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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Ok guys, DEADLINE: March 1st. Let me know if you have any issues.
  2. Another Nutritious track in the least reviewed tracks on the site makes me Nutritious needs more love people! His first Electronic remix on the site huh... I gotta say, the drum work on this one is crazy and fantastic, awesome job. Your fusions of classical and Electronic really works well and gives a rather unique soundscape that I can only describe as epic. Production here isn't flawless - there are some piercing leads in there, like the sax and that opening synth, altho the latter isn't as bad. Pretty awesome stuff man, I dig it!
  3. Oh yes i'm hearing the John WIlliams influence here. I'm loving this, sounds great! Everything fits together nice and snug and the arrangment is awesome. Probably my fav mix of yours so far Nutritious, great job!
  4. Afaik, Spotify only has music thats commercially available. As OC Remix's music is free, it might not be allowed to be put it in its database.
  5. You don't like the song "Power Of Love"? You have now unleashed the wrath that is WillRAWR!!! If you don't like 80's Cheese, he WILL smite you in the name of everything that is Big Hair, lots n lots of make up - and nail varnish
  6. He's basically saying he agrees with you. Its a good thing!
  7. Alright! I'm in on this Didn't do much the last review month but lets try at get at least 3 reviews a day and see how that goes.
  8. What kind of a lame ass name is Insert Rupee. Its just a completely terrible name and I know that if they have any taste in band names at ALL, they will not call themselves such a monstrosity of a title for their collab mixes.
  9. In that case, for now i'll take control as the main director of Bionic Commando if you don't mind john, its more ideal for everyone because i'm on ocr more than you... that said, feel free to step in when you have more time, i'm pretty busy myself I'll get going with moving this thing forward. EDIT: I'd like to welcome Benjamin Briggs aka cthonic to the project who has claimed the albatross! Now we have a full tracklist claimed! Deadline will be coming soon.
  10. I love link's awakening. However, I was not on this album. Therefore, by definition, I hate it. Lousy good for nothing style restrictions...
  11. And I have voted! I look forward to facing the victor in the final
  12. QUICK! everyone with last.fm accounts go here and post "RIP chthonic" or some variation.
  13. I have a message from emunator - GET IN UR WIP 4 DKC3 U NUB.

    Altho he said it nicer :P

  14. A winter themed album does seem like a good idea, but I don't think it will be needed with the amount of albums coming out in the next few months. Not to mention you have Megaman X to finish off, which would probably benefit from the attention you'd give this project if you end up doing it. Those are my main reasons for being less than enthusiastic about this project. The other reason is the quick turnaround which could mean either a potentially rushed album or one that isn't finished by the deadline as many people that are interested in projects are up to their eyeballs in stuff anyway. Finally, your Megaman X project's original final deadline was a few months back and was pushed forward so I'd expect that to happen here as well. You said Dyne was doing a winter themed album... why don't you take quality control of that instead? It would mean less work for you and i'm sure Dyne wouldn't say no (do correct me if i'm wrong dyne ) That said, if you do decide to do a winter themed ocr album, then I wish you luck.
  15. There are some cool ideas in this mix, its kinda minimal in soundscape however. The synths are somwhat generic, and the lead sounds bland, but there is something quite appealing about the sound you have, its just not quite meshing together quite yet... That clap sample is rather thin, i'd try layering different claps together and adding a small amount of reverb to boost it up a little. The synths have alot of reverb and delay added, which gives the track a very spacious sound, but I feel like it never reaches its full potential... it sounds like there is a missing frequency range somewhere, I'd try adding some sort of rhythmic synth in the most dynamically full sections to increase the fullness of the sound and add more interest in the mix. The lack of a download link is annoying as without it I can't pinpoint with too much ease where certain issues are... for example, the 16th notes in the bridge section after the main lead part have back feedback timing which causes the notes to bleed into each other. As for the arrangement, atm, it sounds too repetitive, you need to change things up more add some more countermelodies and solos etc... altho from the sounds of it you intend to do just this, and there is alot of dynamic variety, altho there might be too many change ups... Well the good points are that you do have some variations on the main theme, the sound design while not awesome is commendable (the synth that plays the main riff is sweet). I'd keep working on this one, it shows potential, good luck!
  16. Come on guys, we need more vote Its just the one match up this time around, and its the closest match up i've ever been in
  17. Its probably for me the most consistent ocr album to date, if you guys want consistency in ocr albums, then this album is going to set that standard
  18. Thats what I would say if I was a douchebag. However, i'm not - so happy birthday
  19. good choice of mixer, ergosonic will melt your faces off
  20. Stupid? Yours is stupid compared to mine you mean. obviously. Your source isn't even in tune.
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