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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Very ambitious arrangment ideas with alreet production skills. Great source, nice synth solo, and some nice playing. I think the production is slightly weak - leads get lost in the mix, and I find the "chorus section" of the source very underwhelming in this mix. Imo, room for improvement, but judging from this mix, you'll rise to the challenge In other words. MOAR PLZ.
  2. Brandon Strader has taken the Map Theme. Thats the whole tracklist filled!
  3. I've commented on your remix. Hope my info helps you somewhat :P

  4. First off, i'll list cool things. Cool arrangment, high energy and rock bias are really making me like this. for what it is, its not bad at all, surprisingly listenable by my high standards considering the production so great work there... Ok, so... what this needs: is a real guitar. Depends what you are going for really, but if you want to shoot for ocr, you are going to need some realistic sounds, and electric guitar is pretty much impossible to sequence realistically (the closest i've heard to real is impact SoundWorks Shreddage) but guitar lead sequencing i've never heard done realistically. So thats something to think about. Regarding the other samples, bring up the snare and the bass in the mix, and the bass needs bringing up, as that will provide a strong thump in your mix if you get the guitar/bass relationship right. There are some people on ocr who work every well with collab partners to help their music realise their full potential. I'd get some ocr guitarist to collab with you on this who would help you boost the production of your mix. As far as arrangment goes, it doesn't get boring, can't say if its ocr quality judging from the fact I don't know the source, but if you ask someone who plays guitar to help you out here, your mix will probably go through the ROOF
  5. Wii Sports Theme Remix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrSlMOIpZqY
  6. sure thing man i'll take a look at it. Look out for thread post :P

  7. Rozo, why don't you just put a link in the first post to the guide? you afriad of too much publicity or summit? Its not like its a BAD guide. Like a REALLY bad guide.
  8. So. I download this thing. And the first 10 seconds starts playing automatically on loop. I can't figure out what it is. Its not itunes. Its not quicktime. Its not the internet. Its not spotify. took me ten minutes to turn the fucking music off, by nearly demolishing my computer by hitting it again and agian... and then just turning it off. Silence has never sounded so good. it is now its ingrained in my being, like some sort of morse code that says "imma switch off ur fuckin BRAIN" Also confirms this quote: If tl:dr - FuCK U pROto. FUcK u To HeLL
  9. Well i'm older than both of you so I pwn you both. Happy birthday Lemon
  10. Happy Birthday you crazy swede.
  11. You put mah remix claim to red, My source is not for grabs, NOT FOR GRABS.
  12. Very cool stuff Mordi Is the crackle in the intro and some other parts intentional? If not i'd try and get rid of it. I'm totally getting the dark cloud vibe, would work great in a PS1 game soundtrack. Reminds me of Dire Straits, Early Heart and Led Zeppelin... good stuff to sound like imo Very nice composition, Production is slightly rough, particularly the sequenced acoustic guitar, but for what it is, I don't think anyone is going to care
  13. heh another guitarist thread. Ok, in that case... I gotta say out of the underrated guitarists you don't hear about, I think Vito Bratta is pretty good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrPJgnOXjy8&feature=player_detailpage#t=139s Great sense of melody + flashy guitar techniques (tapping etc) = win imo. Think somewhere between eric johnson and eddie van halen. Also, I found this guy on youtube about a year ago: Some of the fastest and cleanest guitar shredding i've ever heard, he's better than some of the famous guitar shredders.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFljHsIcaQw&feature=related And... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLHsqLGyT8g&feature=related
  15. Oh damn. This is pretty damn epic. Strong bass presence, really infectious and groovy, not to mention music that fits with the times - not like my music XD. I heard alot of different versions of this and its pretty cool to see this come to full fruition. Possibly my fav mix of chthonics - sorry, Ben Briggs - ties with red sphere blue sphere for best briggs remix Nice work man.
  16. Sup halc. Nice mix, pretty funky stuff. I think the bass is too upfront - or the leads are too in the forground - and as a result, this mix gets stale quicker than it should, as the bass isn't very intresting considering its so upfront. Not to say its bad, its just unpolished slightly. Funky stuff from Chthonic!
  17. *Shameless Self Promotion* I was remixing for about a year before I found ocr, and have a large amount of remixes that I never subbed to the site because they wouldn't pass. Most of them can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=735DC16B438A3412 *shameless self promotion*
  18. I approve of this thread and its contents. I Composed Slash Beast just so I could remix it in the GMRB. Darke gave it to Demonstray. RAWR! Btw guys, go listen to my GMRB entries because if you think Megaman X music was made for me to remix (lol), then just download my mixes for that compo @ rozo (can't be bothered to quote) I'd say it is a request, seeing as shake is suggesting I remix tracks from Megaman X4. One thing to note is that I will probably end up doing a slash beast remix, seeing as I didn't get the chance in the GMRB.
  19. I wanna be the guy!

  20. This will be the end of ocremix as we know it...
  21. And no nod to halc for this epic music? I concur, the music is ballz :3
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