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Everything posted by Sir_Downunder

  1. This is just me, but I'm looking forward to Dead Rising 2. I wanna see what else Capcom will show before the game comes out. ...Then again, maybe I just want to see more the awesome combo weapons
  2. Another happy birthday to all! Another round of cake for the masses!
  3. People probably know about this, is probably old, but the comparison is unbelievably disturbing. Robo's Theme - Chrono Trigger and it's real life counterpart... And just because I can, here's a mashup! I don't know about you guys, but i can never quite look at Robo's theme the same way again...
  4. Congratulations DJP! Here's to hoping you and your wife have a happy and successful marriage.
  5. I've got one, but I'm a little surprised he hasn't been mentioned yet. I'ma put my vote for... Frank West - Dead Rising And here's an obligatory picture...
  6. At first, I couldn't believe it, now after seeing it, I applaud you good sir Good luck with MM2 and happy trails with your happy feet. (Nario for Happy Feet 3!)
  7. OH HELL YES!!!!! I must see this movie, I must see this movie...
  8. Congrats with starting up your company man! No works beats doing what you love for a living, eh? Good luck with both your music and the touring.
  9. pixietricks, Zircon - Time to Oil Up (SSFIV - Hakan's Theme OCRemix)
  10. OCAD, the only place on the globe where you can purchase ADDHDTV's
  11. Hey, at the rate their going, pretty soon it'll be "OCR vs Capcom" at some point...
  12. Maaaaaaybe... But I was thinking more along the lines of 4-tan ready to hit the clubs and Brushfire desperately chasing after her...
  13. Yeah, I kinda went when I saw that. Personally, I was more expecting Jill... or Wesker...
  14. Personally, I just imagine a flirty 4-tan with a dark color scheme of her clothing. But then again, that's just me. *shrugs*
  15. Convulsive Madness (Final Boss - 2nd form) - No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7h65KAPLoE&feature=channel
  16. I've always wanted to hear Dyne orgasm for two minutes in your theme song, thanks for giving me nightmares you guys... On a lighter note... good to see you managed to record this one rather close to releasing ep.21 Keep up the good work folks, our troops our with you.
  17. OCR-Tan for Street Fighter anyone? Not exactly creating a game, but hey... who here wouldn't want to the beat the shit out of M.Bison with 4-tan?
  18. I'm listening to the second podcast now, and the production is a whole lot better. Still just as funny as the first one. This may be just me... But this is starting to sound like the Aussie version of OCAD... If OCAD ever hosted you guys, or vice versa. Ohh boy...
  19. How did I miss this from coming out? This is great Akumajo, great to see a good Aussie presence in podcast from being presented to OCR Yeah, this kinda caught me off-guard too. But hey, any reason for another great podcast is good. Anyways, keep up the good work Akumajo! Also: I'm a wog too, and I like Pokemon
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