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Everything posted by K.B.

  1. Posting to endorse Treasure. This is also a damned fun run and gun. If you haven't played it, you should fix that. Then remix that.
  2. Comiket 79 Touhou recommendations, ordered from must-haves to not-bads. Circle (Album) - description. Links are youtubes and are in hd whenever available. Tutti Sound (東方映画音楽選 - Light) - orcherstral+choral with a few dabs of electronic percussion. Excepting the first track, the entire album is flooring. - ; Shibayan Records (ココロバイブレーション) - fat, glitchy beats and dirty sounds in extended electronica. Even the high-pitched vox fit. Absolutely disgusting. - ; Felt (Fairy Queen) - female-vocal and instrumental pop that ranges from jazzy to rocking to balladic... from grooving to arresting. Well-crafted both as individual tracks and as an album. -Plan Doll; Wave (Symphonic Rhapsody "Peony") - sweeping orchestral+choral arrangements. The insrumentation swells and falls in support of the choir, giving each track an understated yet manifest power. - ; k-waves lab and O-Life Japan (ゴツまさ倶楽部) - O-Life is solidly on their game in this one. Celtic-influenced instrumental goodness. -科学世紀の少女達の郷愁 Floating Cloud Acoustic Band (東方アイリッシュ) - Celtic with a touch of Eastern; instrumental. The instrumentation is entirely organic, which is a treat. Not perfect but a solid debut. - ; そして今日も紅魔館の扉は開く Swing Holic (Vol.6) - swing and lounge jazz. Mostly songs (female vox); a couple instrumentals. Tapers off toward the end, but still very good and very fun. -Take Fire; 瞼と光と恋の歌 RD-Sounds 凋叶棕 (廻 meguri) - half female-vocal, half instumental. Pop-rock, piano and string arranges, dance-pop, lounge jazz, electronica, and more. Amazingly, the album still flows well, and nearly every piece is very good. -A Secret Adventure; [note: the instrumentals are what truly make this album worth getting (Remilia's and Mystia's especially), yet none have been uploaded, so the album is better than what's linked here] dBu music (暁のヴァンピレス 夜鳴鳥) - orchestral, and orchestral combined with synth, guitars, and more. Runs the gamut of moods. Good with some must-have standouts. - ; ; 第零交響師団 Zero Symphonic Battalion (東方零馨奇譚 - Sophisticated Insanity) - Hiroki Kikuta's album. Highly varied; mostly instrumental. Skip the vocaloid remixes (3,6,7) and send track four to the end of the album to better the flow. -Never Ending Night; オリエンス (Ancient Treasures) - orchestral+choral and orchestral instrumental, mingled with rock in three tracks. Rock obviously isn't their forte, but the rest of the album ranges from good to outstanding. - Dark Phoenix (Sound-0 Phase-11) - synth/keyboard/faux-guitar rock. It's an odd formula, but the first half of the album packs some energy. It's about 2/3 of a good album. - ; ラストリモート - Type γxi-on (Ex Spell -Memory of the Past-) - hard rock with synth, strings, and keyboard. Hit and miss (gtfo unts), but about half the tracks are rocking. -History of the Moon; Dream Battle Mediafire is googleable.
  3. 'bout time for a bump. Cave mame update, personal nonsense, and Genetos plug. Bordering on old news, but Ketsui - that's right, the same Ketsui that has every Cave-fanboy score-player wetting themselves - and DoDonpachi DOJ (and DOJ black label) are now playable in shmupmame. Espgaluda will follow shortly. Or maybe it already has... I actually enjoyed this as an early Christmas present (sorry for not thinking to share earlier), so maybe it works now as well. Don't know about direct-linking it here, but if you want to check this out then google "shmupmame proboards"; I've verified that their links work and that Ketsui and DOJ are playable. And maybe I've just been needing a good sidescroller in my life, but Progear is hot. Also, hilaridiocy keeps every rivalry fresh. (but they fly planes?!?) Managed to beat EoSD hard and extra (replays are on gensokyo) and essentially finished my playthrough of shmup history (that is, minus the few doujins and some greats that I still don't own/can't emulate, like Radiant Silvergun [port to PC live arcade please?]) since last post. Teeth are cut, now all that's left is to become good. Any day now. I can feel it. Cough. Finally, cross-posting for great justice. This game is a treat. If you play shmups at all, give it at least one playthrough. And that main menu music... yes. I must be too much of a pansy because it seems I can't get the sword no matter what I do. One time I got graze though... holy crap that was a setup for disaster.
  4. I should have been more specific and said youtube. I wasn't trying to one-up or downplay your contribution (or knowledge, for that matter), Coop. Those oggs are the best thing going; compare with Galbadia's rips if you want a laugh. I simply support aerial rocking.
