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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. I'm detecting a shitload of sarcasm here, but I will say that if you guys want to find a good soundfont/vst/whatever for genesis sounds, what I use is a good start, but its very limiting due to the fact they are sampled, and not the literal synthesis the Genesis uses. I would recommend looking into the real thing if you are hardcore into emulating genesis sounds, but the soundfont I use is probably the next best thing (to my knowedge, there may be better things out there)
  2. Hmm, I gotta say I can see both points you and Neblix make but you are right that you can pretty much do what you like with tracks in your library. What I will say is that if you end up going to far into EQing and WOW effects, it'll sound good for some songs and bad for others, regardless of your headphones/speakers so unless you want to end up changing the EQing for every song in your Itunes/winamp whatever its better to leave it alone.
  3. Yeah people have pretty much said the jist. Basically the term muddy means that the different instruments in a mix are undefined and lack clarity. When you make a mix, you want to give each instrument its own space so you can hear all the different instruments as clearly as possible. If for example you have a mix with a loud and clear lead, but you strain to hear all the different instruments in the background, then your background mix is muddy. Reverb as Protodome said can be a reason, if the reverb is particularly excessive. A lack of EQ or bad EQing can contribute to the problem because if you have two instruments that take up similar spaces in the frequency spectrum or similar "roles" - like two basses at once - they can both end up fighting for the same space in the frequency spectrum. I like to think of it like a jigsaw puzzle, all the pieces have their place in the mix. Ways you can get around muddiness is: EQing - like I mentioned before, changing the frequency range of certain instruments can help. Say you got a strong bass but you got another instrument - say a polysynth for example - thats bass heavy which is mudding up the mix? Bring down the bass frequency in your polysynth instrument to make room for the bass instrument. Panning - if you have two instruments in similar frequency ranges, you can pan them both slightly to each side, which can help balance out the soundscape. Mixing Levels - just changing the levels of certain instruments can help. If everything is at the same level, they all fight for the same "attention" in the mix. Hope this was helpful in some way. Not sure I mentioned everything but hope this gives you an idea.
  4. Nice future mixpost :P

  5. you have 33 more profile views than me. You bastard.

  6. Dear Nonamer,

    ... Nice Avatar.


  7. I think he means that if more people did solo projects, then the rest of the community wouldn't have to worry about it in the sense that they can't join projects they don't make themselves. At least, thats what it sounds like he's trying to say. The whole idea of doing albums in ocr for me tho is that its a community effort. Its not really a community effort if all you do is make solo albums for ocr to release just because its convenient for you.
  8. How dare you take my idea and do it better than me. You glorious bastard. PROTO MUST DIEEEEEE
  9. He actaully hasn't been online since he made that post. Hence why I didn't chase him up. If he happens to read this tho, or anyone else for that matter I'm happy to take on anyone who has anything to contribute.
  10. Nah man its cool, I'm really kinda fuzzy about anything like that, and no one else seemed to care so i'm cool with it Seriously, no sorry needed.
  11. I wasn't going to post this but what the hell: WillRock's Happy Birthday Jingle! http://tindeck.com/listen/poum
  12. Rap iz teh wrst ting on teh whole plant I cnt stand it. Oh great I have to review this now right... Yeah... cool stuff, enjoyed the the remixes from Diggi Dis, AF and his crew of miscreants, bLiNd, Insert Rupee and Danimal Cannon. Best match up imo was Monkey Island, some fantastic stuff there. Not sure I dig the remastering that was done on my track so much but w/e you guys are promoting the SHIT out of it along with the whole album so i'm good Great stuff guys, some really strong stuff overall. Might post match up reviews later, give some incite to my thoughts on who won each match up
  13. Its his birthday in England shutup Happy birthday man. Also, how dare you put the DKC3 deadline as today. JUST SO YOU GET PRESENTS AMIRITE >_> hahahaha jk man, have a good one. Just make sure you go out and get wasted, then you might forget to ask me for a wav ^-^
  14. Rape/Murder/whatever happens. Police: "we found out the suspect played grand theft auto. That explains it, he must be the culprit." Biggest load of shit i've ever heard in my life and it happens all the time. If you are going to rape someone because you saw a sexual scene in a video game that means they were fucked up to start with.
  15. Well it was bound to happen sometime. Looks like guitar hero... Got axed.
  16. Sites having some issues from the looks of it, I'd just try the video later.
  17. As a Guitarist who has played/owned guitar hero, I have to say - I concur.
  18. Not sure who wouldn't like this track to be honest. The arrangment is so infectious, and the source is a classic. Trombone leads, piano and organ solos, and some really funky riffs to top it all off and you got yourself a classic remix. So good. Maybe the best track on the album.
  19. Did someone say WillRock? huh? huh? lolz, seriously tho this album is going to rock your socks off guys
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