES stuff better, but the DS versions tunes are definitely serviceable. And of course, I AM raging about the game, but I am SURE that it wouldn't be BAD by any means. It's just (definitely) not the Lufia II I want to play. Arek, what do you think of The Legend Returns? That's probably got one of my favorite GBC soundtracks of all time.
  14. Definitely when I was seven, The Ballad of the Windfish. Ballad of the Windfish, man.
  15. Sorry Arek, but I saw too many changes to convince me to buy it.
  16. Schwaltz: I'd definitely go back to the SNES version of Ghouls n' Ghosts. The PSP remix, while sounding nice... just seems to lack the energy that the ol' SPC can provide in this case. AMT: On top of being a fucking great OST, several of my friends say that Contra Hard Corps is easily the best of the Contra series. I've never played it myself, but if we judge by OST alone I certainly could believe it. Coyote: Great fucking examples of Genesis music. Konami had their shit together on that one. Holy moly, if I had fucking played that game as a kid I think I'd die from an awesome overload. Man, I really got the shit end of the stick so much as a kid in the VG department. For every Earthworm Jim and DKC2 I had, I had at least 5 Zoops or Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampages to make up for it.
  17. Fuck Genesis haters. >: ( Technically speaking, the SNES soundchip was 'better', but the Genesis/Megadrive had such a unique sound that I find really intriguing and fun, even as a Nintendo fanboy owning an SNES as a kid. I guess I was never really 'snobbish' about music as a kid- when I heard a good song, it didn't matter on what console it was on, whether it was Game Gear, Genesis, SNES, or GameBoy. Of course, if you didn't like it, that was fine, but personally, I loved how the SNES and Genesis could do music so differently. As for MMX3, well, shit, of course it sounds better, because Gecko didn't go the retard route that the composer of X3 went and use the same shitty (and I mean SHITTY) guitar sample for EVERY SINGLE SONG. The songs actually sound GOOD when they're not all that terrible, terrible, grainy, crunchy, AWFUL guitar sound. Which is why the PS version of X3 = love. A pal of mine who pretty much hates X3's music for the same reason admits "Gecko is the only one who actually made [Toxic Seahorse] sound GOOD" As I have gotten older, I have really gravitated towards the Genesis FM chip because of its uniqueness (and have made my own custom Genesis songs as a result of this fascination)- not the least thanks in part to other forums I go to that have very BIG old game music afficianados where their Genesis and 90s computer game music love has rubbed off on me.
  18. Heck, Gecko, your Sega remix of the Sonic 4 music sounds a lot better than the actual Sonic 4 music. Just wanted to say that :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6-1cGzPn3E Those physics... look pretty fucking terrible.
  19. I knew that (goodbye Little King's Story sequel...... GRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!), but I thought the publisher would at least still go about and release them here! Dammit, I really liked Trace Memory and Hotel Dusk!
  20. Wait, America isn't getting the sequel to Hotel Dusk? Fuck, man. Fuck them.
  21. A friend of mine who is knowledgeable about games and game music posted about the music on another forum. Since I kinda agreed and had nothing to add, I'll just repost it:
  22. http://www.sonicretro.org/2010/10/the-sonic-retro-refund-program-win-15/ Terminal Chillocity, dude. Gotta juice and cut it loose! And gosh finally, someone else who liked the Rush games.
  23. The title will make everything clear.
  24. No, it would have been like "Hey cool, an action adventure Lufia game! Hopefully this'll be better than the GBA version!" "Whoa, Sinistrals are in this one? That's cool! Can't wait to play!" YOU DON'T CHANGE AROUND THE STORY OF AN ESTABLISHED AND WELL-LOVED GAME ON TOP OF CHANGING ALL THE ORIGINAL DESIGNS INTO BLAND SE SHIT. ESPECIALLY IF SAID CHANGES ARE WORSE THAN THE ORIGINAL!!!!! > : ( I mean, if it was a new game, I could be like "yeah, the hero's kinda dumb, and Gades is retarded, but I'm still ok with this" But going from Arek's impressions alone, I'd be reacting thus "B- b- bu- That's not Maxim! That's not ANYONE FROM MY LUFIA!" You don't remake a game to make characters lamer. Something Square Enix has never grasped (FFIV DS cough cough). And hey, I bet the ultimate insult will be Arek being the final boss, and instead of being neutral like he was in the original, he'll be like I SENT THE SINITRALS TO TEST YOU OH HO HO. And then Maxim will have a lame "IFTHIS IS WHAT GODS ARE LIKE WE DON'T NEED YOU ANYMORE" speech; commence fighting Arek. I mean, with the title "Curse of the Sinistrals", i can SO see it happening. Which would suck, big-time.
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