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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. are the Pillows really J-Pop though? They struck me as more straight up rock than pop
  3. I like Utada her voice is sexy and she's actually a competent singer
  4. cuz really the only reason it even looked like he died was cuz Grant Morrison's been trying to have him get fried by darkseid for like 12 years
  5. oh look some hero is alone in woods lets gank her *ult* OMFG DEATH MEIDOS also what Zero said. change her name to Golden Mistress or something like that. she also looks to be horribly, imbalancedly weak against aoe heroes like pyro/behemoth, as her ult is immediately canceled out by pretty much any level 3 aoe at any point in the game and actively stacks the odds against her at points. Then again, maybe HoN could use some overtly specialized heroes like this, as she is DEFINITELY a carry-killer
  6. this AND the fact that its run for like 400 episodes no show that runs that long can possibly be worth the time invested
  7. OH SNAP DUDE YOU GOT yknow never mind
  8. it's tri-ace dude Fayt Leingod? Jack Russel? they're all like that.
  9. hey HEY i like jerpguhs too and usually its BECAUSE they're so lame or tacky or cliched or whatever
  10. yeah so i watched the series in airing order and chronological order its kinda strange but i think I preferred airing order because of the better pacing/actual finale yuki is probably the most interesting character
  11. not gonna lie this sounds tempting to try
  12. fun fact: most japanese rpgs get horrible reviews and people still play the hell out of them
  13. dear god how the hell did it take me this long to start watching haruhi
  14. I wouldn't watch IGPX because it was a slap in the face to the microseries they ran before making it a show basically IGPX was supposed to be a mecha battle tournament, and a damn good one at that (realistic mecha doing capoeira), but execs decided robot racing would somehow be cooler oh well
  15. happy birthday you big bag of RAWKawesome!
  16. my play style for every video game ever can be dissolved into "use your super-duper reflexes of doom". Using my quick reaction times for dodging/counterattacking/comboing (not in strict fighting game terms either) is just how i play games. Had a blast with DMC and Ninja Gaiden and games like those since they basically say "here's a super-powered acrobatic walking demon slaughterhouse. Have fun!" Even in games with unwieldy jump mechanics, I will find a way to make the system work for effective dodging. I'm also a big fan of gag plays. Playing Captain Falcon at a Brawl party and using FALCON PAAAAAAWNCH and ONLY FALCON PAAAAAAWNCH is always fun!
  17. that and I spent the whole game to that point beefing him because he got powerful combos early i mean really in hindsight it was a dead giveaway that he was gonna die but i was still pissed to the point of tears when that happened to me (at 13)
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