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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. Ah, bloodlines. You say it's unfinished and I can hear that, but I'd at least like to say I'm interested in hearing where this goes. It does sound like it'll be interesting.
  2. Triply obfuscated. You're a sly one, aren't you?
  3. You've got me thinking about perfect fifths and fourths in a whole different way. Cool.
  4. I can vouch that all of this was true for me. All of it. Except the tongue-in-cheek part. That, I was always good at. Always. (Not really, lol. I'm just demonstrating tongue-in-cheek humor. )just keep workin on this mix. we wanna hear what you have to make.
  5. This is officially my favorite project.
  6. Dynamics weren't too bad, you had distinguishable quiet and loud sections... and velocities did seem to be modified. Make it louder. It's hardly a fair fight, but at the same volume level that I played your mix, jenova celestial was blasting. Somewhat more comparably, Red Waltz is also louder.
  7. Whoa. Awesome stuff.
  8. I felt like it was just missing one measure... having never heard the original, and for a midi file without instructions beyond what notes to play by what instruments being played back in windows media player, this is enjoyable. But like.. where's tonic in the ending? Me want E.
  9. I saw a video discussing Google's domination a "long" time ago. An OS for "general" computing use is definitely a step in that direction (although this is targeted at netbooks mostly, which like the Android for smartphones is not the average "computer" and would be used for different ends). One might not consider Google to be a monopoly because their services are generally free and people have to choose to use them, whereas an operating system like Windows is arguably the end-user's only choice for an operating system on an x86(_64) computer. Anyway, I'm not too worried... not until they start physically manufacturing their own devices.
  10. The web browser is pretty good I think. But I'm not terribly excited about this.. I read about it at Engadget last night, and I wan't too fazed. I don't think it'll just be a GNOME skin... it might be something 90% based within a web browser, making everything use HTML/CSS/javascript, similar to WebOS. It sounds inventive but i'm not going to get excited till I see some code/prototype/actual os to play with.
  11. Yes, happy birthday, it's good to hear that you too were once born
  12. I'm gonna agree with "hollow" - really interesting ideas here that need to be fleshed out (or beefed up, w/e). Metal Man's music is oft covered but not so much lately, so this is definitely cool to hear.
  13. 1:58 is AMAZING. OMG. It slaps a huge smile on my face. This whole mix does but that part in particular stands out for me. I heard "accessible" thrown around to describe this mix, and I agree.
  14. Your tablet isn't powered by USB or whatever port you plug it into? If it is: is there a broken wire inside the cable?
  15. just also wanted to point out that you've gone from level 27 reviewer to level 1 shtyjdgfgt in a real hurry. i expect you to be getting mad levels quick. FOR THE HORDE.
  16. A critique can be critiqued; essentially you're going to be determining whether or not a person properly analyzed a work. But critiquing critiques is like playing the role of a teacher/professor/student aid in a writing class :/
  17. Can critiques count as a freeform submission? (I actually already have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to do, this is more of a theoretical).
  18. Ew, you used that smiley. And you even stuck a hyphen in it. Anyway, congrats. ...And I think you should use a custom flash-animation-esque "yes" and "no" for all your decisions. Just a suggestion.
  19. http://reaper.fm Considering your price range and your need for multiplatform software... I have to recommend Reaper. I have used it on Windows and Linux, works great. Haven't tested it on Mac OSX, though, but I'm pretty sure it works well there too. You can download it and use it for 30 days, and then after that you "have" to purchase a license to keep using it (though, considering that it's only $50 for a noncommercial/education license, I think it's fair). Plus, it comes with decent plugins/effects out of the box that satisfy more of your criteria. Is it simple? Well.. it's not hard to pick up. While it has a simplistic presentation like Garageband, the menus and contextual right-click menus present you with a lot more options/features than Garageband has to offer. Considering you're going to be doing simple stuff anyway, just ignore all those features and it should be a smooth experience. And as far as sample packs go, Rozovian already pointed out to you a pretty good resource that I've used myself. I recommend searching for free samples/VSTi/soundfonts (darkesword's got a good list of decent soundfonts at http://soundfonts.darkesword.com/ but be warned that the "sfz" soundfont VSTi by rgc does have some issues... like randomly making very loud noises instead of playing back the samples in the soundfont, lol) and either linking your students to the various places they're hosted or burning a compilation CD with Reaper + the different instruments/samples and giving them to your students. Parenthetic fail on my part, there. lol.
  20. I don't think you'd have to get anything. You just need to specify the way in which people can use the music available on your site, probably by way of a license. There may be a decent Creative Commons license for what you want. In theory you shouldn't have to pay anything at all to get this going - unless you need help writing up a royalty-free license that suits both you and your potential "customers"' needs (though you may be able to find a good free one like i said).
  21. 19 sucks so far - here's to hoping yours isn't as crappy and unproductive as mine, lol. Happy birthday.
  22. I guess nobody reads the write-ups OR maybe i'm dense and I didn't properly interpret the wink :/ anyway, in case someone isn't aware of her other vocal works... click here - all the vocal covers she has done... on youtube.
  23. I LOVE ME SOME BASS. I played the old version for a few mins while waiting for the new one to download... and the bass here is just kicking my ass in comparison. Doesn't strike me as too muddy I guess, listening on speakers. I don't have much to say, beyond.. finish plz. Oh, and voice clips are 99% of the time... lame. Just a highly subjective opinion.
  24. Enjoying the OSTs... very cool.
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