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Everything posted by DJMetal

  1. You are totally not alone. I feel the exact same way. Incidentally, in last week's "Newsweek" there was an article that shared the same sentiment. I mean, it wasn't a bad movie if you ask me, but standing next to the source material it just doesn't compare. Although I must admit, I LOVED the guys who played Rorschach and Nite Owl II.
  2. I went to see it last night. I was disappointed: Only one person in costume. To their merit, though, they were a very convincing Rorschach.
  3. Killzone 2?! Ha! Now you'll be telling me "Duke Nukem Forever" is coming out. Oh wait...It's street-dated? It's actually HAPPENING?! Huh. Well, I'm pretty stoked, I guess. I liked the first game, and I'm actually a little interested in seeing just what TOOK THEM SO DAMN LONG. *moderate excitement*
  4. I'm not sure about that, Luke. Metal isn't really a "club" genre lol. I don't actually play a lot of metal music, truthfully. And I'm a disc-jockey only the the air...I haven't broken into the club scene yet. but if I ever make it on the scene, I'll play a little Anthrax and let you know how it turns out =P

  5. Hey kids, The long awaited episode II is out. Enjoy, I guess. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/there-will-be-brawl/547-Episode-Two
  6. be that as it may...I can still dream. (I'm looking at you, Hale-bopp).
  7. Well, card holidays aren't really my thing, but I figured I'd take this chance to appreciate all the good times I've had here on the OCR forums. Like that time bleck said something snarky. Or...that time I saw djp post. Or, (my favorite) that time I accidentially posted a favorites thread. So, thanks for all the memories, you multitude of absolutely insane people. OCR, will you be my valentine?
  8. Edit: Found this. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=254603 Upon inspecting the soundfiles, the third movement on this site doesn't work. The other three are fine, though. And yes, I had to sign up to hear them, but everything seems on the level. And the link to the useless thread has been removed.
  9. A) PC. Consoles are dead to me this generation.
  10. Yeah, but 3's in particular sent me a message. I'll have to youtube 1's because i don't remember it well, 2 was trippy but not as meaningful (to me) and 4's I downright hated for reasons I won't get into here.
  11. While Metal Gear Solid 2 was a WICKED trip, MGS3 and Silent Hill 2 are the games I think of. MGS3's "what it means to be a patriot" messages really spoke to me, and when I played it I really started to wonder about what it meant to do good as opposed to doing one's duty, if the two aren't the same. Also the choice to either mercilessly slaughter people or merely knock them out presented an interested "karmic" aspect to the game that I really enjoyed. And although it was a little weak, I liked the symbolism in all of the bosses of the game. What really did it for me, though, was the end of the game. The final cut scene and the "post-credit" conversation were almost too much for me. SH2 did much the same thing to me, but instead of duty or patriotism, it brought life and our perception of it into question. Am I sane? Is everything what it seems to be? Can things affect us so profoundly as to create false memories? Is there more than meets the eye to even seemingly normal people? How will my subconscious come back to punish me for all the dissonance I've caused? I'll sometimes wake up at night and listen for the sound of air-raid sirens, or look out my window to check for fog. I also have a 2-foot wrought Iron spike by my bed. Y'know...Just in case.
  12. I'd love to hear something from "Venus Lighthouse", if at all possible. Great soundtrack.
  13. I call upon Pokemon Silver or Golden Sun. Pokemon Silver is one of my most played games of all time, and I would love to see it "modernized". Golden Sun, despite being not too old, would look great, play great, and I might just die if the they orchestrated the soundtrack. *joygasm*. I would have said "Super Street Fighter II Turbo", but they kinda already beat me to that one.
  14. Hybrid Heaven...I remember when this game came out. I still have the nintendo power =D. I loved this game as a kid...and in fact, it's one the reasons I still have an N-64. I never understood why it go panned
  15. I'm hopeful for '09 only for this reason: I won't be NEARLY as let down as I was this year. Of all the games that were released this year, I only really Advanced Wars: DoR, the new Castlevania, and Gears II. And I only like Gears II because I haven't played it online yet. Seriously. It's probably just me, but I was really let down last year. Here's hoping!
  16. I'm seeing a lot of talk about the ending and I figured I'd give my two cents about it MAJOR HARDCORE SPOILERS. Seriously: The whole reason the comedian gets knocked off in the beginning is because he stumbles upon the plan and freaks out about it. I hear tell the new ending has something to do with Dr. Manhattan supposedly using an energy beam or blowing up or something. Unconfirmed, but sounds kinda likely, especially given that blue fireball in the trailers. Source: http://www.watchmencomicmovie.com/111008-watchmen-movie-zack-snyder-ending-changed.php. So how is the comedian going to stumble onto that? My fear is that while the ending in the comic was a bit of a stretch, the ending in the movie will break the story. I dunno. I'm hopeful but reserved. *Please note that the above link also leads to a spoiler, but that I couldn't make it white. My bad* Also, I love that 70s news clip. So awesome.
  17. Hey all, Was looking around over at "The Escapist" and found this video. I'm normally not into this sort of thing, But this one tickled my fancy, so I thought I'd share. And, if mine ears do not deceive me, there is even an OCRemix as part of the soundtrack. Swearing and some sexual content and some campy violence. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/there-will-be-brawl/496-Episode-One
  18. That's good, I guess. I dunno. I'm still trying to deal with the whole "ending" thing...*mixed feelings*.
  19. Aw heck. Well, I guess I'll have to wait to get discovered for my awesome voice talent . Thanks for the opportunity, though. It was a ton of fun!
  20. Pearl Jam. I played rock band 3 and heard "Even Flow" and about died. Then my sister (who is old enough to remember most of the 90s) laughed at me.
  21. Well here's my two cents. Since you minored in history, that's a good place to start. But I can tell you from my parents experience that there wasn't a lot of work for history majors 20 years ago...I dunno about now, but I'm guessing that things haven't changed much. If you're interested in fiction/movies/pop-culture stuff, a lit or film major are probably good bets, but once again, employment opportunities aren't great (in my area, anyways ). If it were me, I'd just go back to school and try more stuff out. You have a degree in CS, so if you want a stable lifestyle I'd just go to grad school for that and get a higher paying job afterwards. But if you're anything like me, you're probably not gonna be happy doing that if it isn't your passion. So I'd play the field for as long as I could, if I were you. Test-bite things, shadow relevant jobs, interview people in professions that interest you, take a class here or there, the works! That is a great way to get a feel for what you may wanna do and not waste all the time/money in lots of classes.
  22. Some games never die because of emotional ties. Golden Sun, Advance Wars, and Banjo Kazooie all mark big periods of my life. I mean, those games are all SUPER AWESOME, but in addition to that, they're special to me because like a good friend, there were there for me in hard times.
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