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Posts posted by Abadoss

  1. On 11/8/2022 at 2:19 AM, TimComposer said:

    Are there still spots left? Sorry im a little late to the party


    On 12/12/2022 at 11:45 AM, The Vodoú Queen said:

    Yeah I'm kinda wondering too... This seems to have been a bit in a limbo, but is there any way to possibly get in on this bandwagon at this late stage? Lufia 2 is one of my faves from the SNES lineage of rpgs...would be a shame to miss out on the opportunity.

    If you two can quickly pop something out fully finished, I'd certainly encourage it. As long as it doesn't put any more pressure on Gario and/or delay things further.

    (For the record, I have no control in any of this. I would just cheer you on if you can do it.)

  2. On 10/2/2021 at 2:58 PM, Gario said:

    I'm working on finishing the last track, then I'll be trying to send it back to staff.

    I am working on this pretty actively, atm, so I'm hoping I'm able to get this out soon. Looking forward to providing the update when I get this back to staff.

    How you holding up Gario?

  3. 10 hours ago, Gario said:

    Hello, mostly dealing with a mental breakdown with mounting pressures of work and... well, bullshit, all through last year. I'm trying to ease back into the swing of things but it takes time. Sorry that the progress of an album relies on the back of someone who is, let's just say, mentally exhausted.

    The Lufia album is something I need a lot of mental energy to work through, which I've been recovering slowly but surely. Not that fair to most of the good folk who worked on it, but I'm only human at the end of the day.

    ... also, is this the first time I posted in the public forums in a year? Sheesh, things must've been rough.

    One-hundred percent acceptable. I am far more familiar than I care to be with how damaging mental and emotional stress can be. As eager as I am to see the album released, I'm not eager enough to forget the way that feels. Take your time. Gather your spoons. Ask for help when/if you need it. :)

  4. On 12/20/2020 at 8:24 PM, djpretzel said:

    I think FF3 is actually further along, because @Rexy has been a bit more available - @Gario was supposed to be coordinating Lufia 2 but I haven't seen him around much. We'll def. regroup in the new year & figure something out.

    Have we heard anything from Gario?

  5. On 1/31/2020 at 5:57 AM, djpretzel said:

    @Sir_NutS This is absolutely the plan, for social links. What would the flair look like?

    reddit has little tags that you can pick out related to the subreddit you're in that go beside your username when you post anything. For example, in r/AskMen (and a lot of the other "ask" subreddits) there's a flair you can use that indicates whether you're a guy or a girl and what age range (e.g. "Male 30-35", "Woman 30+", etc.). Some subreddits have silly references, quotes, or in-jokes. 

    I've seen on other forums where they use fluff badges that you can choose from (in some cases purchase, but I wouldn't recommend that) to put below your username, much like your "Admin" badge, but with less official designation. Might not work as well here since we already have the profile images, but YMV.

  6. Don't know if this helps anyone, but you could actually have a limit to how many times a month you can use your sig. Say I can use it 30 times this month. If I really want people to see my sig, I check a box in the reply UI somewhere, it's there, and my count goes down one. It would give people a chance to think about when and why they use it. Alternatively in that situation, there's going to be that one guy that uses their sig 30 times in the same thread, but then they're out of luck for the rest of the month. Maybe it could be 10. Just an out-of-the-box idea...

  7. On 9/11/2019 at 5:22 PM, Gario said:

    It's slightly held up at a choke point - namely me. I had the tracks spread across two computers, so it was giving me grief. That should be resolved now, so the review should be happening quite soon.


    Your track passed the panel, by the way, so there will be no problem with it passing the album review. Nice work on that one, by the way - it was a great little track!

    Thanks! It took quite the journey, but I'm glad it's on the way home now. :D

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