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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. gamestops some serious douchebags then
  2. funny part is its being sold at a 60$ retail price as it is
  3. I've had a similar experience and it was definitely the best HoN game ever, even though we lost it in a 60+ minute double-supercreeps turtlefest.
  4. Unless it's a MMORPG player avatar or I have an explicit reason for building a male character (say i'm building an archetype of some sort or making an obvious expy), I will invariably roll a female character for reasons twofold: 1. If I'm going to be staring at the backside of someone for hours, it's gonna be something I'll enjoy. 2. Given pretty much all model designers are male, more time is always spent on female clothing/equipment/body, which means prettier visuals on two levels (smexy womens and smexy polygons)
  5. man u gonna do a bro like that? tsk, unreal, man also zirc I see your madman play and up you my sig
  6. luke makes such pro builds i envy him
  7. My friends, someone out there is a complete genius for this.
  8. man i was crackin irish protestant jokes like that waaaaay before some lame memepic from the honforums >: |
  9. actually, in earlier times (1500s-1800s), musicians employed by nobles were pretty much indentured servants. They were given food, clothing, lodging, and a small stipend to play and compose music pretty much at the whim of their masters. The majority of these musicians also worked in some other form of servitude on the side (horse grooming, gardening, etc.). Music as a profession only really came about because having live music at fancy parties/personal chambers was a fad of the wealthiest 5%. It wasn't until the time of Mozart/Beethoven that musicians received any real money for their trade. Anything before that was either servitude or popular folk music played by amateur working-class people. i really have no idea why i typed that.
  10. I find you don't really need to nukespam at all. You throw your ult on, move in while casting your nuke, link the carry, and start auto-ing while occasionally repositioning/keeping the carry linked to +200. The only time I could see frostfield is if the other team is pure physical and no one else has aoe initiation to take out creep waves.
  11. I had a similar match against thunderbringer in mid lane, where i absolutely dominated him. He's a very strong counter to burst-fire target casters, less so against aoe casters. Be careful with geometers. don't get it if they have splash heroes, it won't help you. I find HotB -> E marchers -> Slash -> Nullfire to be a superb ganking setup, and have yet to actually see the need for frostfield.
  12. bwahaha this made me laugh because of how true it is
  13. bwaha this looks awesome
  14. one of the best items i like to use with VJ is storm spirit. Cocktail can be hard to place with its slow movement and only 1 second stun time, so i like to start by ss'ing them, cursed ground, THEN cocktail and ult. its a little more complex but the early game power of this combo tends to be gamebreaking.
  15. when fighting madman make sure you gank him a lot if not you get raped I pick odd heroes Everyone rages at me Well so much for fun
  16. Leo plays Maliken Farms riftshards and Charged Hammer Much HoN-rage Ensues Electrician blinks Grips some dumb solo carry 5v1 push win Hammerstorm is huge Runed Axe Elder Parasite Super Protestant Harmonious plays Tensei will not lane with him I tear up laughing i am bored at work so i made these dumb haikus dont judge me fgts
  17. Odin Sphere You run around a circular battle area fighting off random assortments of baddies and the occasional nintendo-hard boss with a weapon made out of a huge gem. Toys with norse mythos to great effect, along with solid voice acting, english and japanese. The only real problem is the framerate lapses, and sadly there are never any closeups of Ms. TnA- errr Velvet. 8/10 Radiata Stories 150 recruitable party members (each is different from the other) makes it a really time-consuming game for completion-freaks (like me). Lots of off-the-wall (genuinely funny) satire of RPG cliches. Battle system is somewhat generic. another 8/10 Disgaea 2 Hilarious comedy and a fun battle system. Unfortunately, enemies become repetitive and there is a heavy emphasis on level-grinding. Prinnies are awesome (dood) and I'm loli for Etna (ok not really). 7/10 Heroes of Newerth DotA clone of epic proportions. Still a beta with heavy balancing/user interface issues but overall quite fun. FULLY PORT CAPTAINS MODE ALREADY. 6/10
  18. really diggin vindicator not so hot for gimpy rhino. he's not the powerhouse str carry he is in dota =/ also KRAKEN IS AWEXUM UGIRWGUFIEBWJIFBSJAFBJSAAAARRRRRRGH
  19. it is. in fact, it may be one of the best item changes thus far.
  20. Finally downloaded the album last night and started to give it regular straight run-through, until I got to this song of course. I kept it on repeat from 1am to 3!! The emotions expressed in this song are very powerful. Hats off to Jeremy for giving us this exceptional piece of music.
  21. I'm actually going to be VOTING this month some of these were completely balls-out awesome
  22. for god sake tensei, i had 5 seconds to call the remake before 5 minutes and the remake vote was called off before i even finished typing my reasons why i quit that game because i have better things to do with 40 minutes of my life than watch leo eat everyone with moonqueen because he was fed first blood in the first 30 seconds of the game for NO GOOD REASON that and no-votes really REALLY piss me off. and to clarify further, i'm not angry at anyone or raging or anything, i just wasn't going to waste my time there, because concession votes never pass.
  23. are we referring to my play of mali or someone else you played yesterday that raped with him?
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