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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. You should have read the next post in the Rose General review thread... Kate has done "You're Not Alone"

    direct download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mwewllkhzyy

    Enjoy :)

  2. I just read your suggestions Rozo and I think i'm starting to write critiques in the same manner as you do - just not on the same level of course. Someone shoot me please (007 i'm lookin at you). But I agree with what has been said. It's not bad, but you can (should) take it places.
  3. That sounds like a Chuck Norris joke... lol
  4. Whoa thanks for pointing them out, lol, I would have missed 'em.
  5. Didn't realize how short of a source you were working with. My first comment would be that you did a pretty good job of taking about 20 seconds of music and stretching it out to three and a half minutes without coming off as too repetitive. But it is a little bit repetitive. By varying up instruments you eliminated a lot of it... still, there are some spots where I think it could stand to become more noticeably varied. Like at 1:15, after the cymbal fill/transition you introduce the bass doing its thing, but it's not coming through strongly enough. The bass either needs to be louder or have more "presence" (well, I mean, it should be producing sound in a little higher frequencies so I can hear it) or both.. maybe some messing with the EQ, a new bass sound, or maybe taking it up an octave would take care of it? It's part of the mastering process, I guess, and it's somethin I'm not great with either. The bass is more noticeable in the un-eq'd version, so just keep tinkering with it till you get a good sound. Takes time.. lots of time. Which, with youth, you might have They say youth is wasted on the young, so... don't let it be wasted. I'm not old but I sure as hell wasted away most of my teens (last one to go - hopin to make it more productive, lol).
  6. K, so if i'm understanding correctly, the digitizer and the glass are actually one item. ...making the list of stuff I would need to buy: A Touchscreen/digitizer which is part of the glass screen An LCD if the broken digitizer is glued to the current LCD. A front bezel in case i fubar the old one. I saw a video demonstrating the process for a first gen iTouch (which is what my friend has) and the LCD didn't seem to be glued. I might just get it as a precaution, still. I've already opened up a few older ipods before... just on principle the idea of replacing the front panel where there's a touchscreen and stuff is not appealing to me. My friend's iTouch's screen is just cracked - it still functions properly. I have no problem with going through the hell of fixing it, even seeing that i'd have to completely disassemble the damn thing to reach the screen. Oh... and about how long did the process take you? Thanks. I'll think about it.
  7. You said you've replaced parts on an iphone... my friend has a Touch with a broken screen (only the glass - actual display is fine). Do you know how much a new one would reasonably run me, and how easy it would be to replace? I have googled this stuff and have found some videos and sites detailing the process, and am looking for deals on the screens. Any advice/experience on the matter would be great.
  8. The area is usually pretty busy anyway during the fall-spring quarters, but that crowd is pretty intense. The police had sealed off the area at a certain point so no more members of the public could enter - i'm not sure when that was, or when you took your pictures, but that may explain your feeling that the crowd wasn't too large.
  9. Such a crazy week... Someone should make an Ice Cap Zone remix in his honor.
  10. Not enough airbrush. DO IT AGAIN.
  11. I'd say your laptop's specs would allow it to play music. I think darkesword has done all his work on a comp that is pretty much worse in every aspect when compared to your laptop, so it's possible.
  12. direct download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mwewllkhzyy But more to the point, regarding this specific mix at hand... after further listening, I must say, the percussions used, and their "sequencing" are spot-on and carry/contribute energy and emotion... i love the tambourine. a lot.
  13. Sick. Sounds good.
  14. I also like Jose's work... but something about the headphones and gamepad are unsettling - maybe it's the gradient. Would a thin outline help it? And I don't like the orange outline on http://www.ocremix.org - I think it should be a black that matches the "Overclocked Remix" text color. It blends in with the gamepad reflection. Actually, fixing this might make everything else fine. edit: and maybe a white glow like the OCR logo. Just suggestions.
  15. ayy fml. i know. i don't know how i sleep at night now you understand why i have to create my fantasy world with flying sperm and vaginas that grow on trees because i am a terrible humam being. and lonely. (sympathy card drawn) edit: oh and... er, i'm flattered. And disgusted, but flattered. i wouldn't mind critique either. and i will dish some critique out i hope this time around, too. even 1 or 2 words that are meaningful - i will try to dole them.
  16. Yep, some laptops have two graphics cards in em. There's a new alienware coming that apparently doesn't get too hot, either... i am trolling
  17. doesn't affect OCR at all - it's an external link, you'll be downloading off of... Brian Owen's site. Lol, if he didn't want it to be distributed/use his bandwidth, he shouldn't have made it available in the first place.
  18. happy birthday. Speech, speech - or, what we all really want, remix/song/freebies!
  19. I just realized... all I had to go on was... 17 seconds. Lol. Failed download first time. Let me give this new version a listen.
  20. Well. if you want remix-related inspiration, listen to anything of Shnabubula's (anything he's improvised at least, like his SMB/castlevania 3/super metroid/metroid/etc. mixes). All awesome. prolly cuz he's pretty damn awesome on the keys.
  21. Perhaps it was; i never played Civ 2. It might explain some of the discrepencies. edit: And I've played Spring back when it was TA: Spring, and was "officially" based on the '97 RTS Total Annihilation. Now they've got a bunch of custom mods for it.
  22. I'm going to agree with Jewbei. A sexy sax alone doesn't make for jazz. Jazz is... jazz? I can't give you a definition because I don't have a firm handle on one either, but I usually think of stuff like improv, lol. As for what you have and where to go, I imagine the next few measures would either feature a melody and/or changing the drum sequencing to something less complicated, or continue building up... I'm sensing a lot of tension created by what that sax is repeating: either prolong the tension, or give us a release.
  23. I will vote. I just got back from stuff, and i'm feeling in the mind for voting. edit: *puts on sticker* Edit #2: I'm plugging someone's work but.. you all should definitely check out The Rose General by katethegreat19, the lyrics/poem are/is fairly impressive. Just saying.
  24. I haven't owned it but I have wanted that handheld - looks like an interesting piece of work. I have played FreeCiv, which is sort of like a Civ3 clone, and it's honestly pretty good.
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