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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. soul reaper... he really really isn't that good
  2. vidya games got me into teh musix and subsequtlya teh ocrs =3
  3. they seriously should just stop bothering with this whole patch crap and put all the people on D3
  4. good luck with that, LT never even checks the thread anymore (I HOPE YOUR READING THIS LT SRSLY PLEASE CHECK AVA THREAD)
  5. on ranged agility heroes, i always get 3 soulscreams to start. it gives you a valuable stats edge early game.
  6. wowowowow night hound played him for the first time and man is he such an easy farmer. Had vanguard, treads, 2 soulscreams, agi buckler, and wingblade 25 minutes in (then the game ended). I was 7-0
  7. I tend to associate music with what game i was playing when listening to it. case in point: Josh Groban always reminds me of Armored Core 3.
  8. um... lookit some white colored letters
  9. thank god they changed heart again they broke the best tank item in the game for a whole 6 days!
  10. i'm pretty sure rampant objectification of women in media is a modern thing
  11. Well upon further research, i discovered that wendee lee and michelle ruff do VA's for the show, so i will probably be watching the dub soon.
  12. i miss old scout. hero killing was never so... scientific.
  13. so this haruhi thing really is it any good? i'm hesitant when it comes to shows that everybody likes
  14. proc is the verb for what happens when an "activate on attack" item/skill activates. case in point: Charged Hammer. When you see a random non-casting hero shoot chain lightning, you know his Charged Hammer just proc'd. See Chronos' Time Lock for the skill variety.
  15. we all have our isolated pockets of HoNrage, but on the whole I tend to think we're quite amicable from the inhouse games i've played
  16. my internet cut out last night and i couldn't upload thanks for extending! now i can actually do a background for my pic! EDIT: sent mine in.
  17. while this is true, it means that a possible idea would be to mashup more characters (say, FFIV and FFVI) into a completely new world. Ok, that's just my excuse for wantingto see Kefka get whacked in the face with a keyblade.
  18. waaaaay too many variables in getting into place with SS using shroud, plus your on a time limit and their team is constantly moving. Blinking in with shrunken head on not only gets you instant placement, but usually causes their whole team to focus a spell-immune damage cannon, leaving the rest of YOUR team to give the buttrape.
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