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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. It's come a long way from the first WIP, in such a good way too. It's less sparse and more upbeat than I remember it. I've never heard the source, which I guess is supposed to be pretty sad, but if the Windfish were going to throw a loud party somewhere, this would be on the top of his playlist.
  2. Alright.. sounds like a plan.
  3. So catchy. I eagerly await 2:30 every time I listen to this remix (alright, so I've had it on repeat for the past few days). It's sort of a parallel to the transition to the second half of Fallen Dragoon where cello and chip are in unison or whatever - I love both transitions, and probably for the emotions brought about by strings. everything seems so laboriously and lovingly put into this.. even the sfx added. all of it is excellent.
  4. Woo, that's... well, yeah, that's pretty damn impressive. The funniest part is everything costs at least twice as much as I was thinking of spending, lol. It would probably be screaming (or at least performing well) 3 years down the line, doing better than anything I was considering. it's tempting. You make a good case against AMD... maybe I will wait a bit. Should I expect DDR3 ram to increase in price with increased demand? And maybe I should have mentioned that I don't plan on using this rig for gaming (at least not for current-gen games), so having extreme performance was never at the top of my list per se; I just want something reliable with components that won't be abandoned any time soon should they need replacing (like RAM). It's more of a production computer, I guess.. graphics/video editing and the like. Still, what you offer is a good standard by which I can judge whatever I decide to purchase - I'll take your advice to heart. and hey, warranties: there's something I hadn't thought of. They'd probably serve me well for saving money. And I didn't know evga had lifetime warranties. I'll definitely be looking out for their products. muchas gracias.
  5. Theme of Love for Guitar Duet: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01882/ Chillout: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01175/ (quintessential chill remix imo) Evoking the Dawn: http://kngi.org/mirrors/FF4/Act%203%20-%20Redemption/3-07%20Evoking%20the%20Dawn%20(The%20Prelude)%20[bogusRed].mp3 Teardrinker: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00786/
  6. I'm looking to build myself a desktop again, and I'm trying to build it as future proof as possible, for at least a few years, while on a budget. Basically, I want something that I can upgrade in the next 1-3 years without having to replace the motherboard: CPU, graphics, etc. - so that maybe I can save money now and replace as I get funds to spare. My main question is, am I better off going with AMD, whose AM3 CPUs seem to be compatible in AM2/+ boards, or should I go with Intel? And if I go with Intel: 775, or which other socket? Obviously, I realize that if I go with one of the i5/i7 sockets, I'll have to start out with an expensive CPU... so maybe Intel isn't the way to go? Perhaps more importantly, then, what motherboard do you recommend? Definitely thinking PCIe, though SLi/Crossfire aren't that important to me. A few PCI slots would be nice. Onboard graphics is a plus. Should I stick with DDR2 ram (has the price on DDR2 ram gone up or is that just me?) or go for DDR3? And since I'm looking to upgrade in the future anyway, maybe I'll pick up a cheaper CPU now and get a better one in the future. IDK. If so, what's a decent cheaper CPU? How does Athlon II X2 compare to Pentium Dual Core? I appreciate any advice. edit: right now I'm inclined to go with AMD. Their lower Phenom II offerings seem like really good deals, and the Athlon IIs seem to be pretty ok too.
  7. These are all ok except.. Maybe you could just stick it at the beginning (or maybe the end) of the track, so it doesn't interfere with the music? I don't think anybody's going to open up your files in audacity and remove it (out of laziness and fear of quality loss) or take it to a program like mp3cut. It's better than adding them as separate files (this message actually stands a chance at being heard - would I really transfer a 10 second advertisment to my mp3 player?). If you put it at the end, I don't think people will find it worth their time to edit it out of the file (I would personally just skip to the next track if my player was handy) and it will serve as a nag/reminder that there is a paid version available. er, of course, overlaying it would be a better motivator for me (and probably anyone) to go and pay for the regular version, though.. maybe I just want to have my (free) cake (and it eat too) too much.
  8. Blah, he says the same thing I do: mini OS (though I think my idea of handing off Chrome to the main OS hasn't been discussed yet). I need a blog (again). If only wireless carriers didn't charge so much for tethering or data-only plans for laptop modems... maybe Google should consider selling their own USB/expresscard modem that offers cheap mobile broadband access or offer some sort of solution for accessing their cloud when on the go (similar to how the Kindle come with free access to the internet to download books (or does it?)). If only.. well, I can think of a lot of those if only statements, because I don't think the status quo is ready for this kind of cloud transition either.
  9. Yeah, it's a neat concept.. but it's not practical for me (either). I'll probably appreciate the development of Chrome resulting from the development of the OS more than the OS itself. IMO, for most users I think this would best be suited as being complimentary to/integrated into a larger OS. Make it a sort of pit stop along the way to loading the more powerful OS (which you can choose not to load up if you don't need to use desktop-focused applications in your session), and then transfer your Chrome OS session into a Chrome browser loaded in the more powerful OS. Like the video on the main Google blog post suggests, most people turn on their computer and want to get to the internet as fast as possible -- that's true, but it's not like I don't want to do other things too. Regardless, standards compliance will mean a lot if this browser gone OS were to be a success... which, if I may predict, won't be the case. Except Google has stated that it will support only certain reference hardware.. at least from what I gathered, I don't think you'll be able to put it on just any computer.
  10. It's haunting and beautiful. Though I think The sustain and reverb are a bit much at times. Some of the notes in the lower register are not coming across clearly or are dominating the sound. Or is this live? I can't be sure... I get the live sense with the sound of some of the higher notes.
