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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. if the only way to remove that memory was to dig it out of my brain with a buzzsaw and rusty tweezers, I would do it.
  2. I so want to post an owned picture, but the modgods would strike me where i stand
  3. If i ever bucked up and learned how to produce the music I write, i wouldn't use this name, so i don't really mind/care
  4. so you DO watch for it!

  5. they were making a spidey 4? oh well, one less stan lee cameo i have to waste 3 hours to see
  6. will have a "January is Judge Resignation Month" sig up tomorrow sometime
  7. great stuff, but i noticed most of the tracks end rather abruptly and have no fadeout, which i dunno about other people but it hits my ears weird. Some of the arrangements are a little shallow, but production more than makes up for those few. thank you for the wonderful additions to my library!
  8. Angel of Doom - Sagisu Shirou, Music from EVANGELION 1.0 YOU ARE (NOT) ALONE
  9. i don't personally see how, after something like 25 games in its franchise, it could possibly do something completely different from EVERY previous game
  10. yo arek, is that Lloyd Irving in your sig?

  11. yeah this pretty much im glad the xbox 360 is getting ff13, i really am. now STOP TELLING ME ABOUT IT.
  12. buying a PS3 march 9 for it actually that and Blaz Blu
  13. yeah i had the same question EDIT: it was created by a USC linguist.
  14. and so the key to the complete domination of man by Magister Miyamoto finally shows itself.
  15. yeah binjovi's right, the hips are actually in proportion.
  16. the headphones are smexy, as is the rest of the picture hips ftw binjovi
  17. good movie, definitely an experience visually. Cameron definitely didn't disappoint. Sam Worthington was much better in this than he was in Terminator Salvation, that's for sure. Also, Na'vi women are smexy.
  18. think her headphones should be classier too like silky black to match the skin maybe give em some sheeny polish sicknasty good stuff so far though
  19. this patch has been lingering around for goin on a year now and that's that's it? GO MAKE D3 ALREADY. SERIOUSLY. EDIT: at least test realm rofls are back for a while
  20. I still think the fact that they did not name this game "Banjo Threeie" feels like a punch in the face to my n64 heritage.
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