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Everything posted by relyanCe

  2. if they remake it, they'll have to completely completely overhaul the ATB system, especially since the spectacles seen in Advent Children make it quite plain that these guys dont fight lined up in front of an enemy, running back and forth to smack each other. honestly the only thing I would be satisfied with is some kinda crazy Star Ocean/Kingdom Hearts-on-meth full-out active battle system, with jumping and spinning and crap blowing up and yeah all that
  3. When i can play full castlevania games on an iPhone, I'll consider this to mean something just sayin honestly you definitely should, for no other reason than that the technical apsect is so mindbogglingly awesome
  4. my setup is all ready to go but i have to work till 6 EST are we still go for 6 Pacific? and are did we settle on H-core or S-core?
  5. has this patch been implemented for mac yet? Blizz updater hasn't started upon login.
  6. yeah so my original d2 cd's are gone lord knows where and I couldn't get the cd key off of my original install so i had to buy the first one all over again and NOW I HAVE TO DOWNLOAD BOTH ORIGINAL AND EXPANSION AND ITS TAKING HOURS RAAAAAAAAAAAH can't wait to play though
  7. CHARACTER PORTRAITS/ART (scanned and digitally sent): original characters (WoW, DnD, or other such games) along with pretty much any fictional character (games, comics, novels, animu/mango) Pencil Lineart - $10 Color Rendering - +$10 Background - +$10 BUSINESS LOGO/HEADER/TITLE DESIGN: Original Business Logo (vector or raster) - $40 Business Card/Website Header Layout with design and logo provided - $15 Business Card/Website Header Design/Layout from original work - $40 A .pdf invoice will be provided with all final work.
  8. tomorrow eh? on East Coast? rockin. I'm down for a martial assassin or a zeal pally, or a javelin amazon. anything non-caster really.
  9. yes yesssss SURELY Nintendo will NEVER recover from Sony's cold, calculated, moves...
  10. I own a Mac and plan on buying a ps3 when spring semester ends thanks thread for making feel like a complete dickwad cultist
  11. patch notes mentioned adding ingame commands to run in windowed (-windowed IIRC) it also mentioned adding new graphics settings for widescreen resolutions
  12. i missed this a year ago, but i made up for it just now by laughing really hard at it
  13. bugging you as ordered =D

    gimme pix of that gee-taur!

  14. hey pez i have that same joystick biznut could you send me some pics of that guit? i'm interested
  15. Dungeon Master's voice better be nothing but DnD refferences or i will hulk rage
  16. i normally don't have a problem with men and women being idealized in video games (or any other medium for that matter) its when it gets to DOA levels of oversexualization that it starts bugging me
  17. OOOOOooooOOOOOOoooOOOOOOooooooooor CAN YOU!?
  18. I start a new file on Star Ocean III on 4-D mode (hardest setting). I burn through the first 30% of the game in one day and realize i'm horribly underleveled, so I save the game and start powerlevelling using Bonus Battle stacks and playing the healer so i don't get hit and have the gauge broken (the gauge gives me triple XP). I gain 30 levels over 4 hours, decide to hit one more fight before saving and going to sleep, and the battle-loading swirly screen... stays swirly... forever... aw s#*!...
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