  5. Posting because link isn't currently working. And I wish it were. Will update in the morning/afternoon.
  6. Perhaps the holdup is a good link? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8IRq6HdAIU I was a AB3 fan. Then I heard this. Note that it not only has the melody but that it also has its own unique riffs toward the end.
  7. Late, sorry, but happy birthday all the same! I got talked into panty and stocking as well. Here's hoping the humor doesn't miss. And sorry about the stupidly-long pms but seriously thanks for the recs. So much good stuff out there.
  8. Already done after your first post. Thanks!
  9. If this is what I think it is... thank you so very, very much. [i'm new to this sort of thing.] Tangentally, I'm annoyed that Japan has a preoccupation with high-pitched and subdued vox. You can tell Sara has a voice and that she intentionally restricts herself. I'd love to hear her belt one out. Might as well post another. Here is simultaneously one of the most heartwarming and hearbreaking things I've ever seen and heard. 東方紅魔郷「おてんば恋娘」アレンジ4 (read the description)
  10. Gorgeous. Might be my favorite non-ocr remix. 1:30. 2:20. 2:30! Comiket in one week!
  11. I thought this thread was going to contend that fresh air and diverse experiences made people better appreciate games and forced them to be more disciplined with what little gaming time they had left.
  12. Posting to endorse GoG. I need to play this as well.
  13. Improving his short game.
  14. Hey Arcana. Sign on again. Hm. Maybe another time. Happy birthday. Kinda sucks to be butted up against Christmas, though. Two biggest gift-giving days not even a week apart? Jesus, what was He thinking. Arcana is good people. Have a good birthday.
  15. Arcana, is it really your birthday? You aren't shown on the main page. This is some canuck ruse. I smell it.
  16. Happy birthday - hope it's a good one!
  17. I couldn't say a birthday response post made me cry... ...until now. That cheesecake is absolutely beautiful!!!
  18. Me? A source rundown is about all I'm good for, and you've no problem with the 50% thing. Interpretation, production, etc: not my bag. Only potential issue I can see sourcewise is that you intentionally pared it down to fit your mood/genre. I think this shouldn't be an issue, since what you missed were portions of the accompanying lines and some riffage (amidst nailing the essence of the melody, accompaniment, and bassline), but I'm also not a judge. Frankly, you're not doing yourself any favors by choosing a cover with so much going on. I think you need to cite the original. Of course, I'm only trying to look after you. Honestly though, I havne't a clue if that would be an issue. Just pointing it out so it can be addressed now rather than later, should it warrant addressing. This is staying on my playlist regardless.
  19. I really, really dislike this approach to a forum suggestion, but since this topic already exists, I suppose bumping is the right thing to do. djp: option two, s'il te plait. Option three would work as well, but from the sound of it that would be the most hassle to implement. Option one isn't terrible, but google searches are problematic (I want a result within site x, not outside it) or, at the very least, ugly. Speaking strictly from experience, of course; perhaps there are better ways to implement it than I've seen. And alpha navigation for sure. So, that's a number two and a number four. With poutine. And because I already had a post typed out and I don't want it to go unseen nyah. Like an idiot, I just searched for "starfox". A redirect or a probable-intended-search return function (proper terminology?), in this case to "star fox", might be a useful feature. That is, I think it's a fair assumption that newcomers weened on google might make a similar mistake and think ocr doesn't have any mixes of the game in question. It would also be convenient for idiots. No, I have no idea how hard this would be to implement (especially in the case of a smart search) or if it is even practical. It's simply a suggestion in a vacuum. Probably way down the to-do list, but I thought it worth mentioning.
  20. This brings a tear to the indian's eye. Been waiting for a remix of this since Kyle's request thread. I'm digging what you did with it; this is a keeper for sure. Mod review? Edit: I swear it didn't say mod review when I clicked the thread.
  21. Now I feel really, really dumb. Not going to explain. But hell yeah listening party.
  22. That's a damned good idea and I'm disappointed that none of us ever thought to do that. (going by urban dictionary definition number three)
  23. "future versions" This means what, exactly? Yes, I read the above, but apparently the facebook post says expansions included, yet RD says (in clarification) no expansion packs (or dlc). I'm inclinded to believe the author as well as The Author, and I'm also not much of a computer gamer due to restrictions (and thusly might be missing the obvious meaning to the terminology), so I don't know how to correctly interpret what has been said. I'm asking because I was intrigued enough by the videos I've seen to buy the game now - to be playable whenever I finally buy a new computer - but it would have to be because the "future versions" would be something I would want. IOW: five (ten now, actually) euros in savings isn't in itself a big deal, but this future versions thing sounds like it could save a buttload more in content I would want. Or, says the better (cynical) part of me, it's nothing more than scare tactics as the devs, for whatever reason, need funding now rather than later. But again, I really don't know how to interpret this, so any clarification would be appreciated.
  24. Excellent. Looking forward to it.
  25. Listening party this weekend?
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