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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. I also just picked up pebbles for the first time. gave some pubbies the curbstomping of their lives! His aoe animations are tight and easily timed, and if you get blink with him... boy howdy, he rapes. Picking up double damage with his level 3 ult is probably the funniest thing to watch. You'll 2-shot squishies with your autoattack.
  2. its a remake tetralogy of NGE called rebuild of Evangelion the first movie's english dub is playing in theatres currently
  3. I fully intend to play through Tales of Symphonia with my friend ... someday...
  4. Goin to see Evangelion 1.0 in a few weeks i'm excited
  5. wait wat my brother beat all you honkeys? man you guys suck
  6. me and 2 friends all ordered his new cd. when you order 2 or more, he signs em!
  7. At LAST, more sixto for my library! Love the cascading piano in the middle especially!
  8. nymphora is all-around better laner than demented shaman imo. Her items dependence is bigger, but overall her damage output/lane control is more consistent than Shammy's. in fact, nymphora is probably THE best lane controller in the game right now, with her double-port capability (ult+posthaste) and powerful aoe. That and she's an int carry! Int carries for the win!
  9. if you have a ps2 get GrimGrimoire. its a simple, fun, quirky rts that has a very good interface.
  10. I've had a "Mary Did You Know?" idea spinning around my head since June. Maybe if I get a good recording mic within the month, I'll actually put some effort into doin it and send it Dyne's way for a possible track. also, if Coop hits a wall with the cover, I could send you a few ideas.
  11. who hijacked the anime thread to talk about realism I wanna know who
  12. 26-5-12 scout. such a noob hero, but MAN is he fun.
  13. Zirc and lawlerwaffle, among others, are getting good pretty fast.
  14. requesting disgaea avatars, preferably Laharl/Etna/Adell/Prinny Prinny (dood!) LT: Not a good crop. But if you can figure out a better crop and keep it sharp, we can roll with it.
  15. YOU get on NEWERTH you overpriced hooker!
  16. not impressive? -At will speed-buff invisibility that damages anything it touches (throwback to Nerubian Weaver from DotA) -A somewhat odd but immensely practical aoe stun -2.2x Crit for God's sakes -Absurd movement/atk speed buff for HALF A MINUTE as an ultimate (55 cd) put this in the hands of someone who knows how to play and gear agi and he will win pretty much every game. I've beaten him a few times in pub, but usually he's High-Octane Pwnage. That game we played where i raped with him? First play. That's how practical he is!
  17. Most of the kills I got were early-mid game o.O And yeah, I can attest to Magebane's orbstack carry-potential. Once he's farmed he's nigh-invincible.
  18. In the aforementioned game where Zirc dominated as Puppet, I played Dark Lady and matched him for kills (i had 2 more deaths though). I dunno if she's been mentioned in the thread before, but I feel she is a really powerful hero if played and itemed right. That and she was a completely fresh experience for me, who just joined this from DotA. My first build was steamboots, helm of black legion, whispering helm, and frostwolf skull. While frostwolf is good, I only got it by accident and probably won't get it on her again. I think the newerth equivalent of Diffusal Blade (idk what it is) along with stun hammer and lightning hammer would be a much better damage build as her active stun isn't very potent. If you could keep your target in one spot long enough to get 6 seconds of Dark Blades out on them, she could shred pretty much anything.
  19. i laughed aloud a couple times nice work
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