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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. Hey bro, I will definitely be there at the Powerglove/Hammerfall concert. I'll be in my black OCR T, so look for it. Come say hi!

  2. Dude, I don't have photos of it. I thought I did. When I get together with buddy again, I'll snap some shots and post em.

  3. Zircon, that is funny. Jill still stuck with you, so that could be a defining relationship moment also, I've had my share of injuries, but none were scary I don't think. Hy Bound, mang, that sounds like a painful trip dude.
  4. Alright. Take a breath Kaleb. I am DJing a Junior High dance right now, got my Bose L1 series II beside me. 2 sub units. About 20 minutes ago, I switch to a slow song with a good base line, and the bass starts buzzing. Dear Lord, please tell me the speakers are not blown. I systematically eliminate the other possibilities. Bypass the Kaoss Pad Still brutal bass distortion Plug into a different mixer input. Still brutal bass distortion Adjust every possible setting. No change....at this point I am literally sick to my stomach. This is not a cheap system, and I am doubtful I can afford to replace it atm. I dj tomorrow too... I check one last possibility. I string some cables directly from my lappys AUX output to the mixer and boot up a new dj program. The sound is clean. Thank. God. My Torq Xponent is the problem, and while yeah, that sucks, I can live without it, especially when I found out my 3800 dollar Bose setup was okay. Freaking Scary Moment!!! I feel 2 years older, lol! Close calls, scary moments, etc. Post em.
  5. I've been watching a friend play for the last 2 hours. Looks very pretty. Definitely a different Final Fantasy than I am used to Gameplay/Customization-wise, at least from what I have seen. I played a few battles and I think the game could keep me visually interested enough to keep from getting too bored. If only you could hit R2 (or RT) in time with attacks too boost them, Gunblade style, I think I could play forever. maybe. Anyway, I really hopped on to comment here about one thing only. Some of the battle music... I TOTALLY feel like I am listening to the Baten Kaitos OST. I even checked out to see if it was the same guy composing, and its not. I think the part that really sticks out is the quick little "victory" theme that plays after ordinary battles. Anybody else agree with me?
  6. Keep bugging me to get pics of that guitar. They are back on my external HD at home, I'll be there tomorrow. If I forget, feel free to remind me ;-)

  7. That's the way to do it, just drop it all in one shot. I did a bit of poking around, and according to the US vs Canadian Toyota websites, I could get a Prius V with the best option package and a few extras in the States for about 3000 less than a prius III with a lower option package here in Canada. Our dollars are almost even, but it sure doesn't reflect in the prices. If I do decide to bit the bullet and buy new, I might fly down, buy American, and drive back. Its a few hours of paperwork to import, and the 200$ RIV fee, but I could save my self an assload, especially if I was able to talk the price down closer to invoice pricing. That is a huge amount of money though, lol, and I still have one year of school left. Maybe I'll wait one more year...
  8. What year did you get Monobrow? I just read the latest Consumer Reports and the writeup on the 2010 was very enticing. I don't know if I should try to afford a new one... I'll go test drive on someday soon though.
  9. I'll keep you informed of my plans to get down there. I think it is pretty safe to say I'll be catching one of the frequent last minute seat sales to vegas via Westjet, but who knows. I might have a Prius or something by august, and that would require a road trip of this magnitude. Plus I'd score some vehicle cred once we get there EDIT: The more I think of this, the more I am pumped to meet you folks.
  10. Posting this for a friend. Don't have the bones for it, otherwise this would totally be mine... Ibanez GEM guitar, mint, approx 10 hrs of play, w/case. pd over 3000, asking 1700.
  11. I am in Grande Prairie, Alberta. I'm an hour from the BC border, and about 14h from Vancouver. I was planning on flying down, hopefully catching a seat sale on Westjet. Wasn't planning on driving initially, but I do have from the 1st to the 13th free, and driving the west coast is a recommended excursion apparently. But then I do have to be back home by the 13th, so I would have to leave earlier in the week for sure if I am doing some driving. If someone else was driving, I could fly home. Where are you at Abadoss? What dates are you working with and are you looking to fill your vehicle, or get in someone elses?
  12. This is perfect. The 7th is the only weekend this summer that I don't have anything booked. It is almost a for sure thing I will be there!
  13. Is it the first week of august? or the second week? or sorta both?
  14. Original song is far better. The new version makes me feel literally uncomfortable. I have listened to the original hundreds of times; I don't know how to deal with the new lyrics at all
  15. Extreme-G was incredible. If this is anything like that, then I'd love one of those beta invites. If noones claimed it, send one my way!
  16. I'll be checking this out asap
  17. That's awesome, lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one making the Tribes connection. It was also a good reminder that I have about 2 years of Ctrl-Alt-Del and PA to catch up on...
  18. I'm very interested to hear what those of you who are playing it have to say. I've read some reviews, but am eager for some real life feedback. EDIT: Gollgagh, I haven't been able to stop laughing at "triple metric fuckton", lol. How much would that be exactly?
  19. Hey LAOS, and the rest of you, do you have a final render separate from the youtube video that is better quality? If there is, tell me, I want that file! The original AVI of my video was way smoother than the youtube upload. If anyone is interested in mine, just pm me. My mind is totally buzzing with new video ideas now, lol.
  20. Wicked video bro, totally a step up in quality from the rest. Made some waves man, Irc was pretty loud about it.

    And on Lazy days, my personal hygiene routine is much more comprehensive :)

  21. This is very, very cool, thanks Amy, Dave! It happens! See you tomorrow!
  22. New Halo Reach trailer shows gameplay that is "totally kick ass" and shows of a bunch of "shit we have never seen before". Quotes taken from , which also highlight Valve's various shenanigans surrounding portal 2.After watching that trailer I had two thoughts. 1) Wicked Awesome. 2) I get to play Tribes again! I only ever played about 8 hours of Tribes, and that was years ago. Though that game hasn't crossed my mind in years, I made the connection after maybe 3 seconds of jetpack footage. If Bungie throws in some sprawling outdoor levels then its settled. I wasn't sure what to expect from Halo Reach, but I am very excited about it now.
  23. After reading up on all this both here and elsewhere, I don't think I have a choice but to go buy half life and half life 2 and all the extra episodes. I have never played them for more than 10 minutes. But I played portal, and it was awesome. If there is a 2nd portal, and a tie in? I gotta get on top of that. Too much intrigue to ignore now.
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