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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. Gameplay looks like generic action-rpg stuff, except with slow-mo and more flashy lights. Story looks pretty much as brush described. I'd probably still play it if i had a 360. With the exception of the beast dude, the character/monster designs are off the chain.
  2. the primary difference in your analogy being that magebane would need to match madmans crit at all, which is, of course, not true
  3. I can vouch for this. Lina was much more oft-used for her superior aoe/initiation. Lion's stun isn't really good for stunning multiple enemies in DotA. The ults are pretty much carbon copies with different colors of lightning, and lina can all but match lion with sheepstick, plus her passive move/attack speed bonus makes her actually useful post-nukespam.
  4. yeah. I mean, who's gonna pick a character and then NOT use his ult, especially if he's desperate?
  5. TDL has the best damage output among agi carries, and can shred pretty much any hero as long as she has the jump on them. She a very specialized hero that requires flawless execution.
  6. As a victim of save data corruption due to power outage, I can say with 100% certainty that it is an event worthy of tears. This man speaks the truth.
  7. Seeing Kharak burnt to a crisp with Agnus Dei as BGM was extremely moving. Also *spoiler* Karan Sjet leaving the mothership at the end of the game was also quite moving.
  8. Why that game went wrong: 1. My plan was to get just mask and splitshot and neutral creep till i got full crit, but the other team kinda raped us before the laning phase even ended 2. Our team had no real initiation power, only pyro and he damn-sure wasn't gettin the job done. 3. I was under the impression that i wasn't going to be carrying. FA isn't a hard carry. If she can farm enough she can, but guess what I wasn't able to do? The other team was better. Are you really going to shelve that whole loss on just me? A Carry is carried by his team early game, which I wasn't. 4. With the way our team was made up, FA was a very very bad idea. I don't really see how this could be my fault since she was the first hero picked. I also disagree with stat building over splitshot and skeletons. They make midgame pushes VERY easy. Maybe the glorify character guide takes issue with that, I don't care.
  9. steampunk is just really really hard to draw... I started and gave up on like 4 entries =/
  10. FFX almost got me. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia as well. Kingdom Hearts I+II and some of the Tales games got close too. Never outright cried from a game though.
  11. played FA in a real game ult definitely wins teamfights for you until you farm endgame skeletons definitely rape towers ult definitely wins teamfights for you until you farm endgame stopping a 5-man lane push by yourself while taking their whole team down to 25-50% is definitely awesome
  12. i know this has nothing to do with anything in this thread (except art), but i found this picture and couldn't stop laughing
  13. I personally think FA's ult would have great utility in team fight. I'd probably get blink on her so i could throw the stun and then place myself at max possible range, preferably on a cliff, and let fly with the ult. Also, the skeletons are never targeted by creeps or towers, which makes it possibly the best push/creep skill in the game currently. Her real strength lies in her ridiculous ability to farm.
  14. Engineer bears quite a resemblance in play style to Heimerdinger, a hero form LoL, albeit with more DotA/HoN inspired utilities and such. If S2 puts out more heroes like him and FA, the metagame will get shaken up quite a bit.
  15. holy crap fr used PUNCTUATION oh right happy birthday slut
  16. i know, i just took the analogy straight into HoN. like a bawss.
  17. granted, knowing who to flamegun during a teamfight is terribly important lategame, once your other two nukes stop scaling.
  18. Journey - Don't Stop Believin' God bless the 80s
  19. HotBL on legion is useful if and only if the guy playing him is ridiculously hotblooded... Or, well, HotBLooded, just for pun. If he can't survive initiations/teamfights without getting his butt raped by everyone and all he can do is port key and taunt, then yeah he should probably have hotbl.
  20. if you're looking for male voice, i'll send you some samples. can't say whether you'll like it or not. That and my recording gear ain't the best, but hey, ya never know.
  21. the crux of glorify's build idea is that, in a game that looks like it will project into mid-late game, the 300 hp/20 extra points of damage reduction simply do not cover the costs of making the item. It sets you back too far from getting items that are integral to your team (barrier idol and blink). In a team game like HoN, if you aren't the carry, everything you do/build should be for the absolute best of your team. Also, i find legionares stat gain to be completely fine on its own. don't really need the extra hp from hotbl. Better to just get heart if the game goes late and you need hp beyond your stat gain
  22. yeah so i know this is the HoN thread but I don't feel like making a whole new thread for League of Legends when I'm gonna be comparing it to HoN anyway. Okay so after playing a game of LoL: -Matchmaking system makes getting a game ridiculously simple, allowing for quick fun. -The artistic style is rife with quirkiness and zest. I was really pulled in by the cel shaded look. -User Interface is astoundingly solid, and the AMAZING CREEP AI/PATHING! this is where the game really shines for me. Currently destroys HoN at UI reliability. -Fun for, well, just having fun. No one playing it takes it for SRS BIZNIS and the atmosphere, like the game, is generally lighthearted. -Not as tight or engrossing as HoN, and definitely doesn't have as immersive a metagame. -Too simple for serious gaming, which is actually quite all right with me. -NO MAC VERSION!?!?!? =(((((((
  23. yeah so accursed + dark lady is awesome. 1. Shield on TDL 2. TDL blinks in with blades and autoattacks 3. ??? 4. PROFIT!!!!!
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