  11. I think omitting the intro chords helps this from sounding like yet another ice cap zone remix, or... YAICZR(M) (I mean larry keeps pounding in the whole ReMix capitalization). I dig the concept, building on the ice cap zone melody and progression, turning it into something I can sit down and completely and sanely zone out to. And I find it ironic that a source tune whose title alludes to such a cold thing has not spawned more chill/relaxed offspring. If they could all sound this relaxing, let there be procreation.
  12. I have no quarrel with controversial, fictional games. Games like Manhunt are fine to me... and you can push the envelope as far as you want with them (though inevitably you'll go beyond my tastes, and that's alright) but there are issues when video games deal with non-fiction. I think the problem is that the “video game” as it is today is not an appropriate medium for handling delicate, controversial, and non-fictional issues, especially modern/present non-fictional issues, since video games are used primarily as a source of entertainment through doing – passing on information would be secondary or tertiary in the experience. A medium like literature is more acceptable for controversy because one of its primary purposes is to pass on information from one person to another; any entertainment would stem from the interest and imagination within the reader. You suggest rebranding, but a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. You have to change the rose and make its thorns as prominent as its simple beauty and alluring aroma. If I played a game about battles in Fallugah/Fellujah as a means of learning about them (I really don't know very much about the details of the war and specific battles), I don't want to feel entertained while doing so – I don't think war is entertaining and I don't think any of the parties involved in war think so either. If I read a book about it/them... I would be spared the awkwardness and I'd probably learn more than a video game could teach me anyway. The same can be applied to any controversial topic.. going back to Manhunt, if Jeffrey Dahmer were the protagonist of a video game depicting his life, I'd have to feel disgusted with myself (by the end, at least; most serial killers don't feel guilty or indifferent during the kill I imagine, and this could, in fact, be a way of adding an extra element of realism to the story of Dahmer or any killer). However, I don't think that's doable through a video game. You say evolve but imply maturation; I actually think the video game genre would need to evolve (and change form) to be able to function appropriately in this way. We'll see... BTW, like always, I really like the delivery. Very interesting to watch - you express your views eloquently and use the visual medium to your advantage in great ways.
  13. It's really bass heavy... kinda sounds muddy to me because what is in the higher registers is quiet in comparison. Also, for a 6:47 minute work, you'd need about 3:30 (24) minutes of something related to Guile's theme for source dominance. As it stands, you say there's 1:00-3:00, only 2 minutes; plus the way it's structured doesn't make the source dominant in this work - it doesn't sound really present at all after 3:00. As it stands, it doesn't seem passable. But that can be changed with a little bit of restructuring (post 3:00 - i think that breakdown idea is good but you should probably find a way to get back to Guile's theme) and remastering.
  14. Stoked... listening through it now.
  15. That stinks. I think it's often a matter of ego... maybe they felt threatened by your creativity. That isn't to say their ideas aren't valid... I remember Imagery's short critique of my first submission to this competition. I was kind of taken aback by what he had said about a stream of consciousness work I whipped up, but in all fairness, he had good reasons to criticize my work. I'm not trying to say I'm infallible or anything, but that I understand, or at least can understand by extension. Voting... I will try. I think. Maybe. just not this week, I've a million things going on and I should not even be posting here (but it's the only thing that I can focus long enough on doing...).
  16. Hey, this isn't bad. It mostly feels like it's building up to something big and dirty (up until 1:28 ). For that reason, I feel like the breakdown is out of place. Needs something... like a wall of sound. The original is pretty sparse, and you've done a lot with it already, but it needs something at 1:28. You introduce a lot of ideas... maybe find a way to combine them together for a sort of climax.
  17. Ha, I was going through my old download folder and happened upon (what now appears to have been) a WIP of this. It's an amazing treat to hear the final version. Successor of Fate is probably the only thing I took away from HoD (other than the fact that the A/B castle system was a huge headache until I figured it out towards the end)...this puts a smile on my face (and makes me forget all my castle qualms). 5 singed skulls... this thing is smoking. (wtf, Bahamut used the word qualm too... I didn't even read what... never mind)
  18. it's your birthday? i don't even have a gift..maybe a wip lying around.. maybe. nah, i won't be evil. a happy birthday to you, indeed.
  19. I too think it's got a good sound right now. You adapted it perfectly to this style, and I like it. I listened to it a few times and couldn't really notice anything wrong with it (but everyone is always their own worst critic, lol). I eagerly look forward to the next revision.
  20. hey, I like it. Good vocals, great energy, good lyrics, its own charm... need to get it in my car asap, I know it'll make long rides seem so much shorter.
  21. Are there more hours per day in this Korea place? ...
  22. Whether 14 million times, 25 billion times, or 1.3530 * 10^(10^50395209632) times, I'm pretty sure I'll always like a new take on MM2 Wily. Wee. I am digging the fast pacing, however you completely abandon the slower, pensive mood you use to introduce the piece. I feel somewhat unsatisfied hearing this work end (and I like the ending) without at any point revisiting that original, more deliberate and less chaotic mood. What do you want to say with the contrast of slow/steady and hectic? I think you should elaborate on your story. And I think this piece stands out pretty well. Kind of reminds me of both Blue.Nocturne's Dr. Wily Symphonic (which took a "fairly" conservative approach to this source although yes, it is orchestrated, and I think this remix is not too conservative) and dhsu's A Clockwork Vampire (which is like 90-100% melodically similar to its source, but with modified harmonies, and on piano too). I think right now it may have a chance, if made less mechanical with a pianist playing it live. (I think with a pianist it'll reach the panel but it's still a matter of judging.) Cool. Anyway, as a sidenote... are there any remixes here in sonata allegro form? I've been wondering for a while. Maybe it's a matter of length, ...raising the max submission filesize might take care of that.
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