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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. believe it or not, I don't have one =|

    most of my work of late has been commercial and, consequently, not actually hosted on the internet.

  2. hey mat, just now read your vis message (sorry).

    web logos go for anywhere from $20-50 depending on complexity/time taken/how much i get pestered about it. Character drawings and whatnot go for anywhere form $10-20 depending on complexity/color/time taken/how much i get pestered about it (sounds redundant but it really does affect what I charge). you'll have to ask about other stuff since I have yet to take jobs on certain things and, therefore, have no prices set.

    Were you just curious or HAVE YOU SOME BUSINESS WITH MYSELF? *latin chanting boss theme*

  3. wow awesome december is gonna rock
  4. yknow, I was fairly certain that after halo 2 I wouldn't get excited about a halo game ever again, especially the multiplayer can't always be right i guess
  5. hey! got the package in the mail today, and everything's accounted for and wonderfully not-broken! thanks for including the 7.2 crossgrade as well, it's greatly appreciated!

  6. jeez the ps3's been out for fricken 4 years already?
  7. hentai = pervert hentai media = perverted media perverted media = porn I'll stop typing now
  8. library is sitting at 18 games, most of them jerpguhs (jrpgs) with the exception of Disgaea 2, sotc, DMC1-3, Chaos Legion, GrimGrimmoir, and ZOE 2 at one point I owned all the Armored Core games for the system, but one day my brain ceased functioning and I sold them all (anso will hate me for that) Best game for the console? From my experience, it's either Kingdom Hearts II or Shadow of the the Colossus, for the same reasons (visual masterpieces, amazing scores, amazing gameplay, and compelling story). SotC is superior in aesthetic/music, while KH2 is superior in gameplay/writing. Just my opinion though holy hell anso where do you KEEP all those games
  9. only console i currently own proud 6-year owner
  10. and here we have zircon summing up exactly why things like this really really suck
  11. happy birthday pixie! =3 here's hoping you dont have to cringe at the obligatory off-key happy birthday song
  12. SALE: Business Card designs - Logo designs Character Artwork Random other arty-kind-of-needs all prices negotiable and pretty cheap. PM me!
  13. bonzai i wuv you =3 Edit: I freakin give up. File saves CORRUPTED...
  14. requesting a 1-day extension, i've had projects due every day this week and I REALLY want to finish and submit this month, but haven't had time. I'm done with classes for the week after today and will be able to finish what I have. PWEEEEEEEEEEZ!?
  15. I personally thought Gotham Knight was rockawesome The Animatrix was pretty cool too female elites? wtf? well if they're hot i might have to check this out
  16. i swear to god fh if those 4 people are the 4 people i'm drawing i'm going to kill you ded D-E-D DED YOU HEAR?
  17. sounds interesting! I'd have to see more on scheduling before i commit to participating, but it definitely would be something i'd do.
  18. i remember when that add for half minute hero was out but didn't have a name yet and we were all goin nuts cuz we thought it was a new zelda title
  19. see you're the kind of person who should have lots of money